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Honestly I wanted to do Takumi's route first after previewing the character profiles on the official website. だっていちばんイケメンだもん! But I found Unoya really attractive (and funny) when I started playing the game which made me waver in my decision. Then finally I was like "ah heck it just go by order like I usually do" and did Unoya's route first エヘヘ。*kena slapped*
*ahem* Well, let's just start off by continuing with the rest of Mission 4.
It isn't until the last two options during Mission 4 that the route will fork out to its respective ending, one good and one bad. I usually do the good route first although to tell the truth I've yet to really decide which is better. On one hand, by doing the good ending route first, I create a good impression of the character which will help to cushion the bitter taste of the bad ending. On the other hand, by doing the bad ending route last, it just leaves a permanent bad aftertaste with nothing to help sweeten it. Decisions decisions. But till I sort out this dilemma, I'm sticking to doing the good route first. (Don't ask me to just not do the bad endings. It's impossible because I'm the type who aims to complete the CG gallery and memories section being OCD and all.)
Happy Ending
After getting into the stalker's house and poking around, Aoi finds photos of Shiranui killing the gravure model who has been reported missing (recall the murder scene that I was talking about in the previous review post). She also finds Shiranui's diary (stolen obviously - the stalker has excellent skills) in the stalker's drawer, and in it contains a sachet of drugs, and was all "OMG WTF IS HAPPENING!?". (I actually felt a bit excited at the turn of events at this point tbh.)
Feeling super creeped out, Aoi decided to gtfo asap. Unfortunately, the moment she turned around to leave, Shiranui was already at the door smirking at her dun dun dun. And of course she was kidnapped (how else can the story continue) and driven to some random warehouse where Shiranui told her all the shit i.e. how he injects stimulant drugs into the models, get them addicted, forces them to whore themselves out in exchange for drugs and that he killed the gravure model because she wanted out and threatened to go to the police. After that, he decided that Aoi is kind of hot, and instead of killing her, he'd let her join his ho team. He then wanted to inject the drugs into her body but then *BAM* the door crashes open and our dear Unoya (and Takumi!) comes to save the day! \:D/ He rushed in and promptly proceeded to tell Shiranui that he's in deep shit (because they already know ~everything~) before beating the shit out of the guy who was handed over to the police in the end. *throws confetti* Oh my hero. *watery eyes wtf*
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So after that Aoi was chilling out at the office with a can of beer, and Unoya came in to join her. They chatted for a bit. Then there was silence. And suddenly Unoya kisses Aoi, which made her go "!!!???". Unoya himself was like "shit wtf did I just do" OMG SO CUTE!!! キャッ(^^*))((*^^) キャッ But anyway, he soon recovered from it and decided to confess to Aoi~ ♥ 好きだ!好きだ!好きだ~~~!!! (No, he only said it once. The rest are added by me
Fast-forward, both of them get together, Aoi quits Usagiri Jimusho and takes on a regular OL job at Kiriko's (because office romance is forbidden, and anyway it wouldn't be nice to see your boyfriend flirt with the targets while at work). And then she gets pregnant! With twins! I was like 「速っ!」 UNOYA DID YOU NOT USE PROTECTION??? XD Yeah, then Unoya started talking about reconciling with his family since he himself is going to be a father. Uhhh...what family??? I vaguely remember a brief scene of him going emo after Aoi asks him about it but other than that...what family??? *is confused*
And then it ends. To honest I didn't like the ending CG, particularly that two pink patches of Chibi-Maruko-chan-esque blushes on Unoya's cheeks. They looked kinda silly. (^ Q ^)/゛ アハハハ
Bad Ending
In the bad ending, Unoya finds out that Aoi screwed Shiranui and gets super pissed off. Man I felt so bad for him and a little angry with Aoi as well. But the way he reacted, I couldn't really tell for sure whether he was pissed because he was jealous (not feeling enough of it) or if it's really because of the rule about being professional and not getting too personal with the client.
Thereafter, pretty much the same things happen, except that after discovering all the horrible evidence, Aoi receives a call from Unoya who tells her that the stalker was murdered. (Because she told Shiranui who the stalker is! While they were doing it!) Unoya then asks her to gtfo of the place but then she gets kidnapped by Shiranui blah blah blah. Everything is the same right up till when Shiranui was about to inject the drugs into her body.
This time, Unoya DOES NOT come to rescue her in time. Oh noes. (ノ_<。)うっうっうっ So the drug was injected into her and then she got screwed (pun intended) thoroughly by Shiranui for the next few days (weeks?). By the time Unoya came to save her, Aoi was already addicted to the drug and had no effing idea wtf she was doing and being done to (she was giving Shiranui the "appetizer" when Unoya barged in). We can also tell that she has totally lost her mind when she got upset at Unoya for beating Shiranui up because she needs the drugs from Shiranui and if Unoya beats him to death she can't get her stash (oh the horror). 見るだけでも辛い。 (T_T)シクシク
Anyway, Shiranui ended up escaping while Unoya was distracted by Aoi. Since Aoi wouldn't let go, Unoya had to call Ginji to settle the rest. After he was done with the call, he turned back and saw Aoi reaching out for the drug-filled needle thing Shiranui dropped. Horrified, Unoya kicked it away from her and crushed the damn thing into pieces. I know this is gonna sound masochistic (well, I am one) but this is one of my favourite Unoya scenes. It's full of emotions and I can totally imagine the scene in my head while listening to them. Unoya's voice just made me feel so sad. The entire exchange in raw form as below:
Basically Aoi got really pissed off and started lashing out at Unoya. She then bit Unoya's hand, to which Unoya just snapped and started screwing her. Like whaaaaaat??? いきなり??? Aoi resisted at first but then I guess she was undergoing withdrawal symptoms and just wanted to feel good, so it wasn't long before she was all "YES DO IT". =/
After that the police came and Unoya brought Aoi back to the office. WHERE SHE WAS LOCKED UP IN HIS ROOM. まじかよ。 Another sad scene ensued as Aoi started hallucinating (about Shiranui coming to save her can you believe it wth) and going crazy. And apparently the drugs ate her brains and she doesn't remember anything about Usagiri Jimusho anymore. Unoya is, of course, super upset about it. 「お前も何回も来ただろう?覚えてないのか?」「知らない。知らない!知らない!!」 <(T◇T)>わぁああああ! And then this: 「俺は卯乃屋だ。兎桐事務所の。一緒に働いていただろう?」! This made me feel so sad!! :(((
The story then ended with Unoya pushing Aoi onto the bed and telling her to stfu or he'll be forced to be rough with her... (At this point, Aoi didn't even refer to him as "Unoya" anymore, but just "the guy". She has completely forgotten who her hot co-worker is.) Okay, I'm guessing he's trying to help her get rid of her drug addiction by screwing her when she gets withdrawal symptoms lol??? Idk but I'm totally not questioning the logic of this because well, you don't question logic in 18+ otome games. \:D/ (And at least the bastard Shiranui was still caught by the police in this ending.) ... Nah, actually I just think he probably can't accept the fact that Aoi forgot about him and wanted to keep her by his side no matter what. That maybe one day she'd get better and remember him. Though I must say the sudden change in his character in this route is kinda scary.
But seriously, you know what? I think the bad ending is actually better written than the good ending. At least the emotions were more obvious here.
General Thoughts
Well, that was long. And now I can finally concentrate on flailing about Unoya and Unoya alone!
I really like Unoya's character. I mean I have a soft spot for the manly aggressive archetype such as this. I think Unoya's seiyuu portrayed Unoya's character pretty well. That aggressive tone and the slight drawl on the last few syllabus of his sentences are just so moeeee. ♥♥♥
Since Unoya is the 口説き屋 i.e. in charge of charming the ladies, we get to see him in action a lot throughout the game. It was absolutely hilarious to see him switch into the mission mode and totally acting NOT like himself. Like when he was charming Reika in Mission 1 or the cougar in Mission 3. Hilarious. (But gross at the same time lol.)
Non-mission Unoya is just as hilarious, less gross and much cuter. I love it when he does the boke/tsukkomi thing with Takumi (god his tsukkomi-s do kill me so). How nice it'd be to have co-workers like them. (っ`∀´*)オ――――――――――――――――――――ホッホッホ I'd never be bored. And my eyesight would get better everyday feasting on these eye
But you know what? Much as I like Unoya (both looks and character-wise), I find his route kind of meh because it's just...so un-romantic. Much like Hinano, I feel like I was watching Unoya wooing the targets more than him wooing Aoi most of the time. I swear I was trying so hard to look for clues or traces that indicate that Unoya likes Aoi, vice versa but throughout the game, it's like I never saw any feelings develop between them at all. Yeah sure, there were a couple of events that evidently upped their relationship meter but it was never really followed up on so it's hard to tell whether or not they actually felt anything. Like the scene where Unoya saved Aoi from the gang-raep guys in Mission 2. He held her close to him until she calmed down. I thought that was quite lovely but nothing really changed between them after that. It's like taking a roller-coaster that goes up, up and up, and then as you take a deep breath preparing for the huge drop you find out that the drop isn't that huge after all.
Or if there were actually any changes, it was oh-so-subtle that I couldn't decide if it was just my own hallucination arising from my intense anticipation of a romantic scene between the couple since starting the game. Like when Unoya picked up Shiranui's scent from Aoi's hair and got pissy about it. I LOVE IT WHEN THE MEN GET JEALOUS. 8D But he really acted more like it was because he was concerned that it may affect the mission than the fact that Aoi was liking Shiranui.
Either Unoya hides his feelings well or the plot execution sucks - take your pick.
Also, there were a few scenes which I felt are not executed to fully maximise their moe potential. Like the one when Unoya demonstrates his charming skills on Aoi and the part when Aoi was waking him up from his nap. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES. But nothing happens. Sigh. なーんかもったいないなぁ~
Also also, I'd really have preferred if they became a couple somewhere in the middle (or at least at three-quarter point) of the game, instead of only at the end. It feels kind of abrupt to jump straight to the rabu-rabu scene right after confession. I mean I don't know about other people but I CERTAINLY DON'T JUMP INTO BED WITH THE GUY THREE SECONDS AFTER CONFESSION. Plus the earlier they become a couple, the more time there are for lovey-dovey scenes right? :D
Favourite Scenes
Disregarding my complains, here are some scenes which I feel were quite cute and kyaa-worthy.
1. When doing Unoya's route, Aoi will end up following Unoya around, eager to learn all about being part of a wakaresaseya, joining him in tailing the target and asking a million questions. At first Unoya tries to run away from her but failed because she happens to be a good runner lol too bad. After he thought he got rid of Aoi, he stopped to take a puff and muttered to himself "Finally got rid of her. Whew. Woman are so annoying." when Aoi appeared and went "UNOYA-SAN! :DDD" GAHAHA. Then the rest of it went like this: "Eeeh??? Why the hell are you here??? Shit. *starts to run* "*starts to chase*" "Oi normally girls don't go chasing after guys darou???!!" "Well to tell the truth I'm a pretty good runner. Like, once I placed third in a prefecture-wide marathon lol." "...FML." XD 卯乃屋さんのショックのリアクションはすげえ笑える。(≧∇≦)/ ハハハ
2. On the third day of Mission 1, Unoya and Aoi went to this high class shopping complex to tail Reika and pretended to be a couple while doing so. They casually stopped in front of a store, pretending to be looking at the display when Aoi noticed that the store is a lingerie boutique.
「それがどうかした?女の下着なんて珍しくもねえよ」 ← あっそ。
HAHAHA. Damn cute. On a side note, I thought this was also a good scenario to start building the ~tension~ between both of them. I mean they can like add a scene whereby the fiancee looks over and Unoya pretends to be hugging Aoi who goes dokidoki. OR SOMETHING!!! But nope. Nothing. Sigh.
3. When Unoya was demonstrating to Aoi how he hit on the targets by doing it ON her. He started by serving a generous amount of moe serifu and just when he was about to kiss her (for real or not we will never know), Aoi went "NOOO~~~" and pushed him away, resulting in him hitting his hip on the sharp edge of the table. HAHAHA OMG SUPER LOL AT THIS ONE!!! ギャハハヽ(_ _)ノ彡・゜.・゜.バンバン
4. This is probably my favourite Unoya+Aoi scene. The Usagiri trio went to Erina's bar (Aoi's first time), where Aoi challenged Unoya to a drinking game (*insert Takumi going zzz*), making him promise to accept her as a member of Usagiri Jimusho if she wins. She happens to be a good drinker (on top of being a good runner) and when she won, she started cheering in this semi-drunk voice (like "YAAAAAAY!!!11") while Unoya was all "FML max" which I thought was really funny. Too bad they didn't do a CG for this.
And here're the scenes where we finally see some SOMETHING:
5. Towards the later part of the game, we get to know that Unoya does kung-fu (oooh). This became the basis for his "exclusive" scenes with Aoi. One time Aoi accidentally cut her finger with one of Unoya's weapons but Unoya only took a look at it and asked her to disinfect it later. オイオイ、消毒してくれないの??? 普通、少女漫画で男はそうするんじゃない??? Disappointing... <(~、~)> チェッ! But later on, in another scene, Unoya was teaching Aoi how to use this fancy weapon of his, guiding her hands from behind her when Aoi turned around and their eyes accidentally met. I was totally going OMG OMG FINALLY!!! Yeah. ... Except that the next moment, Unoya was like "uh okay back to our regular scheduled program..." Wait, what? ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ エー!?
6. When Unoya got pissy after finding out that Aoi was hanging around with Shiranui. I love watching the guys get jealous~ (despite the fact that this particular scene was like a mixture of 1 part concentrate and 20 parts water i.e. diluted).
Favourite Quotes
I would end the review here right now but I've seen this Japanese otome game blogger do it and I thought I'd
「黙れ、このバカ女」 ← こういう「バカ」のセリフが、このドMの私には萌えです~
「本当は俺の物になりたくてしょうがないくせに」 ← これいいよ、これ!!!
「う、うるさい。運動したからだ、ただそれだけだっての」← 運動って...
Final Shoutout
Next up to review
(Edited on 27 Nov 2010)
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