((( Confession )))
So Kurumi decided to run away from the castle. However, she ended up getting lost, falling down, spraining her ankle and finding herself surrounded by wild beasts wtf just how unlucky can she get. Then just when she was about to get attacked, our dear Leon-sama came to save the day!!! :DDD
He managed to cut all of the beasts down with his sword but not without getting bitten by one of them. Kurumi was touched (who wouldn't) and brought him back to the castle (though oresama Leon kept insisting that he is the one bringing her back and not the other way round ha).
Back the castle, after getting their wounds treated by Eins and cleaning up, both of them sat down and cuddled in front of the fire kyaa. Leon then returned Kurumi's blue rose necklace and told her that she's free to go. He said that he's always making her cry and by letting her go, she won't have to cry anymore. He even offered to let her stay in one of his villas if she wants to.
Instead of reacting to his offer, Kurumi asked Leon about the white butterfly. He hesitated a little before deciding to tell her the story behind the whole curse thing (as narrated in the beginning of the story).
Regarding the ways to break the curse, it appears that one way is for him to touch a white butterfly on akatsuki no ban which only occurs once every few years. While the akatsuki no ban will be occuring this year no problem, it is almost impossible to find a white butterfly in the demon world where no white living things exist. The reason why Leon planted loads of blue roses in his castle is because he heard that white butterflies will come to drink the dew of blue roses...which obviously didn't work and caused him to rage earlier on.
So what to do? Well, apparently it is also written that by offering a human virgin to the moon on akatsuki no ban, the girl will turn into a white butterfly. So instead of looking for a white butterfly, he can go look for a human virgin. And tada! Lucky him Kurumi came tumbling into the demon world. Yeah, this is the reason why he kept her in his castle - to sacrifice her, a virgin, to the moon on akatsuki no ban to break the curse.
Leon then apologised to Kurumi for his intentions and said that he will let her go as he can no longer bear to sacrifice her. (And that would be because...??? 8D)
But before that he lets her go, he asks if he can "embrace" her.
As in "embrace". 8D
Pfft @ him stuttering. XD
Okay so here's the major crossroad that determines which storyline you go into. Do you let Leon "embrace" Kurumi or not?
Of course I chose "yes" with
Storyline 1
*skips the details lol*
After the whole err...thing, Kurumi decided that she wants to stay by Leon's side. She passed Leon her blue rose necklace and told him to keep it until he decides he really wants to let go of her. His response?
Oh you oresama. XD
Next morning, Eins came into Leon's room to tell him that he couldn't find Kurumi and was like O_O when he found both of them in bed together. Leon told him that he has "embraced" Kurumi, to which Eins was like "are you sure it was a good idea" (because that would mean that Leon has to go look for that damn white butterfly again) but Leon just told him to leave the room.
Later, Kurumi bumped into Eins who reproached her for giving in to Leon, saying that if she loves Leon, she should have not allowed Leon to "embrace" her because she was his only hope to lifting the curse. This of course made Kurumi feel guilty but then Leon came in and said it was his decision to do so and nothing to do with Kurumi awww. ;_; I think this was when I started to really like this guy. He became such a dere after his confession I was like asdfghjklwhoisthispersonomg.
Anyway, Leon told Eins to stop his rubbish and leave, which the latter did but not before reminding Leon that he has a lot of enemies out there and it's not wise to continue staying powerless. In addition, Leon is holding onto "something" that belongs to Eins and it is also in his interest to ensure that Leon stays safe. (More will be revealed in Eins' route.)
Despite Leon's words of comfort and assurance, Kurumi still felt guilty. She told Leon that she'd go and look for ways to break the curse but Leon told her it's too dangerous for her and she just need to stay by his side. ♥ Kurumi was happy that Leon wants her to be with him but nevertheless felt a little insecure because he never actually said that he loves her or anything.
((( Ofuro Taimu )))
This is of my favourite scenes in Leon's route. One day, while Kurumi was about to leave Leon's room after cleaning, Leon came over and offered to help her carry her bucket but in her surprise, she accidentally dropped the bucket on Leon who went 「......冷たいな -.-」 GAH HIS FACIAL EXPRESSION WAS SO CUTE!!! XD Kurumi apologised and told him to take a shower but he's got a better idea: ofuro taimu!!! XD
Cut to next scene, we have Kurumi washing his back for him (at his order), prompting her to think about all the women who have also done this to Leon and got jealous.
Leon sensed her jealousy and started to tease her, making her embarrassed and poured a bucket of water on his head to shut him up lmao.
Of course, no way Leon was gonna let this insolence slip so he pulled her into the water where he leered at her soaked top making her shriek and go
「えっち!やっぱり変態!!」 to which Leon got all worked up and went
「やっぱりって......やっぱりってなんだ!おまえ、俺のことを変態だと思ってたのか?」 lol best conversation ever. XD
THEN IT WAS SEXY TIME!!! Hur. While at it, Leon told Kurumi that it's true that he has had many women washed his back for him but she's the first woman who is allowed to get into the bath with him and that if she likes they can do it everyday so there is no need to be jealous. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT IT'S SO MOE WHENEVER A WOMANISING GUY CHARACTER FALLS IN LOVE AND TREATS THE GIRL EXTRA SPECIAL. ♥
Then they did it until Kurumi fainted wow. But I was more moved at how Leon kept asking Kurumi to say she will stay by his side no matter what. The way he so desperately tries to confirm Kurumi's devotion to him is just ;_; It must have been really lonely to be by himself for so many years.
Later when Kurumi woke up, she said a bunch of cute stuff like "I don't want to be embraced by anyone but Leon", making Leon go O///O hahaha. Pwned. XD
((( Picnic )))
One day, Kurumi made some sandwiches and tricked+dragged Leon (who avoided leaving his castle since he lost his powers) out to the garden for a picnic. Nothing exciting about this scene really. Just noting this down just to bookmark all the sweet stuff Leon said:
♥ ♥ ♥
Unfortunately, he still didn't say the ~magic words~ so Kurumi's insecurity remains.
((( Warning )))
After the happy picnic, Eins approached Kurumi and told her, in his smiling-but-not-really expression (この人、いや、竜、ヤンデレですね), that Leon is only treating her well because she's the only woman he can touch and "embrace" at the moment.
WHAT?!?!?! 怒(-"-)怒
Kurumi found herself unable to refute what Eins said because it's true that Leon has yet to say that he loves her. Eins continued by saying that that Kurumi is just mistaking Leon's tanjun nature for love. Plus at this rate, Leon is also gonna be affected by this "make-believe" love and think it's okay to give up finding ways to regain his powers. (Indirectly saying that Kurumi will be the one responsible if anything happens as a result of Leon's powerless state?) He told Kurumi to stop expecting Leon to ever love her because he's a man who doesn't know what is love and has never loved anyone.
Ugh just...stfu. ヾ(*`Д´*)ノ
((( Bitch Arrives )))
As if Kurumi doesn't have enough troubles to deal with, the gamemakers have decided that it is necessary to add a new character to stir shit and add excitement. So cue the appearance of
Anyway, one fine day while Leon and Kurumi were icha-icha-ing with each other,
Obviously Natalie was not pleased to see Kurumi with Leon. However, after Leon told her Kurumi is a human, she stopped seeing Kurumi as a threat. Later when Leon left the room (I guess to find out why the hell Natalie appeared all of a sudden), Natalie evilly commented that Leon is only doing Kurumi because she's the only woman he can touch at the moment (oh hey doesn't this insult sound familiar wtf) and will be thrown aside once the curse is broken. That plus she's a human and won't live long compared to them demon beings anyway so she's really nothing but a temporary fix for Leon's sexual needs. WTF BITCH. (●`皿´●)
Luckily Kurumi was able to hold out on her own (in the good end route). In response to Natalie's mean comment, Kurumi coolly told her that she's proud to be one because Leon is always so gentle to her like a lover would, letting her stay in his bed till morning, taking baths together and holding her hand while they take a walk in the garden unlike Natalie the FIANCEE who gets chased out of Leon's bed before dawn ahahaha gj girl. *thumbs up* Natalie was all grrr and stormed off. (Yeah and don't come back please...if only.)
Anyway, even though Leon and Natalie were engaged once, it's not like they were in love or anything. They started out as fling partners and over the time, Natalie just kind of forced the engagement on Leon (most likely eyeing his riches and noble status) who probably just couldn't bother to give a damn so long he gets his dose of woohoo every night. BECAUSE HE IS A MAN WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS LOVE NOR KNOW HOW TO LOVE. Says Eins. Sigh.
Later Leon unknowingly hurt Kurumi by grumbling about Natalie, saying that she shouldn't think he loves her just because he has "embraced" her several times. Despite knowing that the statement wasn't directed at her, Kurumi couldn't help but wonder if it applies to her as well and burst into tears at the thought of it, which made Leon go "OMG OMG WHY ARE YOU CRYING AAAH *panics*" lol. XD
Anyway, despite her brilliant comback for Natalie during their encounter, the truth is that Kurumi DOES feel insecure, wondering if she'd really be thrown aside once Leon's curse is broken.
Later while Leon was consoling a depressed Kurumi, he switches to his sekuhara mode again. He stole her underwear and made her walk around around without it, and then purposely let Natalie discover them woohoo-ing in his bedroom and continued to do so despite her looking at them in shock before asking her "What? Are you gonna watch till the end?" wtf. LEON-SAMA NO HENTAIII!!! *scandalised* (*ノノ)キャー
((( Confession )))
Anyway, Natalie didn't stay on to watch. She waited in the salon and started raging at them when they came in (I loved how Leon pretended she's not there and then went 「なんだおまえ、来ていたのか」 when she yelled at them), saying that Leon is just taking pity on Kurumi who has nowhere to go in the demon world, and same for Kurumi who pities Leon because he's all alone. Unable to take Natalie's accusations anymore, Kurumi shouted back "NO I LOVE LEON!" to which Leon went "You love me!?" What the... このバカップル!!!*facepalm*
Kurumi then realised that while she has being wanting Leon to say that he loves her, she herself had not said she loves Leon too. Yeah. Then Leon was like "ALRIGHT MAN YOU SHALL BE MY BRIDE!" How romantic. XD But then there's another problem: Kurumi is a human and will grow old and die way before Leon! However, Leon doesn't seem to mind at all.
So while Leon and Kurumi were confirming their love for each other, Natalie was all teary-eyed and left the room. ... Oh well, I guess I do feel a bit sorry for her...
Because the next day, she returned and knocked Kurumi out and locked her up in a isolated basement in the corner of the garden and lied to Leon that Kurumi has returned to the human world!!!
THAT BITCH!!! (▼皿▼)
Thank god Leon believed in Kurumi and went to look for her. Then he slapped Natalie for her evil deed and told her to gtfo. Good job. *thumbs up* I don't approve of guys hitting women obviously but hey that's a real evil bitch out there who deserved to be slapped. Trembling with cold rage, Natalie told Leon that she'll make him regret he ever hit her and left.
((( Crisis )))
So one day, our happy couple was making making plans for their wedding...
...when the sweet moment was cut off as Eins ran into the room with a grave look on his face. As they looked out of the window, they saw that the castle was surrounded by lots of people carrying fires and swords. Appears that someone (i.e. Natalie that bitch) has instigated them to take revenge. Eins said that that's why he said Kurumi should have refused Leon previously and save her virginity so that she can turn into a white butterfly and break the curse. But once again Leon came to Kurumi's defense and said it's not her fault. Ilu Leon. ;_;
Then Natalie came in and said that the people are actually unsure of whether Leon has really lost his powers and hesitating to attack his castle for fear of retaliation. She then offered to lend him his father's troops of soldiers to fend the people off...in exchange for you-know-what. Leon refused but Natalie only smiled and said he'll eventually come to ask for her help.
After Natalie left, Leon asked Eins to bring Kurumi to a safe place until the whole thing blows over. He returned the blue rose necklace to Kurumi and told her that she's free. Kurumi protested but was dragged off by Eins nonetheless.
On the carriage, Kurumi decided that she wants to be with Leon no matter what and asked Eins to bring her to the Demon King's castle so that she can beg him to lift the curse. Reaching, she met Ashe (the one who let her in after the guards tried to chase her out) and told her about what happened. In response, Ashe said that although Leon seems to have really changed, he may return to his old ways once the curse is lifted and he regains his powers. Plus, even if he remains as he is and becomes a good ruler, there's also the possibility of him resuming his sexcapades with other women since he'd able to touch other demon beings normally. Despite the fact that he may truly love her, he will think nothing of "embracing" other women because demon beings see love and sexual desires as separate things. Will she be able to stand it?
Good Ending
Kurumi says that she wouldn't. To that, Ashe smiled and said she wouldn't too. Then she told Kurumi that she was just scaring her and that there are still men like the Demon King (fufu) in the demon world who remain devoted to their one and only love, and not seek out any other women. Ashe said she'd help Kurumi ask the Demon King to break the curse. (At this point, Kurumi realised that Ashe is the Demon King's wife i.e. the beautiful lady whom Leon tried to kidnap and got a nasty curse placed on him as a result.)
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Later she came back with a bottle of silver (it looked gold on the screen though wut) dust, asking Kurumi to sprinkle it over Leon. Kurumi then rushed back to the castle with Eins. On the way back, the moon turned red. Yes! It's akatsuki no ban. Feeling a little alarmed for some reason, Kurumi begged the carriage to go faster. Then upon reaching, they saw the castle on fire! But Kurumi ran in anyway and went back to Leon's room. Leon was astonished. Kurumi says she's here to save him and proceeded to sprinkle the dust on his head (pfft) and then they kissed...and kissed... (cue awed facial expression from me) and then suddenly the flames around them started getting smaller and smaller until it's all gone and all surroundings remain intact.
IT WORKED! \^o^/
So the curse was broken and then we have a happy moment between the two...until Natalie bursts in (WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW BITCH) and went "Leon~~~" and smooches him wtf?! And Leon didn't resist her either!
Kurumi was crushed and ran away but moments later Leon caught up with her going "Where you going woman. Come back." and dragged her back into his room. Natalie was like "What is she doing here? There's no use for her now isn't it?" but Leon replied "Nah, there's no use for YOU now." HAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT BITCH.
Natalie was shocked and demanded Leon to explain his acceptance of her kiss earlier.
I.e. "I just wanted to confirm that the curse was really lifted and that I can touch demon beings freely without feeling pain. So thank you for your help." and "That was a goodbye kiss. Now you can go make love to that memory while yearning for my body." LOL. XD
So yeah bitch left yay. Then Leon started blushing and stuttering about how he regretted not asking her to stay by his side after he sent her off with Eins etc. and finally realising that this is...l-l-l-love and "UGGGH I LOVE YOU!!!" XDDD
Then it was sweet sweet kisses until Eins came in to congratulate them...before asking for the "thing" (more will be revealed in his route) which Leon summoned via magic and returned to him. Leon said that Eins is now free to go anywhere he wants and admitted that he'll miss him a bit once he's gone. Eins replied that he has decided to stay on for a little while more to observe both of them. Both Leon and Kurumi was like ??? until Eins pointed out that there's something about Kurumi that has changed.
Turns out that not only was the curse lifted, Kurumi somehow turned into an demon being as well. Seems like the bottle of dust contained the power to not just to lift Leon's curse but also grant Kurumi a wish from her heart...on the condition that she and Leon's soul become one...whatever that means. It's a test from the Demon King! *grave* Anyway, Kurumi's wish was to live with Leon together forever and has thus become a demon being, so that she will age at the same rate as Leon instead of growing old first! (How convenient hahaha.)
So after the whole ordeal, the people outside the castle were like "shit he still has his powers oh noes" but Leon is now a changed man, and took the initiative to go to them to apologise for treating them badly in the past. Seeing that he has indeed changed, the people gradually forgave him and the servants also returned to his castle yay.
We get one more sexy scene here where Kurumi was so pretty in her black wedding dress that Leon couldn't stand it and started getting all touchy-feely in front of all seamstresses ha. (*ノノ)キャー
OMG. *dies*
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Then it's wedding time! Cue the couple standing on the balcony looking down at the people cheering for them in royal wedding style. :D
Bad Ending
Siiiiiiiiigh. ←な、何だよ。;;;
Okay, the bad end route actually differs slightly from the good end route from halfway on (rather than sharing a common route before diverging like it usually is) due to the different choices you make. Thus you get to see some "new" stuff when you go through this route, of which only two scenes I feel is worth talking about because the rest just either make me go "siiigh" or "raaage". Yeah.
One would be when Leon surprised Kurumi by returning her her school bag. Turns out that he secretly brought it from Luca previously! Aw.
「なっ!あの時はだな、おまえがこれを手に入れないと死にそうな顔をしてたから仕方なく......」 (素直になれよもう)
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Second would be when Leon received a letter from a master who said that he might be able to break the curse. So he went to visit him, leaving Kurumi worried that he will return to Natalie once the curse is broken. However, it turned out that the master couldn't do it after all. At first Leon was pissed but his rage melted when he spotted a blue rose hairpin and thought it'd be perfect for Kurumi. WHAT'S A CUTE CG SCENE DOING IN A BAD END ROUTE MAY I KNOW??? ARE YOU TRYING TO DECEIVE THE PLAYER??? Hai.
うう。It sucks to play through such sweet scenes knowing that it's gonna lead to a bad ending. T_T
Fast-forward to the end, Kurumi gets the bottle of silver dust and returns to the castle, only have Natalie blocking her way. She told Natalie that she is able to break the curse and needs to get to Leon asap. Seeing the bottle, Natalie snatched it away from her and locked her up in the hall wtfff. Kurumi could do nothing but wait. Then the fire stopped, which meant that the curse was successfully broken. Kurumi waited for Leon to come for her but he didn't. Hours went by and finally Natalie came in with a smug look on her face. Kurumi asked about Leon and Natalie said he's asleep.
THE BITCH!!! She lied to Leon that SHE was the one who went to the Demon King to get the antidote for the curse and that Kurumi has left him to return to the human world!!!
It breaks my heart to imagine Leon's hurt face. T_T At the same time, it also makes me pissed that he can distrust Kurumi so easily. I mean doesn't he know what kind of person Natalie is??? Jesus.
In the end, Kurumi got sold off as a maid (again). This time to a kind old couple who treated her like their own grandchild (thank god it's not some sadistic demon or I'd be raging even more). Eins was captured by Natalie's troops and handed over to the authorities (do they have a police force in the demon world???) as the mastermind behind the fire what the hell. Natalie got married to Leon wtf. But it wasn't long before she was being thrown out of the castle by Leon for being a bitch. Good.
Unfortunately, Leon returned to his old ways as a result of being "abandoned" again nooo (he doesn't even have Eins with him this time). Obviously the hatred towards him from the people increased and there was even talk of assasinating him. Kurumi badly wanted to meet Leon to warn him about it but as she was living far far away from his castle, there was nothing she could do but pray for his safety...for him to return to the yasashii person he was right before the curse was broken...and for him to find her eventually. *sniff*
Ugh so sad. I wish they'd release a fandisk to turn this into a good end - have Leon find Kurumi and realise that it was all a lie by that bitch but nah, ain't going to happen I know. :(
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