I think having an otome gaming blog really helps to discipline my gaming behaviour. I used to jump all over the place, flitting among dozen of games and putting several of them on hiatus. But now I’ve toned down considerably and only flit around between three games at most.
Anyway, back to the topic, finally down to the last character! Certainly helps that they only have like 2-4 endings per character (out of which only one is good ending wtf stingggy).
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So Karasuma is the owner of a cafe-cum-bar that the Crazy Rabbits frequent. However, the truth is that he's a super-rich obocchama who technically owns Usagiri Jimusho. Also, possibly as a result of his upbringing, he's a perfect gentlemen with good social etiquette (as shown in the party scene in Mission 3) and speaks fluent English (having studied in New York once). He often encourages Aoi when she's in one of her emo I-screwed-up-I'm-so-useless mode. And in fact, being the gentleman he is, he's the only person out of the four guys to have never insulted Aoi. He also has this therapeutic voice which is very nice to listen to. すごく癒される~~~ Oh, and his 「おいで」 is a killer. *melts*
Other than that, he was basically just serving her food, coffee and alcohol throughout the game lol. His route was kind of bland to be honest. Nothing much really happens with him. In his good end route that is. As for the bad end... *coughs*
So, like, for the most part it was just Aoi visiting Blue Moon and Karasuma making nice cocktails for her. I find it ironic that while Aoi actually interacts with Karasuma in his route more often compared to with other guys in their respective routes, there were far less moe moments. Hmmm. Goes to show it's quality and not quantity that counts...right?
Lack of unique interesting events aside, I was quite disappointed that Karasuma didn't at least save Aoi from those gang raep guys in Mission 2. Unoya did instead what the hell??? Yeah. And in Mission 3, he continued to be helpless during the kidnapping scene. Meh. I thought maybe he'd actually grow some balls in his own route and beat the shit out of Tachibana or something. Instead, they were saved by Ginji, Unoya and Takumi. ダメだよ!!!乙女ゲームのヒーローは自分の好きな女を守れなくてどうする??? ヾ(。`Д´。)ノ Isn't it like a default rule for all bishies in otome games to be super good fighters in order to protect the heroine??? Or am I too idealistic??? XD
It then turns out that Karasuma has a heart condition. He fainted after the whole Tachibana thing was over and was sent to the hospital. Okay, so I guess that's why he was being so not-heroic all this time. HAAAH THEN DON'T CAST THIS TYPE OF CHARACTER IN THIS KIND OF GAME JESUS. =/
Good Ending
In the good end route, Aoi ended up hanging out with Shiranui as usual. She then brought him to Blue Moon (WHY WAS THERE WAS NO REACTION WHATSOEVER FROM KARASUMA UPON SEEING THEM???) and met Ginji and Erina. Ginji was being unusually tense and prickly towards Shiranui while Erina was her (his?) usual crazy self. After that when Aoi was about to leave with Shiranui, Erina just went "Eh so fast??? Then at least a sayonara hug~~~", glomped her and took the chance to whisper to her in the ear that "Psst Shiranui is a big bad wolf beware!!!" Then she (he?) planted a HUGE KISS on Aoi to prevent her from making too big a reaction and alerting Shiranui.
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This is where the epic CG finally came in hahaha. XD I still remember how everyone thought Erina was capture-able because of that CG. But! It's not impossible! If you visit the Crazy Rabbits website, they posted (quite long ago) the MALE profile of Erina. Definitely a fan disc to come. AND HE WILL BE CAPTURE-ABLE. I'm sure of it. >:D
Fast-forward, Aoi stayed back for dinner at Shiranui's house like in all other routes, and then suddenly Shiranui tried to force himself on her omgwtfbbq. She managed to escape and was walking in the rain like a sad kitten when Karasuma appeared. And then he did his 「おいで」 (omggg) and she ran into his arms and bawled her head off. Ha. After that he brought her to Blue Moon...and served her alcohol again. What the hell stop it you alcoholics. XD
The next day Aoi went to the stalker's house, found out the ~truth~, got kidnapped etc. (lost count of how many times I went through this same scenario zzz) and I was wildly hoping that Karasuma will take this last chance to be heroic and appear to save her. But NO. Ginji and Kiriko came instead wtf. /is disappoint
Karasuma only came with the police after Ginji and Kiriko pwned Shiranui and gang. And then Aoi was like "Masutaaaaaaaaa~~~", ran into his arms and bawled. ... Well, would have been more touching if he had been the one who saved her. =/
They returned to Blue Moon after that. To have moar alcohol of course. Karasuma made the Blue Moon cocktail for Aoi who thought that it was a hint from him to let her know that he isn't interested in her in the romantic way since Blue Moon signifies a breakup or something. But then she decided that "ah heck it imma just confess" and...confessed. Karasuma then gave her a troubled look which made Aoi ~sad~ because she thought he's rejecting her but instead he only said "HEY YOU BEAT ME TO IT." hahaha wut. Apparently the Blue Moon cocktail can also mean "complete love" and "moment of happiness". Uh wtf what's this rubbish cocktail with two totally opposite meanings. こうだったら、意味ないじゃないですか?!
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After the confession, they kissed and Karasuma brought her to his penthouse where they smooched some more. Then they proceeded to do it because "words and kisses can't properly express my (their) feelings" woot. And we find out that Karasuma is a SADIST in bed!!! (Well, they didn't actually do it in bed but let's not sweat the details.) If I hadn't already read the spoilers, I'd have been damn shocked haha.
The story ends with Aoi helping out at Blue Moon whenever the Crazy Rabbits aren't in action. Unoya jokingly asked her to might as well work in Blue Moon full time and Karasuma was like "Well, would you like to work with me here forever?" which I think is really sweet! But I somehow...don't feel the moe??? Haha. (^-^;)
Bad Endings
GAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! DDD:
SHITTY BAD ENDINGS GDIAF!!! *steps furiously*
Like Inukai, Karasuma has two bad endings. The first bad ending was basically what happened in Unoya's bad end route. Except that NO ONE came to save Aoi. At all. Yeah. Like, she ended up really joining Shiranui's ho team wtf. The story ended with her living in this small hotel-like room and basically just do nothing but have sex with men all day in exchange for drugs gawd. And she's actually willing to do it because she has become this hardcore drug addict who would do anything to ensure she gets her supply of drugs to keep her in high mode because she starts seeing flies (wtf?) when the drug effects wear off. ... You know, I swear this ending makes Unoya's bad ending look like heaven.
As for the other bad ending, all I have to say is: YUCK. It's even worse and 100 times more puke-worthy than Inukai's gang raep bad ending. *pukes* _| ̄|O、;'.・ オェェェェェ
It starts off when Karasuma and Aoi were kidnapped and instead of trying to contact Unoya through the communication device, Aoi decided to cut the rope. And then they ran out of the place but was soon discovered by Tachibana. Karasuma tried to fend him and his other guys off (WHY IS IT ONLY IN A BAD ENDING THAT HE BECOMES HEROIC THE HELL) and told Aoi to run away but Aoi was like "No I won't leave you!!!". Repeat 100 times. At this point, I was all WTF WOMAN JUST RUN AWAY AND GET HELP!!! Man I was so annoyed with the "I will not leave you alone" and "I will stay by your side no matter what" shit. Like what the hell use your brains!!! If you run away, you can get help and save Karasuma. But if you stay behind, both of you will just get caught again and neither of you will be able to escape!!! Ugh. *facepalm*
So yeah, obviously they ended getting caught again wtf. Aoi's hands were tied to a chain hanging from the ceiling while Karasuma was tied to a chair. Karasuma then got badly beaten up by Tachibana's guys and after they left, Tachibana came in and Aoi started insulting him. Oh god. Yeah, insulting your enemy when you're all tied up and have no way of escape. *facepalm again*
Obviously, Tachibana wasn't impressed and proceeded to tear her long dress off (nooo), exposing her legs and the hidden pouch where the knife and communication device was kept. Hai. *facepalm one more time* Then Tachibana found a card in the pouch and got to know that Aoi is from Usagiri Jimshuo (remember he hates Ginji to death) and decided that Aoi would be a good tool for his revenge against both Karasuma (whom he assumes loves Aoi) and Ginji. And what else he proceeded to raep Aoi right in front of Karasuma noooooo wtffffff. (」゚ロ゚)」 And for the first time since I first started playing otome games, I actually turned off someone's voice - Tachibana's to be exact because he sounded so goddamn disgusting and I couldn't bring myself to go through with it to collect the memory otherwise. Ugh.
Skip this paragraph if you don't want to go into details but that Tachibana guy not only 1. raeped Aoi and 2. in front of Karasuma, he also STUCK THE COMMUNICATION DEVICE INTO HER VAJAYJAY WTF???!!! |電柱|ヽ(_ _|||)))) オェェェ!! Sickest raep scene. Ever. *drowns in own vomit wtf*
Meanwhile Karasuma watched on painfully and then...Aoi started to LIKE it wuuuuuut??? No serious. She just went all "kimochi ii~~~" wtf. Am I playing a hentai game for men or what? 乙女ゲームのヒロインはこんなことされて、喜ぶんじゃねえよ。 Man I get so pissed off thinking about it. ε=(。・`ω´・。) It's so...degrading. And what's more she finds it hot that Karasuma is watching wut.
I'm usually OCD about reading and savouring every single sentence when playing otome games but I really couldn't bring myself to do it for this scene and just basically clicked through the whole thing as fast as I could. (´・ω・`) And man I was so glad when the whole thing was over.
Then we move on to Ginji who met up with Tachibana to pass him the ransom in exchange for Aoi and Karasuma. After getting the money, Tachibana took pleasure in telling Ginji that Aoi and Karasuma were left in the warehouse which will blow up in 3 minutes FHL. So Ginji went running to save them and then there was an explosion before the screen faded out.
After that, the story went on but from a third-party's point of view. Ginji met up with Karasuma outside the hospital. We get to know that Karasuma closed down Blue Moon and Ginji closed down Usagiri Jimusho. And that bastard Tachibana has escaped and is still at large.
The whole atmosphere was so somber that for a moment I thought Aoi was dead or in a perpetual coma or something. But no (thank god), they were actually meeting up to visit Aoi...who lost her memory. Apparently the whole event was just too much for her to bear and she just forgot everything that happened from when she joined wakaresaseya. Yeah. (Haou Airen anyone???)
The story then closes with Karasuma holding Aoi's hand, saying he wants to protect her forever although he's not sure if he's worthy of it, while Aoi just smiled gently at his gesture, obviously not quite knowing what is going on. (´・ω・`)
There's actually another bad ending that deviates off from Inukai's good end route but I see it as more of Karasuma's route so I'm mentioning it here. Basically, it's similar to the second bad end. Aoi and Karasuma tried to escape but was discovered by Tachibana who called for his guys to deal with them. Aoi then grabbed Karasuma and ran away before the other guys came. And you know, being a fast runner she is, she managed to keep the guys from catching up...until Karasuma started going out of steam since they couldn't quite find a good place to hide hai. So in the end, they were caught again bah.
This time, instead of raeping her, Tachibana made Aoi contact Unoya for help (by continuing to beat Karasuma until she agreed) and tricked the Crazy Rabbits into thinking that Aoi and Karasuma were hidden at some other place by moving the communication device to somewhere else for them to track down to. This caught Ginji off guard at the exchange later since he thought that Unoya and Takumi would have already found Aoi and Karasuma and moved them to safety. Then the same things happen blah blah i.e. Tachibana revealed Aoi and Karasuma's whereabouts, Ginji rushed over, warehouse exploded etc.
Miraculously no one died despite the huge explosion. Same thing, Ginji decided to close down Usagiri Jimusho while Karasuma, who remained hospitalised, decided to close down Blue Moon. On the other side, Aoi decided to return to the inaka because she couldn't bear to continue staying in Tokyo anymore after all these horrible experiences.
General Thoughts
To be honest, Karasuma was kind of lukewarm for me. I mean, sure he was nice and all but nothing much really happens in his (good end) route. Probably the most memorable scene would be the one where he comforted Aoi after she was nearly raeped by Shiranui. Guess the problem is exactly because he's too nice so, like, there was no element of surprise. Unless you count his sadistic display during the rabu-rabu scene. But even then, it wasn't really fully expressed to give that impact. The foreplay part yeah that was really O_O but I think the sadistic display sort of...withered away during the main course. (((>∇<)))キャハハッ I mean if you want to make him a sadist, then do it all the way! *masochistic nature coming out*
Good ending was okay. Nothing really epically moe. I really really wished that they made a better man out of Karasuma by letting him in on some of the rescue missions. If he can be heroic enough to take on the bad guys in the bad end route, then there’s no reason why he couldn’t do so in the good end route.
Bad endings sucked like a mega-power vacuum cleaner. The first one was...not a surprise. It's like Tiaramode ran out of ideas after the first three guys and decided to end it the easy way. Ha. Kind of a pity that they didn't make him a yandere or something since he meets the pre-requisite of being nice and gentle on the usual front. I remember there were certain moments when he let slip a somewhat darker nature beneath his nice exterior. They could have gotten Karasuma to arrive late, see Aoi doing it with Shiranui, crack like a typical yandere and then drag her to his penthouse to...you know. I mean, hey, if they absolutely have to include a raep scene no matter what (which they will no matter what since it's a 18+ game), then I'd rather it be done by the main guy than some random ugly dude like Tachibana (even Shiranui would have been better because at least he's better-looking and his voice is evilly nice to listen to). Yeah. Also, it's better than her becoming a drug-addicted ho.
The second ending is like fifty kinds of grossness mixed together. Really. I’d rather go through Inukai's bad endings twice over than with this one. I didn't even bother to go through it to check the facts like I usually do. It was just..disgusting. What the fxxk is with sticking the communication device up in her vjj? Not funny okay. (Well I suppose at the very least he didn't actually turn the thing on before sticking it in...) AND I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WHY AOI WOULD ACTUALLY BE TURNED ON. I should think the fear would be enough to paralyze her into not feeling anything at all - just like what happened in Inukai's gang raep route. But...oh well. I don't know what the game makers are thinking obviously.
In short, my mind felt so corrupted after playing the bad endings that I decided to take a break from this game and went to play Starry Sky to purify my mind wtf.
Favourite Scenes
I had to think hard for this! Haha.
1. When Karasuma had to stick his hand under Aoi's dress to look for the switch to the communication device. XD
2. When he did his 「おいで」 thing upon seeing Aoi walking in the rain like a sad kitten.
I can't think of any anymore. Really. Sorry. :(
Favourite Quotes
Final Comments
Hands down worst bad endings I've ever experienced in otome gaming. (ーー:)
I'm left with the normal ending now, and I've heard a lot of good reviews about it. Some of the otome gamers even rated it as their favourite ending. So I'm actually quite curious and excited to start on it. :D
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