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Don't ask me why this post came out so fast. Just felt like it.
So we left off with someone ringing the doorbell. Who is it???
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It's Luca! :D
(Look at his expression. It makes me want to squish his face. ♥)
Kurumi was like iyaaaaaa and tried to close the door on him hahaha. Not sure why. Maybe it's because he was standing too close and it shocked her? I mean look at that dekai cutout. *points above*
Anyway, Luca came to deliver a letter!
I think we all know who it's from
He also came to deliver a sci-fi novel. (Great. Now Delta's gonna be more misled.)
So Kurumi accepted the stuff and passed them to Delta, who promptly threw the letter behind him and made a grab for the book.
Storyline 1
Kurumi asked Delta to read the letter but he replied that it's probably the usual thing and he'd rather read the book.
So it's not the first time Leon wrote to ask for help? Poor thing. ・゜゜(>_<)゜゜・
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Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Kurumi also asked him why he no read the letter but Delta just said she's shitsukoi and asked whether she has problems with her sound recognition system wtf. Kurumi got pissed and in her anger blurted out that there's no scientific knowledge he can derive from the stupid novel he's reading like a reference book.
Instead of taking offense, however, Delta only got interested and asked her whether she knows the real thing. Here, you are suppose to be honest and say no. I was expecting Delta to go "then don't talk bitch" on me but instead, he was impressed that Kurumi has the ability to voice her own opinion, which he feels is an incredible feat that cannot be achieved without considerable scientific knowledge and skills.
Man, she's not a robot for god's sake. Can we stop this shit and move on to something more romantic???
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Delta then wants her to stay in the lab so that he can collect a sample of her saliva whenever needed wut. Thank god Kurumi was sane enough to run away. For a moment, I thought she was going to obey his orders because you know, she did strip when Delta asked her to.
(( Chocolate ))
Remember how Kurumi got some chocolates from Ashe, which she planned to share with Leon but he ended up eating everything?
Here's a chocolate scene with Delta!
In this route, Kurumi didn't get her chocolate from Ashe, but rather, Luca gave it to her for free! So nice of him. (^-^)
So she brought the chocolate bar to the lab to share with Delta, and Delta was of course very interested since it's related to the human world. He took the entire bar, and was like "Oh, silver colour. How science-ish." and Kurumi was like "NO THAT'S THE WRAPPING. DON'T EAT THAT." (≧∇≦)ノ彡 バンバン!
So Delta unwrapped the chocolate. Then he poked at it and took a bite.
Kurumi hurriedly picked it up and Delta said she can have it. So she took a bite and BLISSSSSS~~~ Haha. Delta saw her (●´∀`●) face and said 「笑いながら食べるのは止めなさい。・・・・・・行儀が悪い」 (美味しいから、いいの!) Kurumi says it's because it's delicious, and he seems intrigued that this mud-like sweet thing can make her smile, so he asked Kurumi to return the chocolates to him for further study.
Unfortunately, because he kept holding it in his hand, the chocolate started to melt. Kurumi was like oh noes and gave him that (●`з´●) look, and Delta was like wut. She told him that chocolates are her favourite, and had she known that it was just gonna go to waste, she wouldn't have given it to him, especially since chocolates are extremely rare in makai. To that, Delta smirked and said if she wants it so much, she can have it.
Then he thrust out his chocolate-coated hand and asked Kurumi to lick the chocolate off. O_O
Is he...teasing her??? I don't know. I mean Delta is such a serious guy, so I wouldn't think he's trying to be flirty or what but sometimes I find it hard to believe there's no such intention (flirt/tease/whatever) behind these kind of actions.
(( Eggs III ))
You guys eat too much eggs... Just saying.
One day, after Kurumi finished making dinner, she realised that no one was in the dining room. So she decided to bring the food to Delta's lab but he wasn't there. Then she waited...and waited...but no one came. Finally, she gave up and returned to the dining room, thinking to starting eating first. Suddenly...
Delta was hiding behind the curtain... ( ̄□ ̄;)
かくれんぼかコノヤロー。(Shit, I'm starting to talk like Gin-chan.)
Apparently, he has been hiding there since Kurumi set the dishes on the table wut. He said he wanted to observe how Kurumi will react when she realise that he's not around.
It'd have been cute if it came from, say, Evans. But Delta? Knowing that he's just doing it as part of his "research" made it not as cute. (Though it's funny.)
Then it was eggs tasting session. As usual, Delta finds it difficult to sunao-ly (I don't know how I came up with this word but I just did) praise Kurumi's cooking. All he could say was "mazukunai". Oookay. Then he tried Kurumi's scrambled eggs (as opposed to his omelette earlier), and this time, his comment was "mazui"...even though he looked like he enjoyed eating it. I guess you just have to take his word the opposite way. (●^∀^●) Kurumi decided to tease him a little and said if that's the case, she'll make omelette instead of scrambled eggs from now one since the former tastes better. To that, Delta panicked and said 「い、いや、まて・・・・・・。人間の料理の失敗作をもっと研究したい。オムレツではなくこちらを作りなさい」 hahaha. This guy is really cute in the strangest ways. ( *´艸`)クスクス
(( Not A Dream ))
Suddenly, Evans came bursting into the room. He announced that he bought something rare from Luca, and dun dun dun! It's Kurumi's bag! Kurumi was shocked, and once again, she was forced to face the fact that this is not a dream. What? You've been thinking it's a dream all along? There's a limit to self-deception okay.
Yeah. So she got all affected and shit, and became super emo. Seeing her bag made her recall the human world, and she started getting an overwhelming urge to return home. On top of that, she also started to stop eating. Up till now, along with her self-deception, she's been ignoring the fact that the food she's been eating all come from unknown makai creatures and plants, and now that she's forced to face it, she's too grossed out to eat them.
During one of their meals, Delta and Evans were concerned that she's not eating properly, and both offered their food to her. At their insistence, Kurumi was forced to eat some of Delta's scrambled eggs (as opposed to squiggly moving strange makai tidbits from Evans). How nice of him to offer her his favourite food. (^-^)
(( Sick ))
Nevertheless, Kurumi's emo-ness persisted, and she eventually fell sick and fainted in the kitchen. Delta found her and woke her up. He asked her what happened to her, and she confessed that she didn't felt like eating anything because she's afraid of putting those unknown food in her mouth. Delta then told her to just rest and carried her in his arms to his room!
Yeah, so Kurumi woke up and found herself in Delta's room. She asked him why he brought her to his room, and he explained that it's because his room was closer to the kitchen than hers.
He went and bought loads of of cookies, cakes and other sweets from Luca just for Kurumi! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛キャッキャッ
Delta insisted that he's doing it only because she's a very important "research material", and he doesn't want her to "overheat" or "break down" due to lack of nutrition, but Kurumi knew that he was worried for her and accepted the food with thanks. While she was happily eating the cookies, Delta smiled and stroked her head. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛キャッキャッ This made Kurumi go dokidoki and think to herself that Delta is actually quite hansamu hurhur.
After she finished the food, Delta said there's something leftover and took out a can of gasoline wtf. Kurumi was like "NO NEED" but he told her 「好き嫌いはよくない」 and asked her to drink it, saying "Isn't this some kind of energy drink?" lmao. Oh man he's so funny when it comes to things like this.
Then they had a small chat, where Kurumi shared with Delta what she knew about science and stuff, like how that can of gasoline is for cars. (*´艸`*) Delta noticed that Kurumi refers to Evans as "Evans" but calls him "Delta-san", and asked why. Then he told Kurumi to call him Delta from now.
For the next few days, Delta continued to bring snacks from the human world for Kurumi, who appreciated the gesture, except that he'd force her to eat everything even when she says she's full haha. One day, Delta asked her what she is unhappy about, saying that he has no idea what she is thinking and asked her to express herself more.
Delta told Kurumi to tell him or Evans if there's anything she doesn't like or wants. Kurumi said she has none and kissed him on the cheek as an apology for making him worry. This made Delta go WHAT DA HECK Σ(●゚д゚●) lol. Nevertheless, he continued to insist that Kurumi tell him what she doesn't like or wants, saying that otherwise she wouldn't have gotten stressed and fallen sick. Knowing that he probably won't stop asking until she give a reply, she told him to get her a cup of tea. Delta was like "...okay." but muttered to himself 「しかし・・・・・・エヴァンスには服を望み、私には一杯の紅茶を望むか・・・・・・つまらん」 *sulk* SO DAMN CUTE CAN!!!
After that, he asked Kurumi to make another request, and she was like thinking there's really nothing other than the fact that she wants to go home, which she knows is impossible. Then she saw Delta holding the bubble wrap from the cookie tin and said she wants that, but Delta was like "Not this... I might need it for research..." AHAHA AN AKUMA FALLING PREY TO THE BUBBLE WRAP. XD
(( Robotto ))
Finally Kurumi recovered, and met Evans in the dining room for the first time since she fell sick. Evans was happy to see her. Then the maid came in and told Kurumi that Delta is looking for her, so she headed for the lab with Evans. On their way there, they talked about Delta, and Evans noticed that Kurumi no longer called Delta "Delta-san" but just "Delta".
Haha. The way he said it...it's like how your friends tease you about your crush. The kind of tone that makes you want to smack them. XD
Then they reached the lab. Evans noticed the door was not locked. So he opened it, only to hear Delta laughing to himself like 「・・・・・・ふふふふ」 and immediately shut the door lmao. Then he opened it again, heard Delta go 「・・・・・・ククッ・・・・・・ふふっ」, and closed it again. XD Then he looked at Kurumi, and both of them were like OMG DELTA IS LAUGHING. XD
Turns out that he made a wooden robot!
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Evans was astonished and went 「へぇ~、これがボロットかぁ」 lmao. XD He kept saying "borotto" instead of "robotto" and Delta kept correcting him. These two guys are so manzai sometimes.
Anyway, it's not really a robot. It's a clockwork toy kinda thingie. XD
Delta says it's an important prototype for the robot he plans to build but he's gonna put it under Kurumi's care for the time being so that she won't be too lonely.
Tsundere moments ftw.
Meanwhile, Evans thought Robotto was too plain and decided to cast magic on it to make it more interesting.
He promptly made it so big that Robotto's head broke through the roof lmao. Poor Delta. No wonder he's so against Evans using magic in his lab haha.
Eventually, Evans was forced to turn Robotto back to normal. However, Robotto seemed to have retained some of Evans' magic (that's what I think) and now have a mind of its own! It can actually understand what the three of them are saying and communicate through physical gestures! (Later it even learnt how to help out with cooking and bring tea to Delta! So cute!!!)
Delta was pissed with Evans for meddling with his robot, and both of them started arguing with each other. Seeing that, Kurumi tried to stop the fight by saying that it's probably because of the love Delta injected into Robotto while he was making it.
Anyway, from this point on, Kurumi found herself watching Delta more and more, and admired how he's so passionate about his research. This made her wonder if she's starting to like Delta.
(( Give Me Love ))
As mentioned, Delta hoped to build a full-functioning robot, and was doing research on it but it doesn't go well and he's frustrated. He then noticed Kurumi who was about to leave his room, and realised that he can just use her as a reference.
Okay, here it gets a little confusing but I'll try to make this make sense. Delta recalled Kurumi saying that it's his love for Robotto that enabled it to gain communication ability. In addition, the Robotto has gained new skills over the time it's been with Kurumi. So he concluded that the way to up his knowledge and skills is to receive love...from Kurumi! Does that make sense? Okay no. But that's how it is. Yeah. Anyway it's got to do with his crazy intepretation of what he has read in books which is too complicated to explain.
He then commands that Kurumi loves him and said that he wants to study more about "love", the irregular factor that enables humans to invent great things. Oookay...
Naturally Kurumi was like wtf? She told him that you can't just command someone to like you. She asked Delta whether he has ever liked a person but he says 「ふん、誰かを好きになる、だと?・・・・・・低俗な感傷や弱い者同士の慰め合いなどに興味はない」.
Kurumi tried to explain to Delta about "love" but he just doesn't get it. Or he refused to. Not sure which. He said he'll make Kurumi his, and then proceeded to kiss and eventually raep her.
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Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
Like wuuut? Wtf just happened? I mean it's not even like he's starting to like her and was gaman dekinakunaru. SO OUT OF THE BLUE. And Kurumi didn't really resist??? (´・з・`) I guess partly because she realised she loves Delta and partly because halfway through, Delta was like really gentle to her, unlike in the beginning.
Aaah. This is so messed up.
After the deed, Delta brought Kurumi to his room and said she'll be sleeping there from now. Kurumi blushed and said that Delta is a surprisingly "bold" man but was crushed when Delta coldly said that it's because she's his doll and "research material" don't deserve to have their own room.
σ(・ω・*)ンート… I really don't get this turn of events but whatever.
Oh, and he also asked her to call him "master" from then on.
The hell. Where has the yasashii tsundere Delta gone??? Where???
(( Doll ))
The next day, Evans got to know about what happened (Delta told him in front of Kurumi what the heck) and he was shocked. Later Delta sent him and Kurumi to do research in the library, and he took the chance to ask her about it. She ended up crying and Evans comforted her. Kurumi said she really feel like becoming a doll so that she won't have to deal with all these emotions. Evans asked her whether she can really bear to be treated like a doll by someone she loves, and she said yes, partly because she doesn't want Evans to worry about her, and partly because she thinks she deserves it for misleading Delta and not bothering to correct his misconception about her being a doll all this while. What the... Don't be ridiculous!!! ヾ( ̄皿 ̄メ)
(( Robotto Smile ))
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This is a side event which I'm putting in because it's tooo cute to leave out.
While Evans went to pass the Delta the research they collected, Kurumi went to her old room to take a rest. There, she found Robotto in the bed and started talking to it. Then she decided to draw a smiley face on Robotto, and to her surprise, Robotto started talking to her! So damn cute I tell you.
(( Again & Again ))
Ever since that fateful day, Delta "embraces" Kurumi every night. The thought of them having s3x without "emotional connection" made Kurumi depressed and her appetite went down again. Delta noticed her behaviour and asked her what she's not satisfied with. He said he does not understand why she's acting like that when she has him as her master, loves him and is not deprived of anything materially. So whyyy?
Gee, it makes me wonder who's the robot here.
Since it's obvious that Delta doesn't love her, Kurumi decides to kill her feelings of love for Delta as well. She told him that he can do whatever he wants to her body and she will do whatever he asks but he will never have full control over her heart. Delta asked her whether it means she still doesn't love him, and while the answer is no (she loves him), Kurumi just answered that it's not easy to love someone. Delta then said it's such a damper to have a doll that doesn't listen to its owner, and the tone of his voice was so sad that it made Kurumi want to hug him but she managed to hold it in. Then Delta left the room.
(( Let's Play Dress-Up ))
Since that night, Delta stopped "embracing" Kurumi. Though he continued to make her stay near him, he also put a certain distance between them.
Luckily Robotto was here to break the awkwardness between Kurumi and Delta. She (yep it's a her, judging from the voice) came into the lab saying she's sleepy. At first I thought Kurumi was gonna put it to bed or something but she just turned Robotto around to wind her key attached behind. GAH. SO CUTE!!!
Delta was surprised that Robotto could speak and Kurumi told him what happened. Delta said it's the first time he sees her taking her own intiative to do something, and asked her if there's anything else she'd like to try for him to make observation. Kurumi said she'd like to dress up Robotto, and Delta was like "Dress up? No problemo." and went to purchase a pile of clothes. FOR KURUMI. Wut.
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He made her try out different dresses. There was this purple dress with a plunging neckline that was a tad too tight for her bust, and Delta kept tugging at the neckline to check out her boobs lol.
Delta asked Kurumi whether she's happy. Despite the fact that he was so mean to her before, knowing that he chose all these clothes for her and seeing that he tried to hard to find the best fitting dress for her, she decided to accept his generosity and thanked Delta. Delta was a little taken aback and started blushing (aaah~~~) before going all tsundere on her. You know the "not that I wanted to..." thing. XD
(( Flower ))
Okay, this is my favourite Delta scene, and one of my favourite scenes in the entire game so YOU GOTTA READ THIS.
Or maybe not if you're planning to play this game I guess.
Anyway, ever since the dress-up session, Delta has been buying clothes for Kurumi and having a little Barbie doll dress-up session everyday haha.
Days later, the doorbell rang, and Kurumi went to answer it.
It's Luca again!
And Kurumi shrieked and closed the door on him again! Haha.
He really should learn not to stand so close to the door.
Anyways, Luca was here to deliver the Clothes of the Day!
Then after delivering all the items, Luca gave Kurumi not one, but TWO bouquet of flowers as thanks for buying so many things from him recently.
This guy is so sweet even in other guys' routes. ♥
After he left, Kurumi went to the library, thinking of asking Evans to help her move the stuff Luca delivered but bumped into Delta instead. Delta saw the flowers in her hands and asked her what is it. She said it's a gift from Luca. Hearing that, he asked her to pass the flowers to him.
Then he threw them on the floor and promptly stomped them to pieces.
Kurumi was shocked. Delta told her it's because she accepted things from other people without his permission. He told her reflect on her behaviour i.e. receiving things from other people and talking to other people without his permission, and not to act without his permission if she doesn't want to become like the flowers. This made Kurumi snap, saying she hate him before running off to her old room.
Hours later, she heard someone knocking on her window, so she went over to open it...
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It's Delta outside the window, holding out a blue rose to her.
He said it's a replacement for the flowers he destroyed, and admitted that he overdid it just now, forgetting how much she like flowers.
Awwwwww. ;_;
Tsundere Delta back again!!!
This guy is either really strange or really cute...
Kurumi then noticed that Delta's hands were covered in cuts and his clothes were torn and dirty.
Guess why?
His accquaintance's castle...
Blue rose...
He got the flower from Leon's garden!
LMAO. Oh Leon-sama. I can totally imagine him smirking while watching Delta from behind. (^-^)
Awww. The thought of him battling the rose bushes is just too d'awww for me. XD
I swear I was drowning in Delta's tsundereness. Bestest scene of Delta.
If only he didn't do all those awful things...
More sweet moments ensued, including Kurumi asking Delta to close his eyes while she clean the fallen leaves off him, and then kissing him after he did so, shocking him like "......!?" XD I don't get this guy. I mean he bloody raeped her and yet he gets flustered when Kurumi kisses him???
Anyway, yup. I guess they kind of patched up?
(( Truth ))
The next day, Evans brought Kurumi to his room while Delta was sleeping (exhausted from making the journey to Leon's castle haha), and asked her whether the master and doll thing is going on. Kurumi said yes, but she doesn't find it as unbearable now because Delta is nicer to her. Evans gave her a worried look and told her that he thinks it's better if for her to have a good talk with Delta and drive it into his brain that she's a living human and not a robot, instead of prolonging this weird relationship. (Which I completely agree.)
Then, remember how I said that Delta was sent by his family to live alone in his current house because of his weird behaviour?
Well I remembered wrong hahaha oops. Apparently, it's not that Delta was sent to live alone because he was weird, but rather, he became weird after being sent to live alone. Evans revealed to Kurumi that although Delta comes from a rich family, he doesn't really have a "place" in his family because only females are allowed carried on the family name. His parents don't give a shit about him because he's a male, and kind of isolated him from the rest of the world by sending him to live alone in his current house, and deploying maids to keep an eye on him to make sure that he doesn't do things that shame their name. This is why Delta is so obsessed with the concept of universe. He feels that it offers him the freedom he wants. Also, the reason he's so obsessed with making a robot is because he wants to have someone for company and give him the love he never had. He doesn't trust "living" humans/akumas because their feelings change, and are unpredictable. He wants something unchanging and definite.
Kurumi then started to understand Delta's behaviour towards her. Why he seemed bent on believing that she is a robot doll, and why he demanded that she loves him. Evans said Delta just wants a doll to dispel his loneliness, and asked Kurumi not to hope for anything more than that.
Evans then confessed that he likes Kurumi, and he wants her to be happy. He also told her he knows the way back to the human world, how to return her back to the exact moment when she got spirited away. The reason why he never told her before was because he didn't want her to leave him and Delta back then. But now he's telling her so that she can avoid heartbreak. Kurumi said she won't leave Delta to return home. To that, Evans said that if Delta ever realises she's a living human, he'll most probably ditch her, and can she still like him despite so?
Anyway, Kurumi said yes. She believes that one day her feelings will reach Delta and that miracle will happen etc etc.
After she left Evans' room, she bumped into a very displeased Delta who asked her where the hell she was.
Guess Evans was telling the truth about Delta being a lonely man.
Kurumi decided not to tell him that she was with Evans, remembering how angry he got when he knew she spoke with Luca. (This guy is surprisingly shittobukai.) So she told Delta that she was just getting water for the blue rose.
Hearing that, Delta resumed his good mood. Kurumi thought it was because he's pleased that she's treasuring the flower he gave her. However, she realised later that it's only because he found a book that contains information on humans and robots, and got sulky. Seeing her reaction, Delta suddenly hugged her from behind and said:
I'm a little surprised that he's showing his vulnerability. Pleasantly so.
(( Crepes ))
Another funny scene!
One day Delta came into the kitchen and asked Kurumi whether she knows what are crepes. Kurumi said yes and he promptly lost his temper and started hitting the wall with a roll of paper lol.
Apparently our dear Leon-sama sent a letter (via EXPRESS delivery) to him, boasting about the delicous crepe he ate, and even drew a picture of it to illustrate. Lol Leon-sama DRAWS??? (Not a bad picture too, according to Kurumi.) XD That, and omg so childish. XD (Who made the crepes anyway. Wasn't Kurumi the one who made it for him in his route???)
So Delta was pissed, and asked Kurumi to make something better than crepes for him. IMMEDIATELY. So that he can boast right back at that irritating oresama hurhur. Kurumi was like "..." but nevertheless said she will try to make ice-cream.
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Excuse me but why is Kurumi in HADAKA APRON???
I highly suspect that Luca must have sold Delta some ero-hon among other books.
Yeah, and as expected, he started doing ecchi stuff to her while she was making the ice-cream. Then he stopped halfway, and said "You said you're cold. So I thought I'd warm you up. This should do right?" Kurumi, of course, got mad and she ended up hitting his head. Yeah. Good job. *thumbs up*
(( Love? ))
Later at night, Kurumi woke up to Delta reading her "dramatic romance fantasy sci-fi" (wtf) novel (which was in her bag) and pondering over the effects of "love". He asked Kurumi whether she has experienced it, and she hesitated before saying yes. Suddenly Delta's face turned black and he started getting angry because OMG IT MEANS KURUMI HAD SOMEONE SHE LIKED BACK IN THE HUMAN WORLD AND THAT'S WHY SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME. Kurumi denied it because the person she loves is him but he doesn't believe her and asked her to prove it. Then he pinned her to his bed and started to force himself on her. =/
In the process, Delta spotted Kurumi's necklace and forced her to tell him who she got it from. She told him it's from Homura, her kouhai who confessed to her. Delta then pulled the necklace off her (ouch) and said in a painful voice 「どうして・・・・・・私だけのものに君はならない?」 and it was a dilemma between feeling sad because it's obvious he's in love with Kurumi but doesn't realise it or understand why he is feeling the way he does, or feeling annoyed because he's doing all these mean things to her.
Anyways, after the deed (in which Kurumi didn't resist much god knows why), Delta asked her whether she loves him and whether she will remain so no matter what. Kurumi said yes, and it doesn't matter what he does to her. (いやいやいや。そんなこと言わないの。)Delta was like "You stupid?" (Yeah well I guess so but you're not in the position to say that!!!) He said he wants her to be a doll with an empty heart, no emotions whatsoever and asked her to erase all thoughts of love and other emotions from her heart. Because only then can he be sure that she'll stay by his side unconditionally.
Does this guy have split-personality or something??? Why does he keep changing??? *scratches head*
Kurumi was like "But I love you Delta! From the bottom of my heart! Truly!" and to that Delta was like "Bummer." and left the room. What the hell???
(( Jealousy ))
Since that incident, Delta seemed to have morphed into this S&M rapist, doing things like tying her up and using a muchi on her as punishment whenever she does something like talk to Luca without his permission wtf. Meanwhile Kurumi just let him did whatever he liked.
ME NO UNDERSTAND. σ( ̄、 ̄=)ンート・・・
As a result of Delta's behaviour, Kurumi was perpetually exhausted and was unable to concentrate on her cooking. Evans came and offered to help her. Then Delta appeared, saw them, got jealous, and started saying all sorts of hateful things to Kurumi.
The hell.
I've said before I like jealousy scenes but not like this! :(
Evans was like "WTF YOU SAYING" and started quarreling with Delta.
Not wanting them to be on bad terms, Kurumi told him it's okay. Delta then said he doesn't want breakfast anymore but instead put his arms around Kurumi and gave her a suggestive look, as if trying to show Evans that Kurumi is his.
Unable to bear it anymore, Kurumi ran outside to the garden where it was snowing. She then ended up getting attacked by some sort of aggressive plants Evans was growing (wtf are you planting in your garden) and was flung off a steep slope.
Good Ending
As Kurumi lay on the ground seriously injured in a pool of blood, she whispered Delta's name. Then she blacked out.
Later, she regained consciousness briefly and felt as if her body was glowing before blacking out again.
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Finally she woke up for reals, and saw Delta by her side, who went into confession mode and apologised for treating her badly.
OKAY FINE I FORGIVE YOU. (ノ_<。) *is soft-hearted*
Kurumi then noticed that Delta was glowing slightly and after some probing, got to know that Delta used his own magic powers to heal her!
That's it man! This is what I wanted! This is how you portray a majime bukiyou guy!
So Kurumi was touched and all, and said she's okay in an effort to reassure Delta.
Hearing Delta's words, Kurumi thought he was just exaggerating but it appeared that it wasn't so, for Robotto suddenly jumped in and told Kurumi how Delta has exhausted ALL of his powers to save Kurumi because she was hurt so badly that even the combination of Evans' and Delta's magic was not enough to heal her. Delta practically cut short his own LIFE and injected it into her. Oh god. Someone pass me some tissues please. (o;ω;o)
Kurumi was like WHY YOU SO SILLY WHAT WILL I DO IF YOU DIED SAVING ME. But she was touched that Delta went so far to save her and decided to take the chance and ask Delta how he feels about her.
FINALLY! Finally this man gets it! *celebrates*
Anyways, the two of them finally get together (aka Delta decides to stop being crazy) and Delta decided (and was permitted by the maou) to follow Kurumi back to the human world. Where he can study REAL Science and become a REAL scientist hurray.
Apparently even though he lost most of his powers, he still had his mind control abilities (he was born with it) and somehow weasled his way into a university as well as Kurumi's home, under the identity of a faraway relative who has been living abroad since he was born till now.
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The ending scene was of Kurumi visiting Delta while he's studying and going "wtf have I been learning in makai" lol. NOW YOU KNOW.
Oh, and they also decided to practice abstinence and not have s3x until they get married! :D
Bad Ending
Um. Delta saves Kurumi, comes to the realisation that she's actually not a robot doll, gets disappointed and ignores her wtf? だから最初から人形じゃないって言ったでしょ?!はぁ。 In short, Evans was completely right on the spot.
After some persuasion from Evans, Kurumi decides to return to human world as there is clearly nothing left for her to stay on.
Well, at least she didn't die I guess. =/
Next: Delta's jun-ai route!
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