When I say the ojousama is annoying, I mean ANNOYING. During one of the tailing scenes in Unoya's route, Unoya and Aoi caught the target shopping with the wimpy obocchama, and oh god I swear I could just puke listening to this woman (guess it means the seiyuu did her job well). One, she has this typical high-pitched ojousama voice. Two, she refers to herself in third-person form i.e. "麗華は..." (oh shut up). Three, she's disgustingly rude and arrogant, bossing her poor wimpy fiance around. When they were in a boutique and she asks the obocchama which bag, pink or white, is nicer and the guy was like "Errr...white?" and then she goes "Nooo~~~!!! Both look nice on me!!!" wtf. And then she makes him buy both bags for her zzz. =/
Seeing this, of course, made Unoya really angry, especially since he already finds women annoying in general. He was utterly pissed and started ranting about the ojousama being disrespectful, treating men like shit and trampling on their manly pride etc etc. But on the other hand, he also got more pumped up for the mission since it'd be a good chance to treat this woman a lesson. That sinister laugh he gave when he said that was just teh lolz haha. Seriously. It was like "mwahahaha~~~" and made Aoi go O_O. (≧∇≦)/ ハハハ
On the day of action, it was planned for Takumi to sabotage the electrical mains and cause a blackout in the entire building right after the ojousama steps into the lift (together with Unoya of course). The reason behind that was that according to a psychology theory, when a person gets excited, his/her heart will start to beat faster and if he/she happens to be near someone of the opposite gender, chances are that he/she will end up thinking it's because he/she is attracted to the other party. ... Or so Unoya says. Apparently, he was a ~psychology~ major in university. (Oooooo.)
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True enough, when the lift stopped operating, the ojousama started to panic and then Unoya was all gentlemanly and shit, and even let her lean on him!!! Goddammit I want it too. 怒怒怒 (`´)怒怒怒 (That said, I totally burst out laughing (and jokingly gagged at the screen) the first time I listened to Unoya's gentlemanly voice lol. Compared to his mission personality, I must say I prefer his normal aggressive and arrogant(?) self more. 本当にドMだね、私は。)
And of course, the fiancee was indeed all charmed by Unoya's gentlemanly ways and after he pretended to contact the building management via the emergency call button (which was hacked by Takumi who picked up the call and pretended to be the kanri-in lol it was so funny to listen to him play along with the shibai given his cold character) to confirm that the lift will resume operation soon, the fiancee was like "Okay but can you pleeease continue holding on to Reika (i.e. herself) until the lift starts working again??? *blush blush*" ( ̄ ̄ロ ̄ ̄;;)
Then when they were out of the lift, Unoya pretended to be concerned about Reika (that's her name) and asked if she wants to have some coffee at a cafe until she's fully settled down, saying that he "won't be able to concentrate" on his work if he left her alone like that. *snorts + rolls eyes*
After that, Unoya continued to woo her some more by letting her believe that he was the owner of the building whose lift they were trapped in (nonchalantly saying "I'm so sorry MY building screwed up." - Oh you big fat liar). Because apparently given Reika's character, she'd be weak to the rich and suave eligible bachelor type. Which proved to be true because upon hearing Unoya's statement, Reika was like "OMG YOU ARE THE SHACHOU???!!!" and starting becoming all fluffy and girly and shit zzz. ... Although she did still let slip a few narcissistic comments now and then (*insert Takumi going zzz* - Aoi and Takumi were observing from behind).
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Later Unoya invited the Reika on a second date at this high-class exclusive bar in his building where somehow the waiter was bribed to call him shachou wtf. (I mean wei that's kinda pushing it.) And this was when Unoya went full-force (they only have one week after all) and told her that he's looking for a suitable wife and that he thinks she's a beautiful woman blah blah but oh someone like her must have a boyfriend already. AND THAT WOMAN SAID NO. Liar. (Also, as usual, Aoi and Takumi were observing them from nearby. If I were Aoi, I'd have spat out my drink for like 398623676 times listening to Unoya wooing Reika lol.)
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Fast-forward a few boring scenes, the plot started to move fast (yes please this is an otome game, please focus on the protagonist, not the guy wooing some stupid woman) and it was finally time for the final stage of the mission. Unoya asked Reika to meet him in a hotel and got Takumi and Aoi to contact the obocchama. The plan was for the obocchama to catch them together and expose Reika's "unfaithfulness" (because man+woman+hotel=SCANDAAAL) so that he had a legit reason to call off the engagement. But ugh, he was so wimpy that Reika nearly succeeded in brushing him off (she pretended not to know him that bitch) if it were not for Unoya moved things along by saying things like "Do you know him?", "It seems like he knows you quite well." and "Please tell me. I want to know EVERYTHING about you." And so, feeling cornered, Reika tried to make it look like it was the obocchama who is pestering her and that she's only forced to go out with him because her father told her so. She also denied that the obocchama is her fiancee and tried to pull Unoya away to avoid anymore shit falling on her, but Unoya just wouldn't move and suddenly he was letting out his sinister laughter making Reika go (・_・) えー? Lol dooom.
Unoya then proceeded to cruelly crush her ego and pride by blasting out at her, calling her a stupid woman and asking her to STFU lolol. He also told her that the way she refers to herself in third-person is disgusting, and there is no way such a perfect man like him would actually want HER hahaha, and rounded up the whole thing by dumping her unceremoniously in front of her wimpy fiancee (and Aoi and Takumi who were hiding behind some potted plants lol). Poor woman she was so shocked that someone actually dared to say such nasty things to her, and started yelling when Unoya turned to leave. It went along the lines of her going "Reika comes from a rich and prestigious family. Reika graduated from a good university. Reika is a beautiful woman blah blah blah. No one is as perfect as Reika. YOU WILL REGRET NOT CHOOSING REIKA AND REIKA WON'T TAKE YOU BACK WHEN YOU DO!!!" And then Unoya was like "Bye." *closes lift door* LMAO EPIC MAX!!! Although I felt a bit sorry for that woman when she started bawling her eyes out. =/ Oh well.
And so, after all these hassle, guess what? The wimpy obocchama found out that the maid (who sounds much older than him for some reason) he likes only liked him because of his money (that gold-digger rejected his proposal and suggestion to elope). Meh.
Well well. All in all, I guess this was quite a good story. At least I was quite entertained throughout the whole thing. Unoya's gentleman speech certainly makes me laugh. In fact, it felt like the mission itself was overshadowing the relationship development between Aoi and Unoya uhhh. (More on this later when I move on to character reviews.)
Okay, on to Mission 2 next!
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