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Leon-sama is a lovely tsundere oresama. He's the ruler of a large territory and being an arrogant and selfish man who is prone to violence, he's not well-liked by his people. However, because of the immense amount of power he holds, no one dares to rebel and go against him. Nevertheless, Leon is very popular among women who flock to him eagerly, mainly attracted by his wealth and good looks. He himself also enjoys fooling around with them. That is, until THAT happened.
Obviously to get to Leon's route, you get Kurumi to go with Eins. On their way back to the castle, a short narration ensued, done by a female whose voice sounds suspiciously like Ashe's. XD The story went like this:
Once upon a time, there was a man with both riches and power. One day, he thinks to himself that since he's so powerful, why shouldn't he be ruling the demon world instead of the Demon King?
So off he went to the Demon King's castle to challenge him. He walked till he reached a garden where he saw a beautiful lady. Mesmerised, he forgot all about his agenda to challenge the Demon King (そんな簡単に忘れられるかおい), and instead grabbed the lady and tried to leave the castle with her.
Unfortunately, this lady happened to be the Demon King's beloved wife. Enraged, the Demon King placed a curse on the man, making him unable to use any of his powers nor have any physical contact with any demon being without feeling great pain. His people were of course more than happy about it and many of his servants also took the chance to leave him.
Since then, the man spent the rest of his days locked up in his own castle, trying to find ways to break the curse. The end.
No need to guess who the "man" is right? :)
And no need to guess who the "beautiful lady" is right? XD
((( Meeting )))
So then we finally reached the castle. Kurumi says she wants to meet Leon immediately so Eins brought her directly to Leon's room. Okay, I have to admit here that I didn't feel anything towards Leon in the beginning. I only did his route after Luca because he's the main guy and I tend to play by "order". Anyway, Leon was like "what's with this girl" when he saw Kurumi and Eins said she's the new maid.
Eh. (´・ω・`;)
Eins then tells Leon that Kurumi is a human and it's highly possible that she's "touchable". Leon brightens up and beckons for her to hold his hand.
Delighted that he could touch Kurumi, Leon told Eins he can leave the room, which the latter gladly did with a knowing smile on his face.
With the two of them left, Leon took a closer look at Kurumi's face and decides that he likes what he sees. :D
∵ゞ(≧ε≦● )プッ
Kurumi was all 「え!?」 and thinking what the shit is he talking but lol Leon:
For some reason, instead of feeling disgusted, his self-centered and self-deluded attitude just cracks me up. XD
Anyways, Leon wasted no time in smooching her to death whoa. Kurumi was like "wtf???!!!" and tried to push him away but Leon thought she was just playing hard to get lolwtf. XD
Kurumi was like "NOOO IT'S NOT!!!" but Leon was all "OH YES I LIKE" (was seriously laughing my head off at this) and started touching her butt iyaaa. Kurumi then screamed "NOOO IT'S MY FIRST TIME!!!" which made Leon froze in shock.
Somehow Leon stopped his actions and started displaying some sort of emotional struggle, saying things like he can't screw her (for some unspoken reason) but yet he really wants to because it's been a long time making Kurumi go (´・ω・`;) heh. Then it seems like his instincts trumped over reason and he decided to just go ahead so long as Kurumi doesn't refuse him. (Hands up for those who think he's totally pushing the responsibility to others.)
For one moment it seems like we're gonna be treated to a premature rabu scene until Leon was reminded of Kurumi's virginity again. He pushed her away (make up your mind and be gentle to ladies damn it) and decided he would not ravish her after all.
Instead he shouted for Eins who came in, saw Kurumi half-undressed and went "Oh sorry for disturbing you. Please continue." and tried to leave but was stopped by Leon.
Leon told Eins that Kurumi is an otome i.e. virgin (does this make "otome" games "virgin" games lol /badjoke) and he can't have her. For some reason, both of them appeared to be rather delighted about the fact while Kurumi was all ???.
Following that, Leon ordered Eins to bring Kurumi to one of the best rooms and make sure she doesn't escape until "akatsuki no ban".
And that concludes their first meeting. Yeah I know so many question marks right. That was how I felt. But that's what made the story exciting. For me at least. :)
((( Escape )))
Upset that she actually reacted to Leon's kisses earlier, Kurumi cried after Eins left her to herself in her room. She decided to escape but ended up heading back to the castle upon hearing wild beasts howling in the distance in the dark.
Back at the castle, Kurumi bumped into Leon near his huge-ass blue rose garden (where she went zomg blue roses asdfghjkl earlier on). Leon didn't seem the least bit affected by her attempt to escape (strange but maybe he expected she'd come back since she has no one to go to for help) and instead explained to her about the demon world (colour of the moon and all) after seeing that she has no idea where she has been thrown to.
Suddenly Kurumi realises that her blue rose necklace from Homura is missing! Turns out that she dropped it in Leon's room and Leon, seeing that she cherishes the necklace so much, used it to threaten her to stay in the castle until "the time" comes or else she can forgot about getting it back from him.
Eh not a very likeable guy huh. =.=;
When Leon saw her limping as a result of a fall she had earlier upon returning to the castle, he told her to wait in her room and he'll get Eins to treat her wound! そんな不意に優しくされると嫌いになれなくなるよ!むしろ好きになる!!!
((( When Your Master Sexually Harasses You, Slap Him )))
Next day, after taking a bath, Kurumi saw that Eins has left her a change of clothes...which consists of a set of super revealing meido fuku wtf hahaha. As instructed by Leon-sama no doubt. Oh that pervert. XD
Being the obedient little heroine, Kurumi wore it (though reluctantly) and went to Leon's room. There, both Leon and Eins stared at her before breaking into laughter because apparently no other maids would wear that in the past and the fact that she wore it so obediently was just teh lol.
So mean!!! ;_;
Kurumi then said she's not wearing it but Leon just smirked and said "Oh so I guess you don't mind if I break this thing?" and dangled her blue rose necklace in front of her. Damn it, you're not giving people a good impression Leon. D: (And my taste is gonna get judged. =.=)
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After forcing Kurumi to continue wearing the revealing meido fuku, Leon casually went "by the way" and flipped her skirt up to check her underwear wtfff. Horrified, Kurumi just slapped him without thinking lololol.
Surprisingly Leon didn't get angry, and was instead satisfied that she wore white underwear. Errrrrr...... ( ¨)¨)¨)¨)¨)¨) シーン
Later, in an attempt to explain Leon's reaction, Eins told Kurumi that it's because white is the lowest ranked colour in the demon world (as opposed to black which is the highest ranked) and that:
Kurumi also got to know from Eins about Leon's loss of power due to "certain" reason and that all other servants left him after that. However when she asked for more details, he declined to say anymore and just told her that Leon doesn't trust anyone and neither is he trusted by anyone and left it at that.
((( When Your Master Sexually Harasses You, Slap Him Part 2 )))
Kurumi's first job as a maid was to serve breakfast to Leon and Eins. Leon invited her to sit down to dine with them as well. Which she gladly did but attempted to sit as far from Leon as possible haha. But of course Leon didn't allow it and ordered her to sit beside him which she had no choice but to obey. As expected, the moment she got near Leon, he went all pervy on her again hurhur. This earned Leon another slap in the face haha. However, yet again, Leon didn't get angry. Instead he was pleased with her reaction wut. XD
I know I should be going all "wtf" at his sexual harassment but instead I just find his behaviour super amusing hurhurhur oops. His actions actually come off as being childish (in a cute way) to me rather than being perverted. You know, like how little brats like to flip the girls' skirts for fun.
((( Tsundere Psychology )))
Later on, Kurumi discovered that Leon's cook only knows how to cook one dish (and one soup) wtf. So it's time for our domesticated heroine to save the day by whipping up some delicious dishes in the kitchen because she sure as hell is not going to be eating the same thing everyday. (I should really learn how to cook properly. Some day.)
Upon finishing the food prepared by Kurumi, Leon asked Eins to fire the cook and stood up to leave the room. But before he could do so, Kurumi called out to him and asked whether the food was good.
「うまかったと今、言っただろうーがっ!」 *slams the door*
Oh Leon-sama. XD
Eins then explained to the miffed Kurumi that firing the cook was Leon's way of saying the food was delicious wut. XD そんなの分かりづらいよ、レオン様!
((( When Your Master Sexually Harasses You, Slap Him Part 3 )))
On the third day, Kurumi went out into the garden for some fresh air and just as she did a stretch her super-short maid skirt hiked up to reveal her bottom and she was like "yikes" hahaha. Then she recalled how she got caught by Leon for wearing her uniform instead of the meido fuku in the morning:
I swear Leon's yell is just epic. Good job, Terashima. XD
Then Kurumi was like "ugh so angry thinking about it" and folded her arms but it only served to push her boobies up from her low neckline making her go "yikes" again hahaha. How the heck is she gonna do the cleaning in such an outfit??? Ugh, Leon-sama no ecchiii. XD;;;
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Later, Kurumi went to Leon's room to do the cleaning and found him in there surrounded by black butterflies. She then got to know more about the curse, how the Demon King cast a spell on Leon and robbed him of his powers. In addition, he's unable to touch any demon beings as well. However, in replacement, he somehow attracts black butterflies to him.
Leon laughs bitterly at the fact and think it's the Demon King's idea of a cruel joke. However, Kurumi thinks that it's ~suteki~ to be liked by butterflies and that the Demon King has some interesting sense of humour, which made Leon go O_O and said 「おまえ、バカだろう?」 i.e. "you stupid?" hur, to which Kurumi shot back 「なっ......レ、レオン様程じゃありません!!」 i.e. "not as stupid as you hmmpf" without thinking lol good one. XD
Once again, Leon didn't get angry. I'm really surprised he doesn't yell at Kurumi for her insolence (taking back to him, slapping him etc.) since he's supposedly short-tempered and violent but oh well, that would have made him unlikeable so yeah. Instead he was rather amused and pleased with Kurumi's frankness. His laughter made Kurumi smile as well (awww) and without warning, he suddenly hugs her!
レオン様... T_T
Just as I was going T_T at his emo speech, Leon suddenly switched into his sekuhara mode and started kissing Kurumi! *faints* And as per typical otome game development, Kurumi got so hot and bothered that she stopped resisting ha.
「抵抗しないのか?」 *smirks*
「まあそうだろうな、俺様のキスに抵抗する女などいない」 (この自己中!!!ハハ。)
Omg it's really teh lol whenever he acts like that, thinking so highly of himself. Don't change, Leon-sama. XD
While Kurumi was frantically trying to defend herself, Leon took the chance to go pervy on her again and grabbed her boob. Cue another slap from Kurumi hahaha. Leon got a little miffed this time and started grumbling.
Kurumi was so pissed that she threw a cushion at his face and ran out of the room lololol. XDDD Meanwhile Leon was all 「おまえ!それがメイドのすることか!もっとご主人様を敬い、俺にひれ伏せ!!」 hahaha god I love listening to him yell.
Man it makes me lol every time I replay this scene. XD
((( Letter )))
One day Luca came to the castle to deliver a letter from "the professor". When he saw Kurumi, he went "Oh it's you. Glad to see you're doing fine hur." Kurumi was like "I don't want to hear this from the person who sold me off to this place. =.=" haha.
So then she went to Leon's room with the letter. Upon seeing it, he jumped up and grabbed it from her excitedly. However moments after reading, he broke into a terrible rage and started throwing and kicking things. O_O
Scared, Kurumi ran away but later decided to make some hotcakes to cheer him up (d'aww). However, in his bad mood, he only looked at the food, smirked and swept it to the floor before mocking her. :O
Anyway, it seems like he has been asking his professor friend to help him find a way to break a curse and the letter was a reply from him saying that he is unable to help him because it's too un-Science (so obvious who the professor is haha). Well, no wonder he got so angry. But still! The pancakes!!! ... Oh, I mean that was Kurumi's kimochi!!!
((( Chocolate )))
Finally it's time for Ashe to appear! Like in Luca's route, Kurumi met her at the marketplace. Ashe was buying chocolates from Luca. Apparently chocolates are really rare and expensive in the demon world.
After she was gone, Luca asked Kurumi whether she wants some but of course she doesn't have the money for it. Then one of Ashe's guards returned to pass Luca some money for the chocolate, saying it's a present from Ashe. So sweet!
Later, Kurumi decided to share the chocolate with Leon. However when Leon saw the chocolates he was like "eww what's this mud thing" lol. But upon seeing Kurumi eating it happily, he got intrigued and snatched it away from her and ate the whole thing before demanding for more wtf. XD
Then Kurumi recalled that she had some chocolate in her uniform pocket so she went to take it. But before she passed them to Leon, she made him promised to finish his dinner and not leave any leftovers. (Leon tends to leave behind certain food which he hates, like carrots and what not. Yes, just like a kid haha.)
So she gave him one.
「......一つだけか」 (可愛い!!!)
Both of them started arguing over the distribution of chocolates zomg so cute. Leon was like "gimme more" but Kurumi was like "no you ate my share just now". XD Unfortunately Kurumi was too careless and Leon ended up eating the rest of the chocolates before she realised it.
She was so upset that she slapped him hur.
GAH OMG SO CUTE LISTENING TO THEM SQUABBLE ASDFGHJKL. *dead* Leon was like "oh shit I made her angry" haha. To have the usually selfish and don't-give-a-shit-about-others Leon feel bad about making Kurumi angry is just squee.
In the end, Leon decided to rectify the problem by snogging Kurumi to give her a taste of the chocolate from his mouth iyaaa. But Kurumi was like =/ and left the room without saying a word after that hur. Leon was like "HEY DON'T IGNORE ME" lol.
Anyway, seems like Leon really likes sweet stuff. Before Kurumi came back with the chocolates, he actually went around looking for her because he wanted to have some sweet stuff. Also, later there was this scene where Kurumi made some crepes for him and it was really cute to see him get all impatient for the food to be served. ^^ 子供みたい。きゃわういいい~~~ (*^ヮ^*)
((( Jerk )))
In the bad end route, instead of the crepe scene, we get a visit from Luca who brought his collection of random stuff collected from "sasayaki no mori". Among them was Kurumi's school bag and she begged Eins to buy it for her. However, as it was too expensive, Eins had to ask Leon for approval.
Unfortunately Leon was in his jerk mode.
「......そんなに大事な物か」 *gentle smile*
「そうやって必死な顔を見ると、余計に買ってやりたくなくなる。諦めるんだな」 *smirk*
Sigh. Leon can really be annoying when he's in his bullying mood. =.=
((( Tsundere 100% )))
One day, Kurumi dreamt of her days in the human world and started to get super homesick. Her distracted behaviour irritated Leon who asked her wtf is wrong. At first she didn't want to say it but Leon held her wrist in a death grip and forced her to spit it out. So she told him that she's just feeling emo because she happen to recall about the human world.
For some reason, Leon got really pissed off and told her to forget about it because she's never gonna return, along with a bunch of other nasty things. Finally Eins stepped in to stop both of them. He told Kurumi that Leon is just in a bad mood because he received another "sorry idk" message from a master about his curse. Leon was like "stfu" and threw a plate at him (which missed and just zoomed past his face heh) but Eins remained cool about it and told him to stop terrorising Kurumi or she'll really run away, which made Leon threw another plate at him again. XD
Then Eins left the room, followed by Leon. Kurumi started to pick up the broken pieces from the floor. Moments later, Leon returned with a broom and dustpan in his hand pfft. (The image of Leon with a broom and dustpan just cracks me up.)
Ladies, prepare yourself as Leon goes tsundere full force, spewing tons of sweet sweet tsundere serifu that pierce clean through your otome heart.
「......悪かったな」 *runs away*
The last one just about KO-ed me. *faints* ((≧ω≦))
((( Deredere 100% )))
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Nevertheless, Kurumi's homesick persisted. Leon caught her crying by herself in the garden at night, and without a word, carried her to his bedroom, tucked her into his bed and STARTING SINGING A LULLABY TO COMFORT HER OMG ASDFGHJKL. LEON-SAMA WHY YOU SO CUTE?!?!?! ( ●≧艸≦) キャッ
Ladies, prepare yourself again as Leon throws his tsun out of the window and goes dere full force:
Leon asks Kurumi to let him kiss her and she says yes. 8D
However, after closing her eyes and waiting for like an eternity, Leon doesn't kiss her.
「いや......なんだか、少し......緊張するな」 (うそ!!!)
「緊張?......レオン様が?」 (同感だ。(笑))
(In the bad end route, Kurumi says no but Leon kisses her anyway hur.)
Then morning came and Kurumi woke up to Leon kissing her kyaa. Both of them started to icha-icha in bed kyaax2. Leon was like DERE MAX and sticking to Kurumi like glue while I was all MOE MAX in front of my laptop which is actually kind of sad sigh. XD
Cue me flailing all over the room. XD
Later during breakfast, Kurumi tried to make Leon eat his carrots, to which Leon tried to take the chance to negotiate for a kiss. Ugh just how cute do you want to be.
ん、ちょっと甘えん坊だけど、やっぱり可愛いな~ 少なくとも、私にとってね。
Leon realised that Kurumi doesn't seem to be resisting him anymore and teased her about it, saying that she probably has fallen for him. Kurumi jokingly said yes but Leon suddenly went (´・ω・`) as if in a conflict.
((( Warning )))
After successfully making Leon eat his carrots (by jamming them in his mouth hahaha), Kurumi left the room and bumped into Eins who told her that he knows that she stayed in Leon's room last night.
Kurumi hurriedly told him that nothing happened between her and Leon, and that the latter just comforted her because she was homesick. Eins was a little surprised and told her that it's rare for Leon to actually do something for someone. He also told her that it's not a practice for the nobles in their area to let women stay in the same bed till morning. Unless the woman is the man's wife. The same applies for Leon. Which implies that Kurumi has become somewhat special to him.
Upon hearing that, Kurumi couldn't help but feel a little happy. However, Eins suddenly went all ~serious~ on her and told her to be careful not to end up liking Leon or it'll be painful for her later on. For one, humans and demons age at different rates. Yeah that again. Sigh.
((( PMS )))
Ever since the night when Leon sang the lullaby song to Kurumi, he has become a much much nicer person. Kurumi also found herself liking him more. One day, she went out to the garden to pick a bunch of fresh blue roses to put in Leon's room (which is always decorated with them). However when she returned to his room later with some tea, she found the entire room covered in rose petals!
For some unknown reason, Leon has returned to his usual nasty self. He says he hates blue roses and that he puts them in his room only out of necessity. However they have proved to be useless and he no longer needs them anymore.
Hmmm. Some sort of hint to the curse? :)
On top of that, as if it's not enough to abuse the flowers, Leon also hurled all sorts of mocking and hurtful words at Kurumi when she said she likes the blue roses. Like wtf Leon. You PMS??? Or did you get another "sorry idk" reply about your curse? (Probably the latter I guess.)
Obviously Kurumi was disappointed with Leon. For a moment, she had thought that Leon has changed for the better and that he sees her as someone special. But apparently not, she thinks. Hurt, she decided she doesn't want to stay in the castle anymore and ran out, thinking to find her way back to "sasayaki no mori" via the marketplace and return to the human world.
Oh noes. What will happen to her now?
To be continued in the next post! Hur. :P
Okay, I've decided that rather than labeling this as a "review", it'd be more appropriate to call it a "play diary". Basically, I'd do a write up on each character's story, giving extra emphasis on my favourite scenes, throwing in my favourite exchanges/conversations/quotes and insert my comments as I go along. Only after that will a review be written. Yeah. Will more or less go along with this format for this blog from now. :)
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