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Okay, enough of crapping. Moving on to my thoughts upon completion.
The plot is pretty unique I would say. Very unlike your typical high school or office romance. The missions are interesting and keep me excited to find out what happens next. It's like watching a drama. (In fact, they CAN make this into a drama!)
Unfortunately, the intensity of the missions kind of overpowered the romance part of the game. If this wasn't labelled as an otome game, then it'd have been okay (maybe). But this IS an otome game! So uh, fail. XD (Nah just exaggerating hurhur.)
Seriously though, I was quite disappointed with the romance part. I mean was I expecting something sexy in the romantic department given the whole urban, thrilling and dangerous vibes from the story setting. Think OUT-OF-CONTROL jealousy scenes! Think HOT and PASSIONATE ero scenes! It's an ~adult love~. Woo.
But instead, we had everything shoved into the last ten minutes of each guy's story ha. And heck, there were actually more action between the guys e.g. Unoya/Takumi, Unoya/Inukai etc. Which is kind of fun I admit. But still...I want my romance!!!
There were so many scenes in the game that could have been leveraged on to boost the romantic aspect of the game and I don't understand why it wasn't done. Many times I was expecting something romantic or moe-ish to happen in those scenes and ended up being disappointed when nothing happens. :(
1. When Unoya pretended to be a couple with Aoi while following Reika in Mission 1. No otome fan service??? (´・ω・`)ショボーン
2. When Unoya did his kudoki stuff on Aoi. I don't mind the way it is in other routes but couldn't they have made it differently for Unoya's route???
3. When Aoi tried to practise her kudoki skills by role-playing with Unoya and Takumi. Couldn't they have made her a tennen kudokiya and get Unoya/Takumi all hot and bothered with her seductive words??? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO DAMN AWESOME Y/Y. IMAGINE UNOYA THE HOT SHIT KUDOKIYA-SAN GETTING HOT AND BOTHERED BY A ROOKIE LOLOL. Why must they make her suck at it instead? *sigh*
Also, I think they could have made the guy confess (or at least actively build up an aimai relationship between Aoi and the guy) after the kidnapping incident in Mission 3. That way they would have some time to "go out" before doing "it" and it wouldn't feel so abrupt. That, or they could extended the story and added Mission 5 after the confession after Mission 4. (I personally prefer the latter by the way...if anyone even cares.)
One big surprise for me with regard to the storyline was how Aoi ended up doing it with Shiranui in the bad end route. Like ehhh???!!! Shocking. Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ The 3P scene with Takumi and Shiranui was a surprise too. I mean
Another thing, obviously, was the heavy overlap between each guy's routes. ORIGINALITY. CAN WE HAZ SOME??? ... Or is it because the missions take up such a huge portion of the game that there was little room left for variety??? It's possible that they trapped themselves in with that. But still... *thinks* They could have made better use of the guys' individual scenes at least???
Too few endings in my opinion. Only one good ending per character? C'mon. At least give us two. EVERY OTOME GAME SHOULD HAVE TWO GOOD ENDINGS FOR EACH GUY - ONE HAPPY ENDING AND ONE TRUE ENDING. Bad endings can stay, minus the two horrible raep endings in Inukai's and Karasuma's routes.
And to be absolutely frank, I think the bad endings (minus the said two horible raep endings) were better written than the good endings. At the very least they had more impact and evoked more feelings (not ecchi ones okay) out of me.
Number of characters is just nice. For me. However, because they short-changed the story for Inukai and Karasuma, it made the whole game play felt a bit short.
In terms of character design, we have an arrogant boke, a cool tsukkomi, a tsundere megane and a yasashii oniichan who is a closet sadist. (Sorry if there're any inaccurate classifications. I'm still learning! Ha.) Quite an interesting combination. Unfortunately, they didn't capitalise on some of them enough in the game. Like Karasuma has the most complex personality and yet he appeared to be the most boring in the game. =/
If you have read my first impression post, you'd have known that I liked Takumi the most in the beginning. But after playing the whole thing, I think still prefer hot guys i.e. Unoya to cool ones. XD Plus Aoi had the best dynamics with Unoya. I really loved listening to them bicker with each other. Inukai was cute. That gyappu moe is just cho tamaranai~~~ But Takumi wins marginally with his awesome tsukkomi and tennen seme character. XD Karasuma was...a nice guy. Hur.
In terms of the voices, I have no complains. I think everyone sounded fine. Notably, Unoya's seiyuu channeled the arrogant boke ikemen really well. I really liked his draaawl. XD But at any rate, I'm not an expert on seiyuus (yet) so can't really make any comparisons or judgments.
Great improvement compared to their previous games obviously. They got all the body proportions correct. Other than a few awkward angles and inconsistency in the characters' facial structures (Unoya!), it was quite well done. The colours used were good.
Love the OP. The rest, fitting of the theme I supposed. But nothing OMGSOEFFINGFABULOUS (yes it's a word in my dictionary). Yeah. Oh but maybe they could have used a less drama-lama music for Unoya lol. XD
I don't really like how the whole game needs to "reload" when I exit each section to get back to the menu. Otherwise it's fine. Simple and clean.
Favourite Storyline: Takumi (for both Good and Bad End)
Favourite Ending: Inukai's Good End, Takumi's Good End
Character Ranking: Unoya, Takumi, Inukai, Karasuma
So! Do I like this game or not? Well, I like the story setting and the design of the characters. I'm just disappointed with the lack of romance development. Hated the raep scenes (obviously). If you can overlook the lack of romance development, and if you're not picky about collecting all the endings and memories, and if you don't mind skipping the bonus talk, the game is playable. Just skip Inukai's gang raep ending and both of Karasuma's bad endings. (I told you I'm a very lenient and tolerant otome gamer!)
And that's the end of my very first otome game review! Whew. That was long despite the fact that this is a relatively short game. But oh well, my verbal diarrhea can be difficult to control hahaha. I plan to go through the previous posts and start editing them now that I'm kind of getting the hang of this. ^^ For those who have been reading (or are just here for the CGs wtf so mean) all these while, thanks for hanging around and returning for more!
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