Storyline 2
In this route, Kurumi rejects Leon, saying that she has decided to sacrifice her virgin body to akatsuki to break his curse and save him. Leon protested but Kurumi stood firm by her decision.
How dramatic. *watches intensely while chewing on popcorn*
Here Leon realise that he's in love with Kurumi and he cannot bring himself to use her to break his curse anymore. :)
Well, in short, Kurumi is not letting Leon do her. So they ended up compromising and did it the alternative way. If you get what I mean. (If you don't, never mind.)
Oh, and Kurumi was the one who initiated it. 以外と大胆なヒロインです!(*ノノ)キャー
They almost went all the way though. But Kurumi stopped Leon before he went further. It was like "NO." "Why?" "Because you can't." "Why?" "I don't want to regret." "..." Oh you two. T_T
Next morning while Kurumi was cooking in the kitchen, she heard Leon yelling "KURUMI!!! WHERE ARE YOOOU?!?!?! WHEREEE?!?!?!" in a panicky voice. I was all "awww" when I heard that. :3
When he finally found her, he hugged her tightly and said he thought she has disappeared to somewhere. Oh Leon-sama. ;_; Of course Kurumi told him she's staying by his side and not going anywhere (until THE DAY that is).
Also, despite Kurumi not allowing Leon's *beep* to go anywhere near her *beep*, both of them still indulge in physical pleasure every night. How? With fingers and mouth of course. (/∀\*))キャハ♪"
((( Jealousy )))
One day Leon was reading a book to Kurumi (OMG AN ORESAMA READING A BOOK TO SOMEONE AHAHAHA) who said she would love to listen to more. Leon told her he has a lot in his library and he can read all of them to him if she wishes. Kurumi was like "god knows how much time it'd take" and at the mention of "time", Leon got depressed. T_T Seeing that, Kurumi quickly changed the topic by talking to him about herself and her life in the human world.
Halfway through, she brought up Homura's name and told Leon that he's the guy who gave her the blue rose necklace, smiling while she touched it lovingly, thinking of how it was because of the necklace that she was able to meet Leon.
However, Leon thought Kurumi's smile was directed towards her thoughts for Homura and got pissed off. XD Kurumi quickly figured out the reason behind his behaviour and asked if he's jealous and of course, tsundere oresamas will NEVER ever admit that they are jealous. (Not the first time anyway.)
Leon was like "NO I'M NOT JEALOUS DON'T BE STUPID", to which Kurumi got all sadface, making him gulp before muttering 「や、やいているのだと言ったらどうする」 kyaaa omg SO CUTE!!!!!!
To add on to Leon's frustration, Kurumi actually failed to catch his words and was like "Huh? What did you say?", making him go "dammit" before yelling 「やいているのだ!!文句があるか!!」 ahaha.
This scene never fails to make me smile whenever I replay it from the memories. :D
((( Warning )))
Time for Eins to appear and say annoying stuff wtf. Though I have to admit his intentions were purer this time. He told her if she plans to sacrifice herself to break Leon's curse, then it's best if she doesn't get too close to Leon. He asked her to think about how Leon would feel being left behind alone after Kurumi sacrifice herself for him. The more attached they become to each other, the more painful it would be for Leon later on. As such, it'd be in his best interest if Kurumi were to distance herself away from him.
This was further proven later when Leon confessed to Kurumi that he used to be perfectly fine with being alone until he met her. However, after falling in love with her, he has come to know the meaning of loneliness. The reason why he rejected everyone around him before was because his parents died while he was young, leaving him with a large inheritance and suddenly people whom claimed to be his relatives started to come forward and swarm around him in an attempt to grab/steal/cheat a share out of it. Poor thing. T_T
Anyway, Kurumi felt that Eins was right and decided to sneak out during the night while Leon was sleeping (she has been sleeping with Leon in his room ever since that fateful night kyaa) and get Eins to hide her somewhere until akatsuki no ban.
(Un)fortunately, Leon caught Kurumi slipping out of bed! Seems like he wasn't really asleep. Maybe he sensed something amiss earlier on idk but ugh, the hurt in his voice made my heart squeeze. T_T
The 「嘘をつくな」 was sooo~~~!!! T_T
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The conversation that ensued between them was sooo sad. I think I must have cried at least a little (don't remember since it was so damn long ago). Kurumi kept asking Leon to let go of her but he was like "NO I WON'T DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE." Kurumi told Leon she's leaving him because she does not want to make him cry and to this he says "If I let you go now, I'll cry. If you don't want to make me cry then don't go." gaaah. CHOTTO WHAT IS THIS TRAGIC STORY ISN'T THIS A SEXY 18+ OTOME GAME??? *pulls a bunch of tissues from tissue box and weeps into them*
In the end Kurumi gave up and cried in Leon's arms. WHO WOULD HAVE THE HEART TO LEAVE HIM AFTER ALL HE HAS SAID. That'd be like asking me to abandon a cute little white kitten out in a pouring rain. He asked Kurumi whether it's because of something that yandere
Awww. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛キャッキャッ It's so funny how they already resolved the problem and Leon was like "By the way, it's really not because you hate me that you wanted to leave right?" hahaha. When Kurumi laughed, he was like "DON'T LAUGH! I'M SERIOUS. ANSWER ME." "I love you." "Oh. Well, I can say the same for you too." lol oh you tsundere. Unfortunately for him, our saikou heroine Kurumi refused to let it pass until he said it properly. XD
((( Racing Against Time )))
After that night, Leon started to actively look for other ways to break the curse so that Kurumi wouldn't have to sacrifice herself. Since akatsuki no ban is coming soon, there's not much time left so he was frequently out of the castle. Kurumi was sad that their time together is shortened as a result but she couldn't say anything since she knew it was all for her sake.
One day, Leon received rumours of white butterflies living in a forest far away and decided to make a trip there. Kurumi pretended to be okay with it but started crying after he left the room. Then suddenly Leon reappeared and said that he had a feeling she'd cry and came back. He asked her what's wrong and Kurumi begged him not to go anyway else and stay with her until akatsuki no ban. She says that if in the end he is still unable to find an alternative way to break the curse, it'd just be a waste of time. Time that could have been spent together. Seeing her crying form, Leon decided that if it's going to just make her sad, then he will stop his search and stay by her side till akatsuki no ban.
((( Snow )))
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One week before akatsuki no ban. Leon and Kurumi were out in the garden when it started snowing. In a moment of excitement, Kurumi let go of Leon's hand to dance in the snow. Suddenly Leon rushed forward to hug her. She asked him what's wrong and he said that for a moment she looked like a white butterfly ready to fly and disappear into the sky. THEN HE STARTED CRYING. OMG ORESAMA LEON STARTED CRYING CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. ウゥッ・・・(´;ω;`) And Kurumi started crying too. Not the BAAAWL kind of cry though. More of the "I love you too and I don't want to leave you either but let's be strong" kind of cry. (;ω;)
((( Dance )))
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Three days before akatsuki no ban. Leon gave Kurumi a beautiful silk dress that belonged to his mother. She changed into it and went to the hall, where Leon knelt down in front of her, kissed her hand and asked her to dance with him!!! Oh be still my heart. ♥
I can't find the words worthy enough to describe this but this is such an effing beautiful moment. You know, the moment of peaceful love between a couple who knows that they're heading straight towards tragedy kind of thing? Yeah. So tragically beautiful.
((( The Day )))
Finally THE DAY came. Leon opened the windows in his room, hoping for one last time that a white butterfly will appear. But none did. Only black ones. :(
Kurumi told Leon she wishes to go to the garden for a walk but he only hugged her tightly and shook his head. Ugh. T_T Finally at Kurumi's insistence, both of them went out to the garden to wait for the moment.
Right at the last moment, Leon started breaking down and raged, saying that he wished he had just "embraced" her regardless of her will so that she can stay beside him forever f**k the curse. But alas it's too late. By then, the moon has turned completely red and Kurumi started to float away. We see Leon trying to reach out for her while shouting for her not to go. Then the screen went white...
Good Ending
...and we are directed to a scene where Leon finishes reading a book to Kurumi!
Yes! The curse is broken and Leon is a changed man etc.
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For Kurumi, it turns out that after turning into a butterfly, she flew back into to Leon's arms to break the curse and evolved into a butterfly fairy herself!
With that, both of them are reunited. Then they got married and lived happily ever after. The end. ♥
P.S. They finally did it the normal way in the end yay.
Bad Ending
In the bad ending, Kurumi returns to the human world and doesn't remember anything about her time in the demon world. She forgot all about Leon!!! Noooooo. How cruel. She woke up in her classroom and thought she just went into a daze. However, she could somehow feel that someone was crying for her for some reason. Whyyyyyy. D:
LEON RABU!!! ♥♥♥
Oh man I love Leon so much. T_T Totally didn't expect it to happen. This guy is like the third on my Harem of Fame list (should really make a page for it) hurhur. Tsundere oresama banzai! \(^o^)/
Like Luca, we have two storylines for Leon, one (funny)sexy and one (bitter)sweet. I think both are awesome in their own ways though I personally prefer the sweet one a little more. Why? Because NO BITCH NATALIE. ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノワーイ!
By the way, they did it so many times in Storyline 1 that I'm surprised Kurumi never got pregnant. ( ̄□ ̄;)アセアセ..... In comparison, Storyline 2 is like one of the "cleanest" routes among all 18+ games I've ever played so far. I mean more than 3/4 way into the route, it's still just fingers and mouth. Whenever Leon asks to go all the way, Kurumi always refuses him and that forlorn tone in his reply would be sooo~~~ T_T
Also, though they never did say it in plain, I think it's clear that Leon was cursed by the Demon King (Leni?) for trying to kidnap Ashe. In Storyline 1, Ashe was able to see that Leon has become a changed man from her conversations with Kurumi. That's why she went to the Demon King and managed to persuade him to give the antidote. ;)
For the endings, good endings were...good. Standard stuff. Bad endings were...GAAAAAAH!!!!!! BITCH NATALIE GO DIE IN A FIRE!!! (●`皿´●) I swear I was sooo upset with the first bad ending. I remember being depressed about it for a few days after that and was going around telling my friends about it like "OMG YOU KNOW THAT BITCH BLAH BLAH BLAH." Ugh. Most hateable otome game (side) character of all times. The other ending was sad too but the first one made me SO ANGRY. I really wish there can be a fandisk (or at least a drama CD) to continue the story and reunite them but yeah, it's not going to happen I know. Sigh.
If I were Kurumi, I think I'd probably choose to save Leon instead of giving in to him...and then end up giving in later because I can't bear to leave him ehehe. *gets beaten up* Doesn't matter if the curse is not broken so long we can be together! Yeah selfish I know. But hey, we can always go look for white butterflies together!!! Or go to the Demon King to beg him to break the curse!
Oh yeah, and did you notice something about Leon's stories?
So that was that. Moving on to weirdo professor Delta next!
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