Looking at the CG gallery on their official website, followed by the walkthrough, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's an Inukai raep route somewhere. =/ I haven't got down to playing Inukai's route yet. Precisely because I dread doing the second bad route. I know I can always not do it but I read that there'll be a bonus unlocked after completing all the endings, whereby you listen to each character discuss about the story??? (Reminds me of Gin no Kanmuri, Ao no Namida. Oh Ryoooooou-kuuun!!! ♥). And I'm the type who aims to collect all CGs and memories. So...I know I'll just end up doing it even though I know the ending is gonna suck. (After playing through so many bad routes, you'd think I'd have gotten used to it but NO. The sucky endings get stuck in my mind for days. Especially if I like the character
Anyway, back to the topic, Mission 2 started when this man came in and told Ginji that he suspects that his wife is cheating on him. He then handed over the photo of a guy whom he suspects is the person his wife is having an affair with. And lo and behold it's a picture of Inukai! *whistles*
Everyone was, of course, totally shocked. THAT MAJIME INUKAI??? ADULTERY??? They just DON'T go together. Even Ginji had his doubts. But the guy was so convinced so they decided to take the case anyway. After the man left, everyone started discussing about it and then BAM! Inukai comes into the office! LOL. Everyone was like *jumps*. Hahaha. Unoya then proceeded to smoothly whisk the photo of Inukai off the table before Inukai saw it.
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But oh no no no, Inukai is too sharp for that! He immediately sensed something amiss and asked "What? You talking behind my back???" Ahaha. Then came a moment of silence, and Inukai was like "Okay, so I take it that you guys are REALLY talking about me. What is it? Spit it out." and Aoi was like "No no no. We were talking about how serious you are about work etc etc. Ehehe." which obviously doesn't work when we just had that moment of silence 30 seconds ago haha. (^▽^) ハッハッハ
But lucky for them Inukai didn't pursue the issue further (forgot the reason but it's probably along the lines of it being a time waster - 時間の無駄だ! aka Inukai's favourite phrase which Aoi mimics perfectly), although he didn't forget to remind them (again) how he severely disapproves of what they are doing. And also, as one of the running gags in the game, it seems like whenever Inukai rambles on about how immoral their business is during his visit, he'd somehow without anyone realising tidy everything for them lol what the heck. So like after he leaves, everyone would suddenly notice their table has gotten neater with everything placed in a straight line etc. and be like ∑('◇'*)エェッ!? Haha. Idk but the image of Inukai tidying things while lecturing them just cracks me up. (≧∇≦)/ ハハハ
After Inukai left, the
Yup. So the plan was for Aoi to baito at Inukai's office (he's a lawyer if you haven't read my overview post) and keep tabs on him. On the other side, Takumi (I just love how I refer to him by his first name while the rest of the guys by their last name
Compared to the first mission, this one concentrated considerably more on Aoi. You basically choose whether she goes straight to Inukai's office or to Blue Moon (Karasuma's cafe) for breakfast for the next few days. And she ends up so busy at the office (because Inukai is determined to work her to death haha) that she doesn't have time to even think of spying on Inukai. Which doesn't matter because Inukai is such a damn workaholic that he is usually stuck working at his desk or if he goes out, it's to meet a client. It made her wonder if he really is having an affair. Except for this one time when she followed him after work and spotted him meeting up with the iraisha's wife! And what's more she saw them entering the hotel together! Hmmmmmm~~~
But it became apparent pretty soon that Mission 2 is not really the focus of this particular arc. Right on the second day, Inukai asks Aoi to get ready to accompany him to meet an important eye-witness for this gang-raep crime case (anyone sees something coming???) he's working on. Apparently he doesn't believe that the guy the police caught is the real culprit and mastermind, and finally got this person to tell him the "inside" news. But all of a sudden he receives a call telling him that the eye-witness was attacked and hospitalized???!! Wow wow. Have we a real drama right here! That's one thing I like about this game i.e. we get to enjoy a nice thriller as a bonus instead of just going back-and-forth between Aoi and the guy. Although sometimes I do feel that the thriller part is somewhat overshadowing the romance part. So much that it looks as if the romance is the bonus part instead.
Okay, so after that Aoi went to the hospital with Inukai and saw the person lying unconscious. Inukai then started blaming himself etc etc., and Aoi was like TELL ME WHAT IS HAPPENING and Inukai was like OKAY BUT SOMEWHERE PRIVATE PLZ. So they went to Blue Moon where there is more privacy.
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Upon being greeted by Karasuma (god his last name is such a mouthful Reiji is much more easier to refer to except that nah I'm reserving first name calling only for Takumi here ♥), Inukai's face broke into a look of absolute horror because OMG THERE IS A RABBIT IN THE CAFE HOW UNHYGIENIC lol. Yeah he was pretty disturbed by it and guess what? I'm on his side. I love animals but isn't it kinda "ummm" to be cuddling a furry animal and then proceed to prepare food for customers??? =/
Fast forward to few days later, Aoi decided to visit the eye-witness at the hospital after running an errand for Inukai and bump! She walked into this guy who was about to exit the room! (ANYONE SEES SOMETHING COMING???) The guy asked her who she was and of course Aoi just straight out told him that she's from THE LAW FIRM DUN DUN DUN.
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Back at the office, the game prompts you to make a choice between peeking at Inukai's email inbox, his mobile phone or not peeking at all. Obviously things will happen if you choose the first two but since I haven't played Inukai's route yet, I can't comment on them. So skipping that, if you choose not to peek, the story continues with Aoi ending work late (uh huh) and walking back to Usagiri Jimusho in the dark (UH HUH) and all of a sudden someone covers her mouth from behind (YEAH) and drags her to this in-the-middle-of-construction apartment building. And surprise surprise! IT'S THE GANG-RAEP GUYS! (They didn't show it but anyone wants to bet one of them was the guy from the hospital???) Apparently they wanted Inukai to stop poking his nose into the case and decided the best way is to raep Aoi and take pictures to threaten him. サイテイ!!! And then we have a CG of her boob getting groped (sorry I like being detailed as much as possible). After that, depending on who you are pursuing, one of the guys will come rescue you. ♥ At least for Unoya and Takumi that's the case. I haven't play the rest of the characters yet so I can't say for sure about theirs but the plot shouldn't stray off too far away from this.
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After that, Unoya figured that so long the case isn't solved, Inukai will continue to obsess over it (resulting in him getting shit from the culprits which will result in Aoi also getting the shit which will result in Usagiri getting the shit too), and they won't be able to find out whether Inukai is really having an affair and progress with the case. As such, Unoya decided that they will also look into the case. So off they go to the jouhouya aka Erina! Who immediately (and happily) told them what she knew after Unoya stuffed money into her(his?) (fake) cleavage lol cracks me up just imagining it (and that okama "kyaaa" just about killed me).
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So after some super hacking by Takumi, they copied all the gross photos (taken during the crimes yuck these guys are sick) from the culprit's server (and deleted the original copies that were on the server lol bastards), contacted the guy (it IS the guy from the hospital!) and forced him to admit to his crime (which they recorded secretly) by threatening to send the photos to the police. And then the police came after they beat him (and his gang) senseless yada yada and the culprit was caught end of story.
Aaand back to the ORIGINAL Mission 2, they finally discovered that Inukai was NOT having an affair. Instead the wife of the iraisha met up with Inukai because she planned to divorce her husband (I KNEW IT!!!) hahaha. Poor guy. He was like HELP ME GINJI but Ginji was like EH BUT WE ARE WAKARESASEYA lol wut the hell is with this mission.
Well, this mission is certainly more tense than the last one. I found the gang-raep case kinda gross though. Especially the part when the Usagiri gang found on the gross photos on the server ugh. Gives me the creeps. D: Also, I must say I'm half-curious and half-dreading what will happened if I chose to peek at Inukai's stuff instead of not doing it. But details and comments for that will come in Inukai's review.
Mission 3 next!
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