Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pray for Japan

I'm getting more and more depressed everyday reading/watching/listening to all the updates on the situation in Japan. :(

Here's a list of donation channels to help with the earthquake relief. Please help if you can. Even if it's a little. If you don't have a credit card, try asking your parents, relatives or other adults you're close to to help you donate using their card and pay them back in cash! I plan to donate once I get my pay at the end of the month.

That said, I'm putting this blog a short hiatus till the situation in Japan gets better. Not that it's going be of any help but I'm just not in the mood to squeal over otome games when my favourite country is getting screwed over, not once but numerous times consecutively, by acts of Nature.

Also, to all those people who said things like it's "divine retribution" and other insensitive comments of the like, just...go away. =/

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