I think having an otome gaming blog really helps to discipline my gaming behaviour. I used to jump all over the place, flitting among dozen of games and putting several of them on hiatus. But now I’ve toned down considerably and only flit around between three games at most.
Anyway, back to the topic, finally down to the last character! Certainly helps that they only have like 2-4 endings per character (out of which only one is good ending wtf stingggy).
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So Karasuma is the owner of a cafe-cum-bar that the Crazy Rabbits frequent. However, the truth is that he's a super-rich obocchama who technically owns Usagiri Jimusho. Also, possibly as a result of his upbringing, he's a perfect gentlemen with good social etiquette (as shown in the party scene in Mission 3) and speaks fluent English (having studied in New York once). He often encourages Aoi when she's in one of her emo I-screwed-up-I'm-so-useless mode. And in fact, being the gentleman he is, he's the only person out of the four guys to have never insulted Aoi. He also has this therapeutic voice which is very nice to listen to. すごく癒される~~~ Oh, and his 「おいで」 is a killer. *melts*