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The Megane.
The Man
Delta is a weirdo (self-professed) professor who is obsessed with Science despite being an akuma, which would have been pretty cool except that he gets his facts all wrong. (>∀<●) Though that do provide for some lol to his otherwise rather draggy wtf-is-this-shit (oops spoiler) route. Ha.
Delta is kind of a social retard. He's always damn serious and talks bluntly. This is aggravated by the fact that he's always cooped up alone in his "lab" conducting research and experiments, which mostly make no sense. The main reason why his facts are so messed up is because he believes the content of just about every single human world book he gets his hands on (usually through Luca who finds them in sasayaki no mori). Including science fiction stuff wtf. XD
Background-wise, Delta comes from a super-rich family and has super-strict parents. Because of his weird behaviour i.e. obsession with Science, they sent him to live alone in his current house, and deployed a team of maids over to take care plus keep an eye on him to make sure he does not do anything that breaches makai's social ethics.
Delta is voiced by Ookawa Tooru, who, in my opinion, did an awesome job voicing Typhoon in the How Weather drama CD.
For Delta's route, Kurumi chooses to be a research assistant and goes off with Evans.
Similar to Leon's route, we get a cutscene here. Except that this time it's narrated by Delta himself (but you wouldn't know that at this point in time since you haven't met him, unless you recognise the seiyuu's voice). In short, it's something to do with the reason why he became a "researcher" i.e. how he discovered the wonders of Science and human inventions, which he felt was far more impressive than magic powers since it's something that's beyond his knowledge and comprehension. There was this funny bit where he talked about this "mystical box which people live in".
Then end of cutscene and we're brought back to Kurumi and Evans on their way to Delta's house. Evans told her how great a scientist Delta is (no) and how he was the one who built the roketto they are sitting in.
Yes. Roketto. Rocket.
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And no. That's not a rokketto. It's just a horse carriage made of metal. (^^;)
It's also not very comfortable to sit in this thing because it shakes a lot when running.
I also pity the horsie for having to pull this heavy thing. *patpat*
Naturally, Kurumi was all (;・∀・) when Evans introduced this piece of abstract art as a "roketto". She got even more (;・∀・) when he continued to feed her with more twisted Science facts told to him by Delta. Such as how the distance between Delta's house and the market place is 0.000000000(infinity) light years, how planets are actually lands and not jewels in the sky (ok he got this part right) and how Delta's dream is to travel to the moon and have tea with the rabbit that lives there (wrong). Uh wut? XD
(( Meeting ))
Then they reached the house, and Evans brought Kurumi to meet Delta, who was so absorbed in his experiment that he was totally oblivious to their existence until he screwed up something and Evans took the chance to get his attention. Delta was startled, and voiced his disapproval, saying "Evans, I told you to knock before entering my room."
Evans ignored Delta's complains and presented Kurumi to him. Delta took a good look at her, and then with a look of disinterest, turned away and told Evans he's not interested in a "magic doll" and to "throw it away" wtf.
(( Are You Human? ))
Evans told Delta that Kurumi is a human "ningen" but Delta doesn't believe him, saying that humans don't exist in makai. Evans argued that Kurumi's ability to speak and move despite not posessing any magic powers proves that she's a human, not a magic doll. Delta was still doubtful but decided to test for Kurumi's "authenticity" as a human by asking her ridiculous questions, such as what is 「スペースエーテル」 because humans should be able to answer that.
Couple more questions later, Delta decided that Kurumi is indeed a human, despite her "low performance" in certain areas due to her lack of knowledge on certain things he deemed as basic knowledge for humans. (ちょっ、失礼なんっすけどォォォ!!!)
After a thoroughly confusing conversation, Kurumi started to get a real bad feeling about her situation. She asked whether Delta and Evans are humans, and of course, the answer is no. Delta and Evans are akumas! But she didn't have time to be shocked or try to convince herself it's a dream because she was distracted by Delta who was like "SO THIS IS HUMAN! Man, not even the accumulation of the bestest magic powers in makai can we produce such highly capable doll."
... wait, what???
Turns out that he thinks humans are a product of Science...
Okay, humans are a product of reproductive Science yes, but it's not reproductive Science he's thinking but rather, engineering kind of Science? In other words, he thinks humans "ningen" are scientific dolls i.e. robots made by humans "hito", where "hito" is a kind of species living in the human world. *facepalm*
(( Enter Your Serial No. ))
So now Delta has a tested and proven "ningen" in his hand yay. He's very excited and eager to know more about her. So he asks moar questions such as what is her serial and ID number "My class index number is 23" "Within 100? You must be a good student." , where is she manufactured "I was born in a hospital." "So they manufacture humans in hospitals? I see I see." etc. So many things wrong with the conversation I don't even know where to start tsukkomi-ing. XD But it definitely proves that Delta thinks humans are robots.
(( Body Checkup ))
Next he checks her out (literally) and started doing all sorts of measuring on her using the strangest tools like a protractor which he calls a pipette, and recording data in percent and mole units lmao. Told you his facts are messed up. Kurumi kept trying to correct Delta but he kept countering her with wrong concepts e.g. "I think weight are measured in kilos and grams...?" "What? Isn't kilo used to measure distances? You use it to measure weight too?" zzz.
Finally, Kurumi gave up, telling herself that since this is a dream (she chooses to think this way), it's not strange to encounter weird scientists who speak of illogical theories.
Meanwhile, Delta was pleased that Kurumi might be of great help to his research. He then lifted her chin to take a good, long look at her face...and then he kissed her.
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I get the sudden kiss with Leon and night!Luca since they are basically perverts and hit on anything that has the XX chromosome. But Delta? From what I see, this man prefers to make love to Science than to women. So why would he kiss Kurumi???
Oh, I see. It's because he wants to test her reaction as a robot.
Then he kissed Kurumi somemore until she got turned on wtf.
Next, he asked her to strip because he wants to study her body structure.
Yes, these are the exact words that came out of my mouth as I replayed the game to write this thing.
Of course Kurumi didn't want to because YOU KNOW. Delta thinks she's disobeying his orders because she already has a master. That, or she doesn't have any master and thus doesn't answer to anyone's commands. Despite so, he insisted that she strips, and you are given three respond options: 1. Kick Delta, 2. Strip or 3. Escape.
I'd very much like to choose 1 but the correct answer is 2.
So Kurumi strips. Very very slowly because HELLO CHO-HAZUKASHII CAN.
Then Evans, who was watching from the side all this while, thought it's because her clothes are difficult to take off, and decided to help by using his magic powers. He snapped his finger and tada! Kurumi's clothes disappeared!!! Wtf.
Naturally Kurumi started shrieking.
Then Delta shouted at Evans...for using magic powers in his ~holy research lab~.
Delta then proceeded to study Kurumi's body structure, by 1. making her stand naked in front of him and 2. touching her everywhereee.
SO PERVERTED WTF. Is this scenario built on some kind of play or something?
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Fortunately, Kurumi got her clothes back in the middle of the "checkup" because she firmly refused to show her front to Delta. OBVIOUSLY. From there they continued, and Kurumi started getting turned on again when Delta touched her boobs wut.
Delta noted her turned-on face, and unlike Leon and night!Luca, remarked in a neutral tone "Hmmm, so you get turned on? Would you happen to have a pseudo reproduction system installed inside you as well?" and slipped his hand into her skirt to check wtf. Kurumi smacked his hand away and his response: "Self-defense mechanism??? Are you are unused???" (as in a new robot instead of a 2nd hand one).
I'd have laughed at the dual-meaning if not for the fact that I was still weirded out by Delta's behaviour. It's probably meant to be funny (how he unintentionally say and do all these pervy stuff) but for some reason, I'm not really amused. For the most part.
Thankfully, Delta decided to stop for the day after that and Kurumi was finally able to escape from his sekuhara experiment.
(( Welcome to Makai ))
The next day, Kurumi got lost in the house. It turns out that there's some kind of magic cast on the corridors and she's unable to navigate them due to a lack of magic power. Luckily Evans came to save her before she went "outside of time". Whatever that means. He explained to her what happened, and for the first time, Kurumi was forced to consider the fact that this is not a dream and she has really stumbled into makai after all.
Evans then brought Kurumi to the library to tell her about makai: akuma, mamono, magic powers etc.. Kurumi was also told about Delta's special ability to control people's feelings, and realised that was the reason why she felt light and obliged to obey when Delta whispered commands into her ear after she refused to show her front yesterday.
(( Eggs ))
After the explanation session, Evans brought Kurumi to the dining room for lunch. However, much to Kurumi's dismay, there was nothing but gross makai food to choose from. She tried to avoid eating those stuff by asking for just salad and water but Evans insisted she eats properly, and suggested she make some food which she, a human, usually eats herself. So they moved to the kitchen where Kurumi cooked some scrambled eggs. Just when she's about eat it, Evans snatched it away, saying that he wants to show it to Delta because it's "human food".
Cut to Delta's research lab. Delta was not impressed with the dish at first, until Evans told him that Kurumi made it and it's what humans eat. Deciding that there's some research value, he poked at the food. Kurumi was like CAN I HAS IT NOW BEFORE IT GETS COLD but her statement only encouraged Delta to ask more questions about the dish. Like what happens to it when it gets cold, what is the optimal condition under which it should be consumed. MOU DOU DEMO II YO.
Meanwhile Evans started helping himself to the eggs, and was like OMG TASTE SO GOOD lol. Delta also ate some as part of "analysis" for his research. This pissed Kurumi off because she's SO HUNGRY (poor girl hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday) and these guys were helping themselves to HER food.
Delta noticed Kurumi's reaction and asked her what's wrong. (What's wrong indeed.) Kurumi just glared at him until he was like oopsie (reminds me of how Leon ate all of Kurumi's chocolates haha) and said "Okay okay I get it. Stop looking at me like that." before taking a spoonful of eggs and going:
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OH. MY. GOD. (」°ロ°)」
It's like 「あ~ん」 in this deep and monotone voice. XD
Kurumi finds it frightening but I find it cute because it's so awkward and un-fitting, and I love the GYAPPU haha.
When Kurumi didn't eat from his spoon, Delta was like "Strange. I read that this is how you feed humans." XD Kurumi says she's not a bird or hamster so she can eat herself, to which Delta asked "So あ~ん is not correct?" d'aaw. XD Kurumi was like "it's not wrong but you're not doing it correctly" and tried to teach him, which resulted in both of them 「あ~ん」-ing to each other like "It should be done using a gentler tone." "A~n. ... Like that?" "No. More like 'A~n♪'." "A~n? ... Like that?" "No. A~n♪" "A, a~n..." "..." until Evans was like 「わっ、なんかいやらしい新婚さんみたい」 LOL. XD
Delta was not amused, however, and went 「・・・・・・もういい!とにかくあ~んだ!あ~ん!」 in this semi-angry tone and forced Kurumi to eat from his spoon ahaha.
Then he ate the rest himself. ( ̄□ ̄;)
After that, he asks Kurumi to cook the same dish and bring it to him tomorrow. Apparently, he has decided that in name of research, he shall SACRIFICE eating his beloved "space food" (Azusa?) and switch to eating scrambled eggs everyday lmao yeah right what a big sacrifice. XD
Hearing that, Evans also asked Kurumi to cook for him. So now, Kurumi is both research assistant (material?) and cook.
Hmmm. Somehow it seems like you need to be a good cook in order to attract the guys in this game. (● ̄▽ ̄●;)ゞ
(( Meidofuku ))
Time for the meidofuku to enter the story! XD
Days passed, and Evans told Kurumi to let him know if she needs anything so she asked for some change of clothes, and tada! Meidofuku! Because Evans likes it wtf. XD
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After getting her to wear it, Evans brought Kurumi to show Delta but being the stuffy guy he is, he was all "WHAT IS THIS OUTFIT. WHAT IS THIS THING ON THE HEAD. WHAT IS THIS FLUFFY THING ON THE SLEEVES. WHY IS THE SKIRT SO LONG. THIS MEIDOFUKU IS NOT PRACTICAL AT ALL." and Evans was like "Can't you say something nice zzz." and Delta was like "I'm just being objective." Right.
Kurumi was a little sad at his comments...
Haha, I love it when serious men gets flustered. XD
Oh, and by the way, Evans cast a spell on the meidofuku so that Kurumi won't get lost in the corridors anymore. Up till now, she had to rely on a maid to bring her around. So I guess the meidofuku is not as impractical as Delta says after all. This is also the one and only reason why Kurumi was willing to keep wearing it.
(( More Eggs ))
Now that she doesn't have to worry about getting lost, Kurumi decided to do some exploring. Since she felt a little hungry, she decided to visit the kitchen to look for some snacks, and found Delta waiting for her there. (How the hell did he know she'll come???) He passed her a frying pan and some ingredients, and asked her to cook something so that he can observe her actions and collect data. So Kurumi decided to cook an omelette. Delta asked her what is it and she said it's like the scrambled eggs from yesterday but in a nicer form.
At the word "scrambled eggs", Delta's eyes sparkled lol.
I guess despite his eccentricity, Delta has his own cute moments as well.
After Kurumi was done, Delta promptly took the omelette from her, whips out a shiny fork from god knows where and took a bite.
Then he said it sucks.
Yet he continued eating and finished the whole thing. (;¬_¬)じ~…
His final comment was that although the taste sucks, it's not bad nuitrition-wise.
What the...? Is this Hell's Kitchen for health freaks or something???
Kurumi was like D: but Delta ignored her reaction as usual, and asked her to cook more stuff for him to try...
Anyways, Kurumi realised that Delta is probably just being sunao janai, as Evans said and decided to let it be. Then she turned to make something else as Delta asked and squeaked when Delta suddenly start touching her again.
And no, Delta's not being perverted like Leon-sama. He's not using research as an excuse to molest Kurumi. This guy is genuine about wanting to observe Kurumi's reflexes and study her body structure. He even asked her what it's made of. Aluminium? Iron? Plastic?
Because remember? To him, Kurumi is more of a robot than a living thing.
Where is the romance...
I don't really get this scientist and assistant (or rather, experiment object) kind of "cosplay" but oh well, at least it's nothing I've seen before, and a change from ecchi Leon and Luca??? *laughs*
I'm surprised Kurumi hasn't slapped Delta a thousand times over already. I mean, if she had the nerve to slap Leon-sama for touching her boobs, she should be able to do the same to Delta who does more than touching her boobs. Not fair. (`・ω・´)
(( Alcohol ))
This is one of the funniest scenes in Delta's route, in my opinion.
One fine day, Delta got his hands on a bottle of whisky and asked Kurumi to drink it because he was told that "drinking this will give you the ability to climb lamp posts" (he has no idea what are lamp posts).
Kurumi told him that only adults are allowed to drink it, and caused Delta to conclude that she's an "unhatched" form of human. Evans asked what he meant by that and Delta explained that according to the books, when females grow from being a child to an adult, their bodies change aka puberty, and Kurumi is considered "unhatched" because she's not yet an adult. Evans was impressed that Kurumi can "evolve" like a Pokemon and asked Kurumi to tell him when it happens, while Delta was like "Hmmm...", stared at her giant boobs, and commented that she's "impressive" despite being in an unevolved form.
Kurumi, just slap him already.
In an effort to make sure that Delta doesn't force her to drink the whisky in the future, Kurumi snatched the bottle from him and
Pan on Stove: *flames*
Delta & Evans: Oooh~~~ *amazed*
Kurumi: *finishes cooking* Done!
Delta & Evans: Oooh~~~ *amazed somemore and claps*
I swear their amazed voices just about killed me. XD
Then next moment, they started fighting with each other over the dish lol.
(( Habit ))
Since Delta and Evans seem to like her cooking so much, Kurumi thought she would try to make makai style dishes. Evans offered to translate the recipe book (written in makai language) for her. However, the next day, it was Delta who approached Kurumi and passed her the recipe book which HE translated because it'd take too long for Evans to do it. I was so awww when I saw that. さりげない優しさには弱いからね、私。
Kurumi was pleasantly surprised and delighted. However, just when she was flipping through the book to choose a dish to make, a sense of shock passed through her and she started feeling uneasy about how she's getting so accustomed to living in makai. So much that she actually find all the strange makai food normal.
(( Visitor ))
On yet another fine day, just as Kurumi finished washing the dishes, the door bell rang!
Who is it now?
To be continued! :P
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