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Takumi is kind of the polar opposite of Unoya. Gives out an icy cold aura. Doesn't talk much. Genius hacker. Good fighter. ♥ A damn awesome tsukkomi. Oh, and he loves sweet stuff! :DDD Yet, despite his coolness, there seems to be a trace of childishness (in a good sense) in him as well. このギャップには超萌え~~~
Unlike Unoya, Takumi had a more elaborate background story. He used to have a happy family until his mother (whose voice gave me the creeps) went on a mad murder spree after his father died, stabbing him and his sister, before killing herself. Um, Kurosagi anyone???
Fortunately Takumi survived the stab but since then he became totally withdrawn and developed a fear of making contact with people. Which explains why he pushed Aoi away when she tried to stop him from beating the gang-raep guys to death in Mission 2 and when she tried to hold him up after he collapsed during Mission 3.
I think I'd have been pretty hurt to hear him say that to me. :(
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Takumi also appeared to stop feeling any pain. Which freaked the hell out of Tachibana in Mission 3 when Takumi just grabbed his knife by the blade while putting on a blank face the entire time haha. (The CG is actually kind cool. In a sadistic way.)
Well, continuing with the rest of Mission 4, like that of Unoya's, there is one good and one bad ending for Takumi's story, depending on whether you choose to respond to Shiranui's flirting and accept his confession.
Happy Ending
In Takumi's route, instead of having to
Then the same things happen blah blah Aoi finds out that Shiranui murdered the gravure model etc. She tells Takumi, who then decides that they should probably gtfo of the place asap but (once again) Shiranui appears and took them away boo.
After they arrived at the warehouse, Takumi and Aoi were locked up separately. Shiranui then announces his intention to kill Takumi and have Aoi join his ho team. And just when he was about to inject stimulant drugs into Aoi, Takumi comes to save the day! \:D/ After beating the shit out of the guys, Takumi grabbed Aoi and tried to escape. Unfortunately, Shiranui had a GUN and Takumi ended up getting shot. Twice. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
But of course Takumi didn't feel any pain. Instead he walked over, kicked the gun out of Shiranui's hand, caught it and used it to hit his face hahaha. Shiranui was all "Fxxk you bastard how dare you hit my face." but Takumi just replied "SO?" and hit his face again with his other hand lol zomg.
Meanwhile the rest of the bad guys just looked on in astonished silence haha.
They then ran out of the warehouse but was chased after by the bad guys. Takumi managed to beat all of them up despite his injuries but of course even though he didn't feel any pain, the fact was that he's injured and his wounds were wearing him down, so they took cover in some dark place where a touching exchange ensued.
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AND OMG I TELL YOU IT WAS SO TOUCHING LISTENING TO THIS SCENE. Good job to Takumi's seiyuu. *thumbs up* Basically Takumi told Aoi to escape without him. And of course Aoi wouldn't. He then told her that if she stayed with him, she'll be caught too.
(ノ_<。)うっうっうっ So Aoi had no choice but to do as he says and ran away, leaving Takumi to deal with the bad guys himself. Fortunately (this is for a happy ending after all) she bumped into Unoya and Ginji (how did they know where they were anyway) shortly after. Then Shiranui and gang got busted (woo) and Takumi was sent to the hospital.
Fast-forward, Aoi was sitting by Takumi's bedside in the hospital waiting for him to wake up. When he finally did, she was so relieved and started crying. Takumi then told her not to cry because he has already faced death once (doesn't make sense really but whatever I was getting too excited about the growing mero-mero mood to care), and proceeded to tell her about his past, the things that happened, and why he ended up like he is now i.e. not wanting to make contact with people and not feeling any pain.
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Moving on to the good stuff, Aoi hugs Takumi after hearing his story and he returns the hug. ♥ He then tells her that even though he said he's afraid of making contact with people, he finds it strangely comforting to be hugging her. D'aww. (●^-^●) And before we know it, Takumi kisses Aoi~~~ ♥ So sweeet~~~ AND SO CUTE. I mean, look at this:
「嫌だったか?」← それはキスのことについて
「......ダメ、なのか?」← またそんな言い方。
「葵の髪に触れたい。首にも腕にも......他の所も、全部」← 他の所って、どこかな。うふふ。
「嫌?」← おい。そんな萌えいっぱいなセリフは止めろ!
「嫌じゃないです」← ...に決まってるんじゃん!エヘへ。
「じゃあ」← もおおう、拓巳可愛すぎ!!!子供みたい~~~
Gaaah. The way he says 「嫌?」 is just too cute. You know how sometimes short serifu are the most potent??? Yeah. And Takumi is super good at it. (Or I guess the seiyuu is super good at it???)
After that they confessed their love for each other and we move on to the rabu-rabu scene~~~ Woo~~~ っていうか、拓巳、 あんた、天然攻め??? No seriously. This guy is just... I don't know whether to hit him or just give up and melt into a puddle of...I don't know what. I swear he just kotoba-seme-ed Aoi
Also while they were doing it, Aoi asked Takumi whether it's his first time (kyaa omg Aoi) because he kept doing the Q&A thing lol. Like "Does this feel good?" "Yes." "And this?" "Yes." "And if I do this?" "ASDFGHJKL STOP ASKING." But Takumi kind of stiffened a little before answering "no" in a small voice. *cue me going えええええ???!! because right up till then it looked like he doesn't have any experience especially since he became withdrawn after what happened with his family when he was still a boy so it was hard to imagine he'd have gotten himself a girlfriend (or the alternative ahem) when he grew older and get some experience*
But whatever it's obvious that he doesn't have much experience, first time or not. PURE LOVE RABU-RABU SCENE FTW...although I'm actually a little concerned and curious when he said that although it isn't his first time, it's the first time that he's doing it because HE wants to. WHAT??? YOU MEAN PREVIOUSLY HE DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT BUT DID IT ANYWAY??? DID SOME WOMAN FORCE HERSELF ON HIM??? Shit. We need a fan disc to address this issue. Right now.
Anyway, as a result of the little "exercise" they had, Takumi can feel pain again! Woo.
After that Takumi was discharged from the hospital and both him and Aoi quit Usagiri Jimusho. Takumi decided to go university and Aoi got a job at the bakery (with the help of Inukai, which is kind of random). They also moved out of the Jimusho and into a new apartment (with the help of Karasuma, which is also kind of random).
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The story ends with them unpacking in their new home. Apparently Takumi has also rescued a cute kitten somewhere, and it will be living with them as well. OH YES I LOVE NEKOS NOW I LOVE YOU MORE TAKUMI. ♥ ♥ ♥ And then Unoya sends them a industrial-sized tub of ice-cream (Takumi's favourite) as a housewarming gift lolwtf.
Bad Ending
This ending...I don't even know what to say except that it totally broke my heart (for about one week after). It's even more dramatic than Unoya's bad ending I'd say. Hai. Thinking about it just make me go "..." all over. And let me show you why. Read on.
In the bad ending, both Takumi and Aoi failed to escape. Unoya and Ginji did not come to save them on time either. And instead of planning to kill Takumi and have Aoi to join his ho team, Shiranui decides to have BOTH of them join his ho team. WTF MAN. HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST WHORING OUT TAKUMI TO SOME RICH PEDOLISTIC COUGARS WITH S&M FETISHES. UNFORGIVABLE. *steps on Shiranui's face with super high heels 100 times*
The bastard Shiranui then proceeded to inject the stimulant drug into Takumi. NOOOOOO WHY TAKUMIII. (」゚ロ゚)」 (Not saying that I want it to be Aoi instead but yeah.) He also "casually" revealed the fact about how he has added the same drug into the juice Aoi drank the day before and how they had sex with each other after that. Ugh. (On an objective note, I have to admit that the seiyuu for Shiranui did an excellent job of portraying the bastardy character of his.)
Takumi was of course hurt about it (he had no idea that it happened prior to this because Aoi lied to him when he asked her why she got home so late, unlike in Unoya's case). And because he fought to resist the effects of the drug, Shiranui continued to inject moar of that damn thing into him until he starts to give in. After that Shiranui just continued provoking and brainwashing Takumi in every way possible, even to the extent of kissing Aoi in front of him ugggh the poor guy. Tell me this is not one of the most heart-breaking scenes you've ever seen (in this game at least it is).
Yeah. So in between the excess amount of drugs and Shiranui's constant devil talk, Takumi started to crack and well, he ended up getting brainwashed (kinda) and basically did whatever that bastard told him. And the bastard told him to go ahead and screw Aoi. 「ほら。因幡。やれよ。触りたくないのか?」 Which he did. (;ω;) I don't even know what to say except that Shiranui is one sadistic bastard. He was hovering over them the entire time after Takumi went for Aoi (いやあああ~~~) and giving instructions on how to do it because apparently Takumi wasn't doing it properly
Shiranui then decided to make the whole situation sicker than it is by sticking the drug down south of Aoi (if you get what I mean) to get her horny faster wtf gross. And so in the end you have Takumi and Aoi doing it enthusiastically *cue me going O_O then (〃▽〃)ポッ at Aoi's ero voice* while Shiranui watches them, smirking the whole time. UGH. And just when you thought that the whole thing couldn't get any more dramatic than this, Shiranui announces that he'd join in.
Yes you've read it correctly. Let me re-confirm it for you:
Of all things I have never expected the bad ending for Takumi to go this way. I thought Shiranui would just play around with them until Unoya and gang comes to their rescue but to think he actually ended up joining in! ありえない...いや、まあ、その、状況からみれば、ありうるかもしれないね。 A more experienced otome gamer would probably have easily predicted (or expected?) that this will happen. I mean, you know, after a while you tend to recognise some patterns that go on in these games.
Anyway, in the end Unoya and Ginji finally came to save them. (I can't help but wonder what it'd have been like if this was Unoya's route, and he came in and saw Takumi and Aoi looking the way they were. That would have been even more tragically epic. Epically tragic. Whatever. /sadistic) Both Takumi and Aoi were then sent to the rehab. Aoi got well pretty fast but since Takumi was given a larger dose of the drug, he had to be locked up (yes, locked up) for much longer.
After Aoi got better, she asked Ginji to bring her to see Takumi. It broke her heart (and mine) to see Takumi locked up in the room, peering at them with crazy-looking eyes (think Aoi in Unoya's bad end route). And that god damn pained voice he made just made me cringe. Aoi then decided that she'd stay by Takumi's side and wait for him until he gets better. (Also, Ginji decided to close down Usagiri Jimusho since Unoya has decided to quit and to go overseas to train himself to be better so that he wouldn't ever screw up like this again. I guess he felt that it's his fault for not being able to rescue them until it was too late. Ginji himself also felt responsible for what happened. ... Hey guys it's not your fault don't be so hard on yourself.)
General Thoughts
Well, I definitely like Takumi as a character. No doubt about it. I like his voice a lot too. Very cool and soothing. Fitting for his character. His tsukkomi-s and straight-to-the-point short replies are teh kill. *clutches heart dramatically*
Story-wise...was okay I guess. Again, not much romantic scenes. His "exclusive" scenes with Aoi involve him sitting in front of his laptop late in the night, hacking into other people's websites and servers, intruding their privacy while eating ice-cream from an industrial-sized tub no less (no seriously @_@), while Aoi tries to make a conversation by asking him questions. Kind of bland to be honest. I think they could have done without these scenes since they don't do much to up the relationship meter between Takumi and Aoi.
Still, I'd say Takumi has a better story than Unoya because his feelings towards Aoi were *slightly* more obvious. There is this particular arc in Mission 3 where Takumi fell sick after acting strangely and going MIA for the day (until now I'm still not sure what the heck happened to him that made him looked so distracted emo all of a sudden) and Aoi nurses him back to health. I really enjoyed watching him slowly but surely accepting Aoi after that. ♥ Especially the part when Aoi ended up contracting his cold and he stayed by her side the whole time wee. \:D/ Also, there were certain parts when the game switched to his point of view for a while and we get to know what he was thinking. ♥ I love it when they include the guys' POV in otome games. They should do it more. (*^-^*)
For the good ending, it was cute and came with a lovely CG. I like it. Very good. :D Just that I thought the rabu-rabu scene was a bit premature. Like, straight after a confession??? Really??? I thought it'd have been better if they saved it for after the last part. Like after they've become a couple for a while. That'd have been more natural. (ティアラモードさん、順番逆だよ~~~)
For the bad ending...well, what can I say, it made me really sad. Which is what makes it good. You know, like, the plot is thick enough and things happen. There's impact. And most importantly Aoi decided to wait for Takumi to get well. I'm usually okay with bad endings if the couple is still together, as compared to those where they're permanently separated as result of misunderstandings, deaths etc. *cough* Jingi Naki Otome Ryu bad end *cough* For this ending, although both of them suffered and Takumi becomes semi-insane, their feelings for each other still hasn't changed, and that is good enough for me.
Favourite Scenes
1. Basically all of Takumi's tsukkomi moments with Unoya lol.
2. His tsukkomi moments with Aoi. And every other person he tsukkomi-ed really.
3. When Aoi commented that he must like ice-cream a lot after seeing him eating from an industrial-sized tub and he was like "None for you." and hugs the tub to self hahaha. そういう子供っぽいところはかわいいっすね。
4. When Aoi asked him whether he wants to have dinner together at Blue Moon and he says "no" bluntly, and then proceeded to say he's cooking dinner and asked if Aoi wants to join him~ ♥ The way he beat around the bush to ask her was so cute haha. 「いや。......その。材料がふたり分ある」、「俺と恭介の分。でも、恭介は今日は外食する。だから」、「材料が余って腐らせるのはもったいない。......お前の分も作ろうか、と思っている」 いや~~~素直じゃない人ですね。
5. When he ordered strawberry parfait first during dinner with Ginji, Karasuma and Aoi. Cuuute. ♥ And I fully agree with him! Although I'm not quite as extreme. I prefer ordering a smaller main course or even just appetizers so that I have enough room in my stomach for dessert heh heh.
6. When Takumi fell sick in Mission 3, Aoi offered to peel an apple for him but he rejected it because it reminded him of his mother. So Aoi asked if he want ice-cream instead and he was like "okay". "How much do you want to eat?" "Gimme the whole tub." "..." Lulz.
7. Also when he woke up in the middle of the night to see Aoi asleep beside him, how he gave her one of his blankets and how he reached out thinking to hold her hand~~~ ♥ Although he didn't in the end, the fact that he actually thought to do so was 萌え enough. ^^
8. When both Takumi and Aoi were 盛り上がる-ing by themselves and ignoring poor Unoya despite him ranting for attention during breakfast lol. It's like Takumi just betrayed his buddy and switched sides. XD
9. When Aoi fell sick after contracting Takumi's cold and how Takumi stayed by her side all night. HOLDING HER HAND WHILE SHE SLEPT. \(@^V^@)/ ワイワイ And how Takumi hurriedly let go and hid his hands behind his back when Aoi pointed it out. *flails excitedly*
10. When Takumi wordlessly pulled Aoi to his side away from Shiranui when the latter sent her back home after dinner together. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛キャッキャッ ワイ~!ヤキモチ妬いてるんだ!
11. When Takumi offered to unlock the stalker's house because he saw how reluctant she was. 「鍵。」、「貸して。俺が開けるから。」、「開けたくないって顔してる。」 優しい~~~ He was trying to make her feel less guilty about breaking into someone's house. (*^-^*)
12. Rabu-rabu scene!!! XD The Q&A thing was cute.
Favourite Quotes
「もうダメだ。ガマン出来ない」← うわ~ (〃▽〃)ポッ
Final Shoutout
Alrighty, Inukai Makoto next~~~ (Man that majime guy surprised me!)
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