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To get to the Normal ending, you basically make your decisions to follow or bump into different guys each day instead of just one of them like you do for the guys' individual routes. Also, since I left this end for the last, it means that I was able to skip through 3/4 of the game before I get to something new.
This is my first time playing a Normal ending so I was quite curious as to how it'd turn out without all the romantic elements. I mean the aim of playing an otome game is to hook up with one of the guys and a Normal ending means that you don't end up with any of them. Conflict much? Yeah. Like why bother if you're not gonna end up with anyone??? So I was pretty surprised when some of the reviews specifically brought up the Normal ending and rated it as their favourite. I mean I personally had this impression that Normal endings are likely to be boring and filler-ish.
Except that not really! With this game at least. Well okay, I don't think it's as epic as what the other reviewers have commented it to be (or maybe they exaggerated...like what I always do). But it isn't too bad either. For one, we get to see more funny exchanges between Unoya and Takumi. Also, the normal route did shed light on certain events as well as revealed some shocking facts (actually only one but "some" sounded better). I personally also see the Normal end route as a prologue to a sure-to-come fandisc (if it doesn't come, then screw them).
Jumping straight to the spoilers:
New Events
Firstly at the end of Mission 3, the Crazy Rabbits had a small gathering at Blue Moon where Ginji revealed to Aoi that Karasuma is the boss of Usagiri Jimusho (this fact was only revealed by Karasuma in Mission 4 in his own route).
Ginji: That's the reason why we are able to do things the way we like here.
Unoya: Yeah. But I'd rather not have to deal with him abusing his power as the owner and butting into our mission again. =/
Me: Ooooooh.
It was only then that I realised that it was indeed strange that Unoya so readily gave in to Karasuma's request to join in charming the cougar. And it does make sense if Karasuma is the boss. *nods*
Takumi: ...I wanted to see that.
Unoya: Oh it was beautiful. His smile was a real killer. XD
Karasuma: Thank you. ^^
Unoya: Maybe I should practise my smile more often. Would come in handy in missions.
Takumi: In front of the mirror? Do it somewhere out of my sight please. (lol)
Unoya: Oh c'mon Takumi, you should practise smiling too.
Takumi: No. (lol again)
Unoya: Well, I guess it'd be pretty scary if you were to start smiling like Master.
I'm surprise Unoya wasn't offended at all! I wish he was. Would have been pretty funny.
Secondly, Aoi was saved by Unoya and Takumi in Mission 4. And like in Unoya's route, Unoya dropped by the office where Aoi was drinking by herself after the mission and decided to join her. But instead of going all romantic, they smiled at each other and Aoi was like "Unoya acts like an oniichan." to which Unoya gave a slightly troubled look (hmmm why troubled??? *wink wink*) before patting her head d'awww. How warm and fuzzy. (No sarcasm intended btw.)
There's also an alternate route via Karasuma's good end route to get the Normal ending, whereby you get a different ending for Mission 4. Here you are rescued by Ginji and Kiriko instead. And after pimp Shiranui gets arrested, and Kiriko left to return to her office...
Aoi: Ginji-san, what's your relationship with Kiriko anyway.
Ginji: Eh? Oh, we're HUSBAND AND WIFE.
Aoi/Me: Eeeeeeh???!!!!!! :O
Yeah like wtf??? And there's more:
Ginji: But we don't live together. Our relationship is just in name only. For some reason, we just can't seem to go our separate ways. Even though we're both suppose to be wakaresaseya haha.
Oh yes Ginji, I like that irony. XD
(And it's gonna complicate things if they make Ginji captureable in the fandisc.)
Anyway, so how did the Normal end end?
Well, they ended by dropping big hints on a possible fandisc.
What happened was that few days after the rescue mission, Inukai sought out the Crazy Rabbits (unbelievable!) and told them that although Shiranui was caught, he was only being charged with murder. Nothing was mentioned about the drugs and hos. Neither his association with the yakuza. When Inukai tried to probe, the police only gave vague replies. It was all very ~mysterious~. But also obvious that's there's a larger power in control behind. He then mentioned something about someone-and-someone being involved and suddenly Takumi just stiffened. And then the atmosphere turned awkward. Then they stopped discussing about it. Uh...what???
And believe it or not, they never elaborate on the issue again. So I boldly predict that THERE WILL BE A FANDISC. THERE MUST BE. *stares hard at Tiaramode*
Okay, so now we come to the happy ending. Finally.
It was on a random day in Usagiri Jimusho...and Ginji suddenly announced that there'll be renovation works going on in the room next to Unoya and Takumi's shared room. And the new room is to be...tada! Aoi's own room! Finally she doesn't have to sleep on a sofa in the office. That must be quite uncomfortable (can't believe she put up with that for three months).
After the happy announcement, Unoya was silent for a few seconds and before going "YES! NOW I CAN HAZ EXTRA STORAGE SPACE FOR MY STUFF WOO." lolwut. XD Aoi got all annoyed and started bickering with him.
Unoya: Because we don't have enough space in ours? Right, Inaba?
Takumi: We would have if it weren't for your trash.
Unoya: What trash? You mean the basketball hoop? But I'm using that!
Takumi: Yeah, only you.
Aoi: In the first place, it doesn't make sense to be playing basketball in a room.
Unoya: Whatever. And anyway it's not fair that a rookie like you get your own room!
Aoi: But I'm a woman. It can't be helped. Why don't you ask Ginji to give you one then!
Unoya: Oh no. If I get my own room, I'd die of hunger without Takumi cooking for me.
Takumi: ...So I'm the maid? =/ (GAHAHA)
Unoya: No. You're my dearest friend. Looking forward to dinner tonight! *winks* (XD)
Etc etc.
And then it ends. \:D/
General Thoughts
Oh how fun and happy~~~ Not too bad I think. For a Normal ending it's quite cute. And the much-complained-about lack of romantic development in the main storyline actually made this Normal ending the most natural one compared to the others lol. What the heck, they should have just made this a "prologue" disc instead. You know, get people excited before releasing the "main" disc where you can get lovey-dovey with the guys. Except that it won't be called an otome game then.
In short, a warm and fuzzy "family" ending. I like it. (*^-^*)
Going into details, the part where Crazy Rabbits and Inukai met up post Mission 4, I was actually quite surprised. For a moment, I thought that there'll be more to the Mission. Like, you know, a longer story to compensate for the lack of romantic development in a Normal end route. (Well okay not like there was a lot in the guys' routes in the first place but...) But it turned out to be a prologue to the fan disc. *is already convinced there'll be one* So I guess for the fan disc it would be Mission 4 Part 2 kinda? Heh.
Seriously though, if that was really meant to be a prologue, I think it's a pretty good (and mean) way to get the player to get the fan disc. It's like how they made the final episode of Liar Game as a movie. You just HAVE TO watch it. I don't know about you but after they left the discussion hanging like that, I just HAVE TO know the ~truth~ behind the whole thing.
Alrighty. That was the spoiler report for the Normal ending brought to you by me. XD Next up a post on the bonus talk that popped up after I completed the whole game. That one was pretty funny. I'll probably post a transcript of it or something. For my own record (and those of you who didn't want to go through the bad endings haha). Which is gonna take some time since the bonus talk was just voice and no text. Meaning I'd need to replay it over and over to transcribe it. *sweats at the thought of it*
So till next time! (*^ー^)ノ☆。・:*:.・★,。・:*:.・☆またね♪
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