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Storyline 2
Kurumi reminds Delta about the letter Luca delivered but was completely ignored. So she asked Evans about it instead, and he said it's probably from his family or friend.
That was Kurumi's shocked response. XD
Evans was like "Of course! Only one though. I respect Professor (Delta) but I'm not his friend. I'm his assistant." He said that Delta is a person who cares for his friends, and is in fact looking for ways (via Science of course) to help break the curse placed on his friend. (Omg really. That means I've wronged him in Storyline 1 then. Gomenasaiii!!!)
Evans then told Kurumi a little about this "friend", which triggered my Leon-rabu and made me feel a little sad that he won't be able to break his curse in Delta's route.
Kurumi commented that if it's a curse, she would think that magic should be used to break it instead of Science. Evans agreed and said it'd probably be faster to ask his family. Upon hearing that, Kurumi deduced that Evans' family must be in the magic business (whatever that is) and said that it explains why Evans is so good in magic.
However, to her surprise, Evans replied "No I'm not." in this cold tone and looked at her coldy. Yup. THIS GUY HAS AN URA. (Actually this is not the first time he acted this way. I just didn't mention it previously because this is suppose to be about Delta.) Kurumi was puzzled at his reaction, but before she could say anything else, Evans reverted to his usual genki self and said he was just joking.
For the next few minutes, Evans kept going genki-black-genki-black like some PMS-sy woman, making Kurumi all confused aha. More when I talk about his route.
So after this scene, it was pretty much the same as Storyline 1 until Delta tried to force himself on her in the lab. For this storyline, Kurumi straight out told him that she can obey his command to say she love him, and even call him "master" but she won't be able to really love him if so. Again, she tried to explain the concept of "love" to Delta and said that if he keeps thinking the way he is thinking i.e. unconditional love from a "doll" to her owner, he will never ever understand true love blah blah blah. Then she confessed and said she likes Delta but Delta being the usual Delta was like "What do you mean by 'suki'? Explain in logical terms." zzz.
Kurumi said there're things that cannot be explained by logic in this world, and started to argue with Delta. Delta asked her whether she knows about this "love" thing then. Kurumi said yes, and proceeded to demonstrate it by kissing Delta woo so enthusiastic.
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Nevertheless, Delta remained un-enlightened, and he was like "TEACH ME LOVE". So then both of them had a little kissing session because kiss is one of the expressions of love etc etc. Heh.
At the end of it, Delta was like "Yes, I think I feel something. Interesting..." which made Kurumi feel a little hopeful that he will come to understand the true meaning of "love" someday.
(( Where is Love ))
Ever since Kurumi confessed, Delta has been sticking to her like glue. XD One day while she was cooking, Delta stood behind her to watch her every move, which made her feel uncomfortable and asked him to just wait in the dining room. But he said that he's observing her cooking, which made her puzzled since he has watched her cook many times.
Delta said he's waiting for the moment she puts in "love" into the dish awww lol. XD
So Kurumi finishes cooking and the following ensued:
Oh Delta. He was like "You didn't put any 'love' in Evans' omelette right?" XD
(( Sleep Together ))
So Kurumi entered her bedroom to prepare to turn in for the night, and Robo was on her bed waiting for her. Robo signaled to her that it wanted to sleep together with Kurumi, and she was like "Ok! :D" and just when they were about to turn in, Delta's voice came out from somewhere and Kurumi spotted him through the door crack waaa. ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
Delta saw how close Robo was to Kurumi and got jealous, giving Kurumi a disapproving look. Kurumi said Robo was a present from Delta, and it's natural for her to want to treasure it. This triggered the tsun in Delta who went 「違う。別に君のために作ったわけではない」 (I swear the 「別に~じゃない」 structure is created for tsunderes) and Kurumi pretended to be upset, making him go *gulp* and started fumbling for words. XD
Later Delta voiced his disapproval of Kurumi and Robo sleeping together. Kurumi said that it's not like Robo is a man. In fact, it's more like sleeping with a doll than a human. Delta said he doesn't understand why humans do that i.e. sleep with dolls. Kurumi replied that it's so that one doesn't get lonely and to protect themselves from obake. Delta said that since this is makai, there shouldn't be any "obake" from the human world, and Kurumi was like "Um, obake are creatures that creep into the human world from makai???" lol. Delta said he has never heard of "obake" and asked whether Kurumi met any and she was like "If you are talking about creatures that look obake-ish, then...yes." Hearing that, Delta dragged her into his room and said she'll sleep there from now as his room has better magical protection which will keep her safe from "obake". Then he turned to leave but Kurumi stopped him and asked him if he isn't going to sleep as well. Delta replied that he sleeps in his lab. Hearing that, Kurumi insisted that he sleeps properly and dragged him into bed. He protested and the following cute argument ensued:
Fancy Delta saying "iya da". XD
Anyway, he gave up in the end. Or rather, he pretended to. Just when Kurumi let go of him, he dashed out of bed and made the beeline for the door. Unfortunately for him, Kurumi is smarter than that. Turns out Robo was stationed outside the room, and when Kurumi shouted for her to catch Delta, she made a grab for Delta's legs and caused him to crash onto the floor.
Ouch. ( *´艸`)クスッ♪
Kurumi was like "Good job, Robo!" and dragged Delta back to bed again haha. THIS WOMAN GOT SPIRIT. I LIKE.
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In order to calm him down, Kurumi stroked his hair and kissed him on the forehead kyaa. Delta was like "Don't treat me like a cat!" but eventually gave in, and asked Kurumi to sleep with him. :D
(( Girl Friend ))
One day, Kurumi went out shopping with Evans. After buying the usual stuff, Evans said he's gonna buy some snacks, and gave Kurumi some money to spend since she's not coming with him (she's deathly afraid of Evans' freaky makai snacks). So Kurumi walked around the marketplace, looking for things to buy. Suddenly she bumped into Luca who showed her the stuff he has on sale. Just as Kurumi was looking at the candies, she heard someone's excited voice from behind her and tada! It's Ashe!
Both girls ended up befriending each other (kinda). ^^
Back at the house, Kurumi told Delta about the encounter. However, Delta was in a supremely bad mood because he didn't like that 1. Kurumi went out shopping with Evans alone and 2. Kurumi so readily made friends with someone whom she just met and yet put a distance between himself and her. Kurumi asked him why he's so angry but he refused to say. Instead, he asked her to become his "thing" and proceeded to pin her onto the bed and kiss her. Iyaaa not raep again please.
Thank god it wasn't. Kurumi said that she does like him but Delta said he doesn't want aimai kotoba. Kurumi said she loves Delta so she doesn't want to become his "thing". She doesn't want Delta to like her because she's a "doll" but instead love her as she is, Kurumi. She said that if Delta truly like her this way, then she'd gladly let him "embrace" her. Delta doesn't understand why it's so important to have this feeling. Then he stopped what he was doing and said that he's been troubled by the undefinable emotions growing within him and thought that he could eliminate them by having his way with her. Kurumi asked him what these feelings are...
Hearing his reply, she realised that he probably likes her too and asked him whether he does, but he couldn't answer because he himself is unable to identify the feelings inside him. Kurumi said it's probably the same as the "like" she has for him, but he denied that, saying that his emotions is far more intense, dark and painful, compared to the calm and gentle emotion she's displaying. Kurumi said it's the same nonetheless. Delta asked her to explain the meaning of "like" and Kurumi told him there's no meaning to these feelings, and if he wants, they will explore together, and as time goes by, she's sure that "like" will slowly turn into "love" - the thing he wants so badly to know about. (Godammit translating these sentences makes me feel like I'm writing some cheesy love songs mattaku.) To that, Delta remained perplexed, but eventually accepted what she said with a gentle smile.
(( Talking Robo ))
Next morning, Kurumi woke up to Robo talking to her. She was surprised and Robo said that Delta drew the face for her.
UGGH ROBO IS SO CUTE!!! It even knows how to tease Delta. XD
Delta was so embarrassed that he covered Robo with the futon to shut her up. (The image conjoured in my mind greatly amuses me.) XD
(( Library ))
One day, Delta got Kurumi to assist him in his "research" work. After finishing all the tasks, he got her to return the books to the library. There Kurumi met Evans who was about to take a nap and asked her to help him pick a book for him to use as a pillow gahaha. Later, Kurumi struggled to return a book to the topmost level of the shelf. Suddenly, Delta appeared from behind to help her.
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Cliche really. But it's cute. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this romantic cliche. ♥
After the book was returned, both of them started to icha-icha and eventually starting kissing kyaa. Kurumi tried to stop Delta since Evans was sleeping nearby but he doesn't, saying that it's alright so long she doesn't make a loud noise.
It was so funny listening to Delta going "See, even Evans says so... Eh?" hahaha.
Evans, of course, started teasing them, and Delta retaliated by asking him why he isn't doing research like he is supposed to. Evans was like "oops" and Delta told him to do up a report of everything he has read from beginning to now by the end of the day. Evans panicked and was like "Please forgive meee!!!" and Delta told him only if he forgets what he saw just now.
Evans was like "Uwawawa!!! I'll forget it, I'll forget it!!!" and ran out of the library. XD
...and Delta was like "Alrighty. Let's continue." *kiss somemore* woo.
(( Finally ))
Days after the library incident, Evans met Kurumi and told her that he thinks Delta's research is not going too well. Later, Kurumi asked Delta about it. He said that the research is going on fine, but he feels that he is losing interest and passion for it. Instead of hankering after the universe, he finds himself preferring to deal with the little things in everyday life. Kurumi said she thinks it's fine too but Delta said that his lineage as a high-ranking akuma and aspiration for Science does not permit such thoughts for normalcy. Then he got increasingly agitated, saying that Kurumi does not understand how much he longed to experience the universe.
Next thing, he dragged Kurumi into his room and tried to force himself on her again. (Third time and counting.) He was like "Please, please become mine." and his tone was so forlorn and desperate that Kurumi didn't had the heart to resist him, and so they did it.
Full course. BJ and 69 included. All through the night. Woo. XD
Next morning, Kurumi woke up and was like *blushhh*, recalling what happened yesterday. Then Robo appeared wearing a wig made by Delta lol. Like Robo's smiling face, the wig was modeled after Kurumi's hair texture. Cute. Suddenly, Delta rushed into the room shouting "I SAID NOT TO TELL!" and started scolding Robo. Kurumi commented that Delta seems to really dote on Robo but he denied it. Nevertheless, he continued his fatherly tirade, saying things like Robo isn't learning properly because Kurumi dotes on her too much.
Gradually Kurumi and Delta got into a mero-mero mood and were just about to kiss when Kurumi noticed that Robo was staring at them excitedly. Delta was like "NOT ALLOWED TO SEE" and shoved her into the futon gahaha. Domestic violence. XD
(( Strange ))
One day after Kurumi served dinner, Delta noticed a plaster on her finger. She explained that it's because she accidentally cut herself while preparing for dinner. Delta immediately told one of the maids to ask the cook to take over the cooking. Kurumi was perplexed. Delta said that it would not do to have her get injured again. Kurumi told him it's just a small cut but he said even the smallest cut can cause the computer to breakdown blah blah blah robot talk here we go again. This made Kurumi got a little =/ because she couldn't understand why Delta still sees her as a robot despite all that has happened between them recently. Or rather, he seemed to be pretending that he doesn't know she's a living thing.
Few days later, Kurumi noticed that Delta seemed to not be getting enough sleep. However, whenever she asks him about it, he'd say he's okay. Finally one day, Kurumi woke up in the middle of the night to see Robo trying to stop Delta from reading under the moonlight and getting him to sleep, and Delta ended up fainting from exhaustion while trying to chase Robo out of the room.
It happens that Delta has been doing some serious studying so that he can "repair" Kurumi if she ever "breaks down".
When Delta woke up, he immediately wanted to start studying again. Kurumi tried to stop him but he remained stubborn. Kurumi then started crying, thinking that it's her fault that Delta is like this. Because she didn't try hard enough to make him understand she's a living thing, not a robot, and instead let him be misled till the way he is now. Kurumi told him she's a "human". Delta says he understands but Kurumi says he doesn't and slit her wrist with a paper knife to show that she's made of flesh and blood. Whoa hardcore.
Delta was shocked and shouted at her for hurting herself. Kurumi shouted back and said that it's because he won't acknowledge that she's a living human. Finally Delta blurted 「こんなことをして、死んでしまったらどうする!そんなことになったら・・・・・・私は・・・・・・私は・・・・・・!!」 before proceeding to heal her wound with his healing powers. Kurumi was like "!!!" because she noticed he said "die" and not "breakdown". Delta confessed to her that he has already realised she's a living thing but he didn't want to face the fact because he knows that feelings of living things change and he's afraid that Kurumi's feelings for him will change. He didn't think that it will end up hurting her so much. Then he apologised and asked if Kurumi still likes him, and Kurumi was like "Of course!"
No, no yet because we need to have BIG CRISIS first.
Days later, Kurumi met Ashe at the marketplace again. She told her about Delta, and Ashe gave her a sad look and told her that akumas can live up to thousands of years. Meaning that Kurumi will die waaay before Delta even gets his first strand of white hair blah blah blah you get the drift. Ashe said it'd probably be better if Kurumi returns to the human world and forget about Delta instead of having to suffer emotionally later when she grows old while Delta remains the same way as he looks now. Kurumi replied that she can't do it. To that Ashe asked "Not even if I say I can help you return to the human world?" but Kurumi's answer remained the same. Ashe then smiled and said she's glad that Kurumi replied the way she did and revealed that she's just trying to see how deep is her love for Delta. Then she told her to look for her if she needs any help.
(( Doll ))
Later she went back and told Delta about it. Delta said he has a few ways to solve this problem, one of which was to turn Kurumi into a fudging cyborg like wtf.
Kurumi was alarmed at the thought of Delta cyborg-ing her and gave the excuse that she can't stand pain. But Delta was like "No worries! Imma get the merchant (i.e. Luca) to get me some anesthetic." eeks.
Turns out he was just joking.
Okay never mind.
Anyways, what he really had in mind was to perform some spell with the help of Evans. I'm not really sure what but I guess some method to allow Kurumi to remain youthful and live as long as akumas can. However Evans said that it's not feasible because the spell will break if he moves too far away from Kurumi. However, he said that it may work if they just work the magic on Kurumi's soul. This involves moving Kurumi's soul to a more permanent "vessel" (anyone get the TV reference here) like a doll, though the best would be a corpse (wtf). Delta was like "Alrighty. I will get a corpse prepared." while Evans was like "No problemo. I will make the corpse look exactly like Kurumi with my magic!" as if they were about to cook a dish. Kurumi was horrified and said "NO I RATHER DOLL OR ROBOT" aha.
Evans said that whatever it is, they would need to make arrangements with the heaven and get to the maou's permission before it can be done because it involves taking Kurumi's soul which belongs to God. So trouble trouble~
Later Kurumi met up with Ashe and told her about their problem. Seeing Kurumi's determination, Ashe told her she will help to talk to the maou. Kurumi was puzzled at her declaration but dismissed it, thinking that Ashe is probably an acquaintance of the maou or something. OH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. XD
Days later, a letter addressed to Kurumi was delivered to the house.
The letter came with a bunch of blue roses. Evans was like "Wow blue roses is it rabu letter"?, and this made Delta think it's from Leon ahaha. XD
Delta started to get agitated, thinking that Leon somehow got to know about Kurumi's presence and is trying to hit on her ahaha. You have no idea how much I wish it really was so. XD But it's not. It's a letter from the maou granting permission for Kurumi to stay in makai and undergo the ceremony required to make her part of the akuma species!
Upon hearing that, Evans was like yaaay and jumped on Kurumi, but was stopped by Delta who smacked his head lolol. The manzai guys in action again. XD I love how Evans was like (・へ・) when he was smacked. XD
So that was resolved and Delta and Evans immediately set out to work on making the "doll".
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Oooh pretty.
Much to Kurumi's (and my) surprise, the doll was super well done and looks just like Kurumi.
Turns out they ordered a professional to make a
Then there was this funny scene where Delta asks Kurumi to tell him if there're any parts that need adjustment, and Kurumi noted that the boobs were larger and waist was smaller than hers but decided to keep quiet about it hahaha. XD
(( Itazura ))
One fine day, Kurumi, Evans and Robo moved the doll out of Delta's room to do some "maintenance" while Delta was out. Kurumi brushed its hair and Evans painted its nails wtf. XD
After they were done, Evans decided to have some fun and used his magic to get Robo to possess the doll and dragged Kurumi to hide in the cupboard to see whether Delta will recognise that it's a fake when he comes in. OF COURSE HE WILL ROBOTTO SOUNDS SO DIFFERENT FROM KURUMI.
Then Delta came in, sees the doll and go "There you are, Kurumi." wuuut. He proceeded to sit the doll on his lap and started to touch her. なんかエロいなおい。 Meanwhile in the cupboard, Evans was like "Omg omg he's touching her!!!" while Kurumi started sulking because Delta couldn't tell the difference lol. XD
But it turns out that Delta knew it was the doll all along.
"Even if the outside looks the same, it still won't do if the inside is different."
Damn right.
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Kurumi then revealed herself and demanded Delta to explain why he did what he just did when he knew the doll wasn't her. He said it's because she doesn't allow him to sit her on his lap, so he decided to do it with the doll haha. Kurumi said she never said she didn't like it. It's just because Delta says ijiwaru stuff. So Delta said "Okay, so it's fine if I don't say ijiwaru stuff?" and proceeded to sit her on his lap kyaa. Then both of them started to get all mushy mushy, and suddenly we hear Evans sobbing from the cupboard (saying how unfair it is that Delta is the only one who gets to be shiawase) and Robo consoling him lol.
Tell me that does not make you go "awww". XD
(( All Set ))
Finally Delta announced to Kurumi that they will conduct the "soul-shifting" ceremony on akatsuki no ban, the night where "miracles occur" i.e. the night where akumas' powers are boosted and enable them to do things they normally can't achieve i.e. increase the chance of the ceremony's success.
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Fast-forward to the actual day, Delta and Kurumi stayed in Delta's room. Delta told Kurumi not to worry. That he will make the ceremony a success. However, both of them knew that it isn't absolute for the spell is usually performed on a dying or dead human's soul, and no one really knows for sure if it'd work on a healthy living human. Delta then hugged her. Kurumi started wondering if this would be the last time, and Delta told her to have faith and to pray about meeting him again, so that the moon will lend its power to her.
Then Kurumi told Delta to look away, and proceeded to take off her clothes, before asking Delta to look at her again. She wanted him to see her in her human form the last time. The mood was so intense and sad. If I hadn't been using a guide, I'd probably be even more emotional, not knowing which ending I'll be getting. T_T
Finally Kurumi requested Delta to embrace her one last time in her human form, and so they made love. So effing beautiful. See? You can do a R18 story without making it all raepy and shit.
Finally finally, it's akatsuki no ban, and everyone went outside to the garden for the ceremony. Evans told Kurumi that he won't be able to help after her soul moves to the doll, so it's up to her to hold on to her will and consciousness.
Then the ceremony began...
Good Ending
The ceremony was a success and Kurumi became a doll!
With a new "body", she had difficulties moving herself in the beginning but soon got used to it. She also discovered that she somehow can't make nice omelettes like she used to, which made Evans very sad. XD (Kurumi suspected that Delta did something funny during the ceremony haha.)
So while she was fighting to make omelettes, Delta came in and asked her to bring his food to his room as he wants to work on some research...which is to make love to her iyaan. Kurumi was like nooo because Evans said must wait till her soul settles down fully into the new body blah blah but who the f**k cares right heh.
Suddenly Evans rushed in to stop them, and chided Delta for not listening to what he said i.e. wait. Delta was annoyed and asked him exactly how much longer, and Evans was like *gulp* ahaha. SOMEONE IS OBVIOUSLY LYING. XD However, instead of blowing up, Delta only smiled, and said in that case, he can finally say it.
Simple and to-the-point phrases like "suki da" and "kekkon shiyou" always make me go awww. ^^
On the side, Evans was like "Ehhhhhh!!!" and Robo was like "Omedetou desu~!!" XD
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Then they got married and lived happily ever after.
With Robotto as their child!
Well, I do find Delta unexpectedly fitting of the father's role.
Papa Delta. ♥
Oh, and Kurumi decided to name Robo "Aobara Hime", based on her favourite flower and the blue roses Ashe sent. ^^ She was really grateful for Ashe's help in getting the maou to let them perform the ceremony and her to stay in makai. In fact, she actually invited Ashe and her husband to her house without realising who Ashe is. As a result, Delta totally freaked out when he saw the maou. XD
Bad Ending
The ceremony...fails. Kurumi's soul rejects the new host and the doll disintegrates. Delta was horrified and shouted for Kurumi to stay. Oh man this scene broke my heart. :(
So Kurumi's soul leaves...and returns to the human world. She found herself back at the street where she was first transported to makai. Like in Leon's case, she doesn't remember anything about her time in makai. She doesn't remember Delta. Only difference is that Kurumi felt an overwhelming emptiness in her heart and started crying real hard without knowing why, although she got the feeling that she's missing something. Waa, poor Delta. T_T
What a strange guy.
Have wondered to myself in the middle of recapping the game: Did Delta read the Chobits manga and got the wrong idea about humans or something??? :P
I had expected myself to like Delta more since he's a magane character and his character design was interesting i.e. akuma interested in Science but he was just too strange in the beginning. That, plus his PMS mood swings were a major wtf. I mean, he changes mood too suddenly and it just didn't make any sense, as evident by the wtf feeling I get as I typed out the story. Like what the hell I'm not making any sense. I kept reading the explanations for his behaviour over and again to convince myself that they make sense and justify his actions.
Fortunately, both storylines got better towards the later part. Delta's tsundere-ness also helped to save myself from completely giving up on him. (The rose scene was my favouritest scene.) I think he'd have been more adorable if he didn't had those odd moments and PMS mood swings. Of course, some oddity would have been amusing. Like how he reacted to the flames that appeared when Kurumi poured the alcohol into the cooking pan. But I think they overdid certain parts, like in the beginning. And you know, first impression counts. At least it affects my enthusiasm to carry on with the game.
I think most of my favourite scenes in Delta's routes were those with Leon in it
When it comes to comparing both storylines, I personally prefer Storyline 2 for its lack of raep scenes. However, in terms of ending, I prefer Storyline 1 because I'd rather Delta become "human" than Kurumi become a doll. It creeps me out to think Delta will be making out with a
In short, while I had reservations about Delta's character and story in the beginning, everything got much better towards the second half so I ended up liking him after all. :)
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