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So Inukai is this super majime (i.e. serious) lawyer with a serious case of OCD (like me). If you weren't doing his route, he's actually pretty much invisible throughout the game, except in Mission 2 when he is the target.
And honestly speaking I wasn't expecting much from this guy when I started playing his route. I mean I just completed Unoya and Takumi's routes daze??? How can he be more interesting, funnier and cuter than Unoya's boke and Takumi's tsukkomi??? Right...???
WRONG!!! HE IS VERY INTERESTING, VERY FUNNY AND VERY CUTE. (((>∇<)))キャハハッ So interesting/funny/cute that I lost count of how many times I cracked up laughing (*insert table-banging*) at him while playing his (good end) route. I suppose if you look at it from another angle, the fact that he's so majime makes for a very large gyappu moe potential. Seeing such a straight-laced guy going dere-dere just makes me go キャー♪ o(>▽<*)(*>▽<)o キャー♪ haha.
In Inukai's (good end) route, the basic storyline is the same as Unoya and Takumi's. The only difference is that instead of having only Unoya and Takumi around during the major events, Inukai is also involved. Also, Inukai is the one who saves Aoi from getting raeped like 638236723 times. I know it looks like a half-assed effort on Tiaramode's part but to tell the truth I'm not too bothered by this since I'm a pretty lenient otome gamer (or so I'd like to think). In fact, I thought they blended Inukai quite well into the storyline and certain events were also given a different development to make it less repetitive so it's all good.
Plus he was funny. それは重要ポイントだ。 *raises finger
Major Differences
I think my expectations were heavily flattened by some of the reviews out there so I actually ended up quite surprised at the amount of differences there were in Inukai's route compared to the ones I've played lol. XD
In Mission 2, after saving Aoi from the gang-raep guys (this has permanently become their name hahaha), Inukai accompanied her back to Usagiri Jimusho, where he insisted on helping to uncover the identities of those despicable bastards because he feels that it's his fault that Aoi was attacked. Or so he claims but I think it's also because he likes her already. Unoya wasn't thrilled at first (he doesn't like it that Inukai keeps criticising them about the stuff they do) and said some pretty harsh stuff, but in the end, they made a compromise: allowing Inukai to join in their investigation on the condition that he stfu about the unorthodox ways they use to get to the bottom of the matter. So together they went to the hospital to visit the witness and made him spit out what he knows as promised before he got beaten up. Unoya then got really angry because the witness refused to say anything.
こ、怖い... (||゚Д゚)ヒィィィ!
でもかっこいい! \((♡∀♡))/
(On a side note, the way Unoya was being so aggressive, I thought this part should have been used in his route (minus Inukai of course) instead of the visit to Erina to show how much he cares for Aoi. Just saying.)
After some resistance, the guy finally caved in and told them the name of the REAL culprit (who happens to be this rich obocchama who attends the same university as him). And now that they know the name and even the school name, it made it much easier for Takumi to dig out the information they need. And so he did, followed by hacking into the culprit's server (which made Inukai go "!!!" lol), finding all the evidence etc etc. (I loved how Unoya shielded Aoi away from the gross photos so as not to traumatise her further. WHY WASN'T THIS IN HIS ROUTE??? Hai.) And then Unoya was like "Alrighty, I know the ~perfect~ way to catch that little bastard." and pulled out the photo they took of Inukai entering a hotel with the client's wife lolol. Inukai was like "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS???!!" HAHAHA. Omg so funny. XD And when they came clean and told him the long and short of it, he was like "WHAT THE HELL I HATE YOU GUYS ヽ(*`Д´)ノ" lol poor guy. *pats*
Anyway, Unoya's plan was to use the photo as a bait to entice the culprit to meet up with them since the culprit's aim was to get hold of information he can use to blackmail Inukai to stop investigating the gang-raep matter. So of course the culprit fell into their trap and met up with Unoya who managed to make him admit what he did by showing him the photos they stole from his server. And all of these was secretly recorded down as evidence woo. Meanwhile, Inukai was hiding in some corner with Aoi and silently fumed in anger and indignation when Unoya was waving the "adultery" photo in front of the raepist. Damn funny lol. It's like "RIGHT NOW I JUST WANT TO GO OUT AND RIP THAT PHOTO INTO PIECES BUT I MUST SUPPRESS MY ANGER SO AS NOT TO FOIL THE PLAN. MUST. SUPPRESS. DAMMIT GRRR." while Aoi was all ^^; hahaha.
Finally the culprit realised that he was being tricked and got his guys to come out and deal with Unoya who called out for Takumi. A fight then ensued. However, instead of finishing the opponents up quickly like in the previous storylines, they appeared to be outnumbered. Aoi remarked on it and then tada! Superman Inukai decides to join in! Lol. HEY YOU THIS PRIM AND PROPER GUY KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT OKAY. (*^∀^)) He even one-hit KO-ed the culprit like *PUNCH* *adjusts suit* "Hmmpf" gahaha.
And omg the ending to this scene was so epic. After they managed to pwn all the bad guys (who were tied up by Aoi after being KO-ed), Unoya called Erina and told her that he's got a bunch of fresh and young manmeat for her and her okama friends lol omg so sadistic. Oh, and he was sitting down on the (KO-ed and groaning) culprit's back the whole time during the call hahaha. Somewhat disappointed that they didn't continue with the scenario thereafter though. Would have been awesome to see Erina and friends traumatising those delinquents.
In Mission 3, Inukai actually showed up at the brand launch party that the Crazy Rabbits infiltrated to get close to the cougar. AND OMG HIS CUTOUT IMAGE!!! I don't know how to describe it. It's just so...different! XD
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Anyway, upon seeing them, Inukai figured out that they must be on a mission and was not very impressed but before he could go on with his criticism, Unoya decided he's not going to stand there and listen to his shit and left Aoi to deal with him all by herself lol.
"Don't worry, Inukai loves you. Cya."
"NO I DON'T WHAT ARE YOU SAYING. ε=(///ω///)=33"
It was also cute watching him blush as he complimented Aoi on her outfit. ♥ I LOVE IT WHEN THE PRIM AND PROPER GUYS BLUSH. XD
Fast-forward Aoi got kidnapped along with Karasuma by Tachibana's guys etc. When she finally managed to turn on her communication device to contact Unoya, Inukai was all over it in seconds lol. Apparently he saw Aoi being kidnapped and immediately ran to inform Unoya and Takumi. Also, he appeared to be extremely worried about Aoi here. ♥
Inukai: NO I CAN'T.
Unoya: What the...STFU YOU.
Lol. And I thought the Unoya x Takumi pairing was epic. This ain't too bad either.
Yeah so then Aoi and Karasuma were rescued and Ginji met up with Tachibana etc. Then just when Tachibana was about to leave after thinking he killed all of them, Unoya, Takumi and Inukai appeared, surprising the hell out of him.
Tachibana: Who are you guys!?
Unoya: Uh no, not you Inu.
Then after Tachibana was pwned, Inukai was being all tsundere and was about to confess to Aoi how worried he was for her when Unoya butted in and spoilt the moment lol. It went something like this:
Inukai: If anything like this were to happen to you again, I...
Aoi: Inukai-san...
Unoya: Aaand CUT! *puts arm around Aoi*
Unoya: No can do. We've got a mission to complete.
Aoi: Um, but I haven't changed.
Unoya: Not enough time. *drags Aoi along*
Man I tell you Unoya was extremely funny in Inukai's route! He's always teasing poor Inukai. Kind of refreshing to see him being the seme for once since he was always the uke when hanging out with Takumi. XD
Good Ending
Pretty much the same things happened like in Unoya's good ending. Aoi got into the stalker's house alone, found out the truth, got kidnapped etc. Only difference is that Inukai was the one who rushed in to save her before Shiranui injected the drugs into her. His dramatic reaction was teh lol as usual.
Inukai: STOP RIGHT THERE!!! *appears + folds arms + erai look*
Aoi: Eh......?
Shiranui: Who the fxxk...???
Unoya/Takumi: ... Oh hai Aoi. *waves*
Haha. XD
So after the whole Shiranui thing was over, Aoi ended up in Inukai's apartment, where she was chided by Inukai for not being vigilant enough etc. and that's why all those stuff happened. Inukai then said that even now she still hasn't learnt her lesson because there she is thinking nothing of visiting a man's apartment all by herself wut. And he kisses her to prove his point. Tsk tsk tsk creating excuses for himself. XD
Then we move on to the rabu-rabu scene~~~ AND ZOMG INUKAI'S VOICE WAS SUUUPER AMAI!!! So sweet, so gentle, so DERE etc etc. So different from his usual majime self. *sighs*
We also have this:
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ASDFGHJKL ♥ ♥ ♥ SUPER HOT CG Y/Y? This definitely tops my CG of the Year list. The taking-off-glasses and loosening-tie combi is just...(*♥д♥*)
After that they started dating officially. Aoi quitted Usagiri Jimusho because Inukai thought it's too dangerous. She also started calling him "Makoto-san" which sounded totally awkward to my ears. Still prefer "Inukai" more. :P
Then one fine day, they were having dinner in this restaurant and Inukai proposes to her! And the story ends with them getting married and the others coming to congratulate them...except for Unoya who made some cynical remarks awww. Is that jealousy I see??? XD (Oh Unoya, why weren't you more like this in your own route??? (≧ヘ≦)ムス~)
Bad Endings
Inukai has two bad endings and I fxxking hate both. (One more than the other.) D:
Seriously, if you're not OCD about completing your CG gallery and Memories section, don't do his bad end routes. JUST DON'T. I don't know about the others who did it but for me, by doing Inukai's bad routes, I end up disliking NOT Inukai but Unoya (and possibly Takumi). Because the two guys were basically behaving like nothing but jerks to Aoi throughout the whole thing while I sit in front my laptop unable to pick my jaw up from the ground.
First Aoi lost to Unoya in the drinking game at Erina's bar, totally failing to impress both guys (and getting laughed at by Unoya). Second she screwed up in Mission 1 because she was unable to find the obocchama on time and Unoya chewed her out properly for that, going on and on about how useless she is, how she should just act according to instructions and not decide things on her own and how she could have screwed up the entire mission etc etc. wtf. And after he finished his rant, Takumi just coldly told her that she deserved it for not listening to him and acting on her own zzz. WHAT THE HELL TIARAMODE. =/
Then in Mission 2, as usual, Aoi was assigned to temporarily work in Inukai's office in order to spy on him. And well, that's where all the shit happens. It all begins when you choose to either peek at Inukai's email inbox or his mobile phone.
If you choose the email option, Aoi will...check Inukai's email duh. I did this route first, and was actually feeling kind of apprehensive while at it, holding my breath (no kidding) and expecting Inukai to burst in at any moment to catch her in the act. After doing his good ending, I actually liked Inukai a lot so I kind of felt bad about "betraying" him like that. Yeah.
So anyway, I was surprised when Inukai didn't come in (my mind was going ??? all over) and Aoi left the office. At this point I was trying hard to figure out how this whole thing is going to end since it didn't go the way I thought it would (don't laugh, otome gaming is serious business okay). And then as in every other route so far, she was kidnapped by the gang raep guys and suddenly my mind sort of clicked and I was like OMGGG. うそ。まさか...???
And I was right. She got raeped by those guys wuuut... :(
I tell you this is one of the sickest things I've seen in otome games. I was kind of just clicking through it fast because it was just terrible. AND THE CG JUST MADE ME SICK. |電柱|ヽ(_ _|||)))) オェェェ!! You know I don't think it was really necessary to have one. Even if they wanted to go through with this plot, they could have just done the fade-out-into-darkness thing and skip the whole (long) process...oh wait, this is a 18+ game so I guess they don't do things like fade-out-into-darkness. Sigh.
After the whole thing was over, the guys were like "You don't think we're just going to end it here do you?" and I was like "WHAT ANOTHER ROUND NO EFFING WAY!!!". But thank god Inukai actually came to save her before anything else happened. No really. THANK GOD. (I didn't think he would. I thought it would just end with Aoi quitting Usagiri Jimusho after the thing.)
Yeah so he found her and was like totally shocked. Then he brought her to his apartment and it was just so sad. Aoi was completely traumatised and crying while she recounted what happened, and Inukai was like "It's okay. Don't say anything. You don't have to." And then when he tried to hold her she pushed him away out of fear. (;_;)
After that Aoi stayed in Inukai's apartment because she has developed a phobia of the outside world and couldn't bring herself to step out of the door. Meanwhile Inukai helped her to resign from Usagiri Jimusho and did all he could to identify and catch the culprits. Which he did. And the story ends with Aoi continuing to suffer from this psychological trauma and Inukai telling her everything is okay and that he loves her (?) and will stay by her side to protect her always even though he remains unable to touch her because of her trauma. :(
For the other bad ending, Aoi peeks at Inukai's mobile phone to check for evidence of adultery. It is in this route where Inukai returns to his office to retrieve his phone and finds Aoi holding it in her hands. And of course he demanded an explanation, which Aoi couldn't give without giving herself away. Then she dropped her bag and out came the "hotel" photo sliding out of her diary. Great. Inukai saw it and picked it up before she could. And then all hell broke loose as Inukai figured out what was happening and just snapped.
It was really sad listening to his reaction because he sounded really hurt (and angry obviously, in a calm way, which to me is the most fatal type of anger) about it and was like "So that's why you came working at my office. And I thought it was strange. So I am the target? And you worked hard so that you can gain my trust and seduce me is it? Ha. To think I actually trusted you. How stupid of me." :(
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And then what else he proceeded to tie her hands up with his tie and raeped her in his office. =/
While at it, he said a lot of hurtful and hateful stuff (out of hurt and anger) like "Why are you resisting? I'm HELPING you with your job." and "Now you can go back and tell your colleagues the good news. That you managed to make Inukai fall for you." The last sentence made me particularly sad. :(((
After the whole thing ended, Aoi called out to Inukai to explain and apologise but he was like "DON'T CALL MY NAME AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. EVER." (Ugh I feel so terrible. For both of them.) So Aoi went back to Usagiri Jimusho and told Unoya that she screwed up the mission, and was severely scolded for it (thank god they didn't act out the scene or I'd have disliked Unoya here more). Only when Unoya saw the red marks on her wrists did he stop ranting. Sigh. The story then ends with Aoi quitting and moving back to her grandparents' place in the inaka to start afresh.
Man, Tiaramode is really good at making bad endings huh.
And I think it's obvious which of the two bad endings I hate more. =/
General Thoughts
After playing Unoya and Takumi's routes, I was fully prepared for a lack of romantic scenes again. Like "I know I haven't been showing any interest in you for like 90% of the game but now that we are almost at the end, it's time for me to confess my love for you and let's make love!" Kinda.
But NO!!! It was not like that at all. It was dere ALL THE WAY from Mission 2 onwards!!! From the moment when Aoi offered him the first cup of coffee while working at his law office, his attitude started to change! SO EARLY WHY ISN'T IT THE SAME FOR OTHERS (i.e. Unoya) GAAAH.
Thereafter, every time Inukai appears, 必ず萌え・可愛い・面白い・以上全部セリフが出る! First he started to frequent Blue Moon in hope of bumping into Aoi despite his violent protest against the presence of Hana-chan (the rabbit) in the cafe/bar. And when Aoi asked him about it, he attributed it to the good food and then ended off by muttering to himself 「そうだな。それにここに来れば......いや、その話は今はいいか」 woo.
In all, I have to say I was really surprised at how frank Inukai was with his feelings throughout (his good end route). Of all of the characters, I thought he'd be the most sunao janai one. So it was a pleasant surprise seeing him so straight-forwardly expressing his concern towards Aoi, unlike Unoya and Takumi.
Good ending was good. It felt more complete than the previous two endings I played. Wedding endings always make the story feel more complete to me. ^^ Though again, premature rabu-rabu scene in my opinion. (Really, not just this game but also other games and
Plus since Aoi quit Usagiri Jimusho, they can just get her to work in Inukai's office and take advantage of the setting to give us otome gamers some hot office sex y/n? They can even use the CG in Inukai's second bad ending (since they already re-used so many, one more wouldn't hurt) since that CG doesn't actually look like raep if you change the look on Inukai's face. Yeah. I think that would have been a better utilization of the CG. XP That, plus the super hot CG from the good ending would have made the whole thing 100% more awesome. Woot.
For the bad endings...sigh. Obviously the gang-raep ending just sucked and should just gdiaf. I still think they should have just censored the act, and instead elaborate more on Inukai's emotions towards Aoi after that. That would have made the story more tragic and less gross. And then maybe it'd have been more tolerable.
Second ending, I actually felt a bit bad for Inukai although I don't think the truth actually warranted a raep. I mean Aoi was just doing her job. And she was only there to search for evidence for adultery and is so not trying to seduce him like Inukai accused her of. At least not yet. So whatever she has done so far, it certainly wasn't an act. I mean good heavens Inukai, with the monster workload you pile on her, you think she has time to think about how to seduce you??? =/
If I had to choose, I'd rather they do away with the first bad ending. Not to say I like the second bad ending but that's still tolerable for me. Mainly because the cause of the deed in the second ending was emotional while the one in the first bad ending was just pure physical (even if the very last part was touching in a super tragic way). And Aoi kind of didn't resist much in the second ending. In fact she actually responded to it towards the end wtf. So, yeah.
Oh, and I hated how Unoya was so mean to her in both of the bad end routes. >:(
Favourite Scenes
1. How Inukai freaks out whenever he sees Hana-chan in Blue Moon. XD
2. How Inukai looked all ~sad~ when he saw Aoi walking back to Usagiri Jimusho with Karasuma after the party in Mission 3. (D'awww lol.)
4. How Inukai was disappointed when he saw Unoya with Aoi in Blue Moon. Unoya saw it and couldn't resist teasing him. XD
"Oops sorry she's not by herself. My bad."
"What do you mean? *frowns*"
5. All the times when he got all worked up when Aoi was in danger, making Unoya and Takumi go (¬_¬). XD
6. How Inukai kept asking Aoi to quit her job (throughout the game way before he confessed) and said he'd hire her if she can't find another one after that. ♥
7. When Inukai got so irritated listening to Aoi saying good things about Shiranui that he smooched her to death. Woot.
8. TAKE-OFF-GLASSES + LOOSEN-TIE *droools* :Q___
9. How Inukai goes black face for like a split second when Unoya made those cynical remarks and acted like he was (and still is) interested in Aoi during the wedding. XD
Favourite Quotes
(The last 2 quotes were voted by the do-M in me. Don't mind don't mind. XP)
Final Comments
Otherwise Inukai was awesome! ♥ Let us see teh hawtness one more time:
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I'm still doing Karasuma's route so the review (is it even called a review since I just throw up every single detail about the game lol) probably won't be up so soon. Sorry to anyone out there who is actually reading my trash! XD
(Tried a different way of presenting the review this time. Still experimenting to see which is the best. ^^ Maybe someday I'll finally learn how to summarise things hahaha.)
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